friend or enemy

October 24, 2010 1:13am CST
I had a friend. She told me that she's my best friend. U know what. She betrayed me many times. Then she came to me, and asked me to be her friend again. Yes, I accepted her again over and over again. She always made me disappointed, and I always forgave her too. I fell in love to someone and she destroyed it. That time, I couldn't forgive her. But then I saw her crying in the middle of the nite. I couldn't ignore her, so I helped her and opened my friendship again for her. The last time, it was the end of our relationship, when she deleted me from her FB friend. Do you think, she is my friend or my enemy?
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24 responses
@meipan (746)
• Philippines
24 Oct 10
I think, she's experiencing a problem that she couldn't express to anyone.. you as her friend maybe an option to tell the truth but she doesn't know how... I wonder why you didn't confront her about the things she'd done to you..; I know that if you're really a friend you don't need an explanations but the problem is you don't understand what's going on.. or you really don't know what's the situation for both of you.. as a friend, sometimes.. it's better to ask why before you forgive her in her mistakes... so that next time.. if she do it again.. at least.. you have a clue on what's really happening...
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• Philippines
24 Oct 10
I think your friend had a problem. In order to understand her you must talk to her heart to heart and let her open herself to you. And you may ask her if she has a problem with you and make your relationship better. But after this and still she always disappoint you. It's really better if you part ways with her.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
27 Oct 10
I think she is not a friend. Maybe she doesnt know how to be a good friend. Next time she ask to be friends you should point out to her all the crappy stuff shes done to you adn tell her no!!! and mean it. Its like self abuse that you keep letting her be your friend just to be taken advantage of and troubled by her. You can forgive her past by still not be friends. I used to know somebody like that. I had to do that same thing. Forgive them but let them go.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
27 Oct 10
I would not call her an enemy but I would certainly not call her a friend either! I had a so called friend like that years ago. She could be manipulative and nasty and compensate by being really nice and buying me gifts or cooking my favourite meal. I would get mad at the way she treated me and then she would reel me back in with her nice gestures. It kept going for years until one day I had enough and consequently ended the friendship which was not an easy thing to do but a necessary one. Any relationship which does not enhance your life and only causes you pain is not worth your time and energy.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
26 Oct 10
In that actuation of your so called friend. I think she is not your friend but nothing. She is not also your enemy. Because you do not have fight each other...
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
8 Nov 10
She may not be an enemy... but she is clearly not a friend. You should help people who are hurting, not because they deserve it, but because it is good for you to help hurting people. I would help her too. But I would not allow her to be a close friend, when I know she is not. You have to set boundaries, and not allow people you know will hurt you to continue to do so. That doesn't mean you have to hurt them back, or treat them like enemies. Vengeance is always most harmful to the person seeking vengeance. If anything, you should pity her, and pray for her. She is one who doesn't know how to be a friend, and is hurting inside.
• United States
25 Oct 10
The B!tch was and Always be an enemy! A real friend is There for you. She/He would support your love for someone special, not ruin it! A real friend would thank you for your support by being supportive , not cruel!You are far nicer than I! The moment you saw her crying that night , you should have walked away! you don't deserve this B@llsh!t! Just forget about her. Therr are people who Will be a best friend , A Real one. Just keep doing things that make you happy. Take Care.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Oct 10
coollady I think she has out worn your friendship and is now a fair weather friend. No no going back as she ruined your friendship when she destroyed your love. So she has ended it with the deleting so it is time to move on to a real friend. no a frienemy.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
25 Oct 10
Hi coollady~ Unfortunately, I have had a few "frienmies" like this myself. I have given them second chances, but they always turn around and do just about the same thing again. Most of the time people like this don't change. They are either jealous of you or just have something very wrong with them. It is difficult to have relationships and be able to really trust people, especially other women. At least that's what I find! I always watch my back even with my so called "good friends"!
• United States
25 Oct 10
She's NOT your friend dear, shes a opportunist/user of your feelings. If she was my friend i would have cut her back after the THIRD STRIKE...Period!
• United States
24 Oct 10
I definitely do not think that she is your friend. It sounds like to me that all your friend cares about is herself. She is selfish and manipulative. It sounds like you are such a nice person and she probably uses you to get what she wants. I am in a similar situation with my so called best friend. She has asked me for favors over and over again, but when I need something, she doesn't care. I have about had it and need to move on. I know that you must care about her and it really hurts because you thought she was your best friend, but she is not your friend.
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
25 Oct 10
She's one hell of a friend if you still consider her one. From the moment she betrayed you for the first time, that was really out of line. She deserves to be forgiven once, but to do it again was the worst a friend could do. I don't see why you still ask if she's a friend. She's definitely NOT! Ignore her emotional blackmail. She's an insecure person who was jealous of you from the very beginning, that's why she tried to destroy your relationships. Don't have lots of female friends because of this situation. I choose only those I can trust well.
• Indonesia
25 Oct 10
I think, she thinks you are the best man in the world. That's why she frequently tease you. You can't even be sensitive toward girl's feeling. They are always like that, can't be predicted. You may open a discussion with her. Ask what she really wants from you. They you can reconciliate again with her. Believe me, she actually loves you very much. So far, I can't see she has any motive to 'betray' you, as you say.
• Philippines
25 Oct 10
i just had same experience...well let's put is this way...she's npot your enemy..but she's not a good friend for you...the best way to solve this dilema is to have a heart to heart talk with's always a good thng to open up..but be sure you'll communicate with her in a nice way...but if it doesn't work..just ignore her....but if she needs her
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
24 Oct 10
She is definitely an enemy. You keep opening yourself up to her and allowing her to treat you that way. You need to be sure to set things straight with her and let her know you will not be treated that way again.
• United States
24 Oct 10
She is your friend in your heart, in her heart apparently you are not. I am sorry, it is truth. I know how it feels. Helping time and time again and then that same person betrays your trust, your heart, your soul. You have to face the reality of this, you love your friend, your friend does not consider you as the same. It happens, it is real.
• Portugal
24 Oct 10
for what you said she isnt your friend. please dont forgive her anymore. she already hurt you too much. she backstabbed you two times and you forgave her, she destroyed your relationship with the guy you loved and now even deleted you from her facebook. im sorry to say this but she is a stupid selfish that dont care for your feelings. and her tears if she really felt sorry for what she did to you she wouldnt hurt you again. and she did. you can find a good true friend that really be there for you and help you instead of destroy you all the time. thats not a friend trust me. dont worry anymore. im sure you can find a new friend^^
• China
24 Oct 10
i am doing business with our foreign customers . and we have a good relationship with each other. so friend is friends. business is business. we must give them enough quality and price for business then we could keep on our friendship . however .enemy will come if we don't do what we have signed on the contract. good luck.
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
24 Oct 10
I think she is extremely jealous of you. All she did was out of jealousy. I think you are saved at last as she has left you. I would suggest you not to keep any relation with her as she is not at all your well wisher and she is not your friend if not your enemy.
• Indonesia
24 Oct 10
I think she just a friend for you.