weekend entertainment

jamboree - ky jamboree
@laken02 (3065)
United States
October 24, 2010 8:16pm CST
what do you do for weekend entertainment ? do you have something you do every weekend ? i do, we, me and my mom go to the jamboree a place were they have live music , differetn singers every weekend.. we go every sat night.. we have alot of fun and they have a great band and its great family fun.. even my daughter likes to go.. there is no smoking or drinking and it is a fun laid back place. i look forward to going every sat night.. do you have a sat night routine ?
2 responses
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
2 Nov 10
Well, yes, it has become a routine for me for spending the Saturday evening. Recently, I joined the community club here of the community I am living in. One of the programs for members to take part and enjoy on Saturday evenings is Bingo Game. I very much like playing Bingo, and the program is just perfect for me to relax and enjoy the Saturday evenings. I have not won much, but I have lost a lot. Ha ha !
• Canada
25 Oct 10
What I do is that I always go to my friends' house and we would have dinner together. And after the dinner, we would go out for a karaoke nights! Singing along together to release our weekday stress. It really is fun doing that. Feels a lot lighter and free from headaches.