a ugly guy/girl says likes you and want go out with you. you accept?^^

sweet love^^ - boy and girl will kiss^^
October 25, 2010 7:18am CST
hi guys^^ imagine that a ugly guy/girl says that likes you and want to go out with you. would you give him/her a chance to meet him/her better and then maybe be good friends only or would you refuse right away? about me i would say sorry i dont like you as a date but we can be friends^^ isnt bcs was ugly but bcs i didnt know him yet so i wouldnt accept right away to go out^^ even if was very handsome. but friends i could try to be^^ face doesnt mean nothing really so. what about you guys?^^ would you at least be friends with the person or not? please share^^
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20 responses
@silvercoin (2101)
• Lithuania
25 Oct 10
I have let's say psychically unattractive friends and I'm not ashamed to go out with them in public.They're good people and they have good brains.I never get bored and I don't care how we look together.Maybe it's because I've reached a particular age.For teenagers, it's a bit difficult because you're supposed to be cool and have cool friends, and outfit, and stuff like that.
• Portugal
25 Oct 10
yes its ok^^ is nothing bad to have friends that dont look good outside^^ and maybe you are right when you say that us teenagers usually want to look good and many people want just well dressed and popular people as friends but me not really^^ i just wanted to have many friends but i never cared if they were popular or not^^ i just wanted to have a friend to hang out with me in school^^
• United States
25 Oct 10
looks aren't important to me to much but i don't go out with people just cause they like me, they have to prove that there a caring and nice person first.
• Portugal
25 Oct 10
im happy that you dont care much for looks^^ but sure you shouldnt go out right away^^ you should first know the person well and see if she is caring and nice^^ but you are waiting now for your best friend so if a girl wanted something with you you wouldnt accept it right?^^ you are waiting to love her and be with her so if a girl tried you wouldnt say yes right?^^
• Portugal
27 Oct 10
so you were with that girl but were waiting for your best friend? sure the girl was right in being angry. you shouldnt use a girl like that. what would happen to her then? when your best friend you would leave your gf? you should also see her feelings. if you want to love your best friend dont be with other girls or they can get hurt when your best friend appears and you leave them.
• United States
26 Oct 10
last person kept asking even though they knew about my best friend so i got annoyed and said yes but they were mad after a while saying i should give up my best friend so i said no and they said they thought they could change my mind. so we broke up
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
28 Oct 10
I would probably go if I didn't have other plans for the night. At the very least, we could probably enjoy a meal and a good conversation. You don't have to be attracted to someone physically in order to have a good time with them...
@TLilly15 (2316)
• Newport News, Virginia
5 May 16
Look are not everything,, I was dating this guy, who would always come to my house, drunk all the time to me that made him, a ugly person and I would never,date a ugly drunk again.
@Karunvig (714)
• India
25 Oct 10
i will nt lie... i will say that, i will say NO to her ...
• Portugal
25 Oct 10
you will say no just bcs she looks ugly outside? wouldnt you give her a chance to be friends with you? if a girl comes to you and says she likes you how can you say no? i mean you can say you dont like her that way but you could say to be friends. thats nothing bad. the girl likes you and can be a good friend. at least you could try to dont break her heart that much.
• Portugal
27 Oct 10
so why did you say that you wouldnt accept go out with a girl if she was ugly outside? you say that you dont know how your gf looks like and still you love her^^ so is bcs looks dont matter to you^^ anyway you should know how she looks like. if you dont know is bcs you met her online right? she didnt show you a pic or showed you in cam? bcs you know there are liars online so you should be sure if she is a girl and if she has the age she told you. you must trust her sure but also you must see her face to be sure if she is who she says^^
@Karunvig (714)
• India
27 Oct 10
i have done cross check dont worry :D :P
• India
26 Oct 10
I also think that every one loves beauty and I would prefer to take her as a friend.
• Portugal
27 Oct 10
not everyone prefers beauty. i disagree with you. some guys are not handsome but we feel attracted ^^ like guys that are charming but not handsome. also why you want a beautiful girl if she is bad inside? is normal that you wouldnt accept to go out with an ugly girl and be friends with her but about care more about a girl's beauty than anything else thats wrong. heart is the most important.
• India
26 Oct 10
it depends what kind of wibes i get froim the person if positive will give it a shot and i i dont get a positive vibes will say sorry right away coz its not about ugly or beautiful looks r something which i like to have ain my partner but m not sticking on this facktor all together the thing is importner is i feel nice around my date
• Portugal
27 Oct 10
yes sure^^ i agree that what is the most important is if you feel happy in the date^^ and doesnt matter if is ugly or not^^ im happy that you would give a chance to the person^^ that way you would know more about her and know if the date was worth of your time or not^^ is cute that you would give a chance^^ some people wouldnt^^
@shaggin (74023)
• United States
26 Oct 10
LOL thats pretty hard. I mean someone can be a truly amazing person but if they are really ugly I dont think that I could have a relationship with them. I know that sounds really mean but I'm just being honest. I know that I'm not the prettiest person but I can get decent guys I dont need to date people I'm not attracted to.
• Portugal
27 Oct 10
no shaggin^^ you are not being mean^^ is the reality that we also need to feel attraction or else relationship cant work^^ we need chemistry and love^^ and thats impossible if you dont feel attraction^^ and sure he could be amazing but isnt the one for you^^ and about you dont be pretty you should trust more in yourself^^ for what you said you dated much already^^ so is bcs guys like you^^ so dont even think you are not pretty ok?^^ and sure you can get decent guys^^ dating one that you dont feel attracted would be too bad^^
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
26 Oct 10
Of course I would. A person's good looks are not what attracts me to them anyway. It's their personality. Of course I would want to know a person a bit before agreeing to date them . What I found was that some of the not so great looking guys actually started to look good as I got to know them. I saw the appeal in them.
• Portugal
27 Oct 10
yes sid^^ thats true that looks are not the most important^^ their heart is^^ me also i dont care about looks when i like a guy^^ actually guys i liked were not that handsome ahah^^ just my bf now is too cute really^^ seems a cute prince^^ but i dont love him bcs of that but bcs he is sweet and caring and honest^^ im happy that you dont judge guys for their looks^^ and like more their personality^^ i think that what attracts girls more to guys is those guys that can makes us laugh all the time right?^^ ahah
@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
26 Oct 10
That depends how ugly the person is. If that is a face even his own mother can not love, then, I will not think of going out with him. LOL Seriously, no. I wouldn't go out with him ALONE ( I think, even if he is handsome, still , i will not go out with him alone on our first meeting). Having a chaperone is best because I'm not prepared of my own reaction when I go out with him. A third party can be an ice breaker when things become uncomfortable. It is not because of his looks. HOWEVER, I WILL NOT CLOSE MY DOOR OF KNOWING HIM MORE AS A PERSON. BESIDES, I BELIEVE THAT BEAUTY IS ALWAYS SKIN DEEP. Who knows, I might discover a handsome prince beneath his froggy look..:)
• Portugal
27 Oct 10
yes you are right about going out with a guy alone ahah i would feel too shy also^^ anyway is true that a third party can help^^ can make the conversation easier even^^ anyway about his looks ahah even his mother didnt like him? ahah that is too bad ahah but you are right in giving him a chance to meet him better^^ is true that beneath his froggy look like you say ahah he really was a cute prince^^ and you found right guy^^ also some guys change with age^^ maybe he could look better someday ahah
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
26 Oct 10
For me friend's okey but to court you I don't like.
• Portugal
27 Oct 10
you would say that to the girl?^^ is good that you would be friends with her^^ thats a good thing of you to be friends with her even if she was ugly^^ but about court her i understand that you wouldnt bcs guys care too much about outside beauty. anyway by being her friend maybe you would find out her qualities^^ and who knows you could change your mind^^
25 Oct 10
this is a nice subject. :)
• Portugal
25 Oct 10
thanks martin^^ and welcome to mylot^^ i wish that you like it here in mylot^^ and that you can answer my discussions always^^ about this one thanks for like it^^ im surprised with people answers^^ everyone said they would go out with the ugly person so thats good^^ we human beings care more with our hearts than with our eyes so thats great^^
• United States
25 Oct 10
i would say.... go out with me on a date? or be my boyfriend? bc if you want me to be your girlfriend... then no.. but i would let him take me on a date. everyone deserves a chance. i wouldnt be anyone girlfriend unless i got to know them first.
• Portugal
25 Oct 10
yes i understand that you want to meet the guy first^^ is normal^^ and just then be together^^ i agree with you^^ we should know the person deeply first^^ and just then decide if the guy is the right one or not^^ is sweet that you would let him take you on a date^^ im surprised with the answers people said really^^ everyone said they would go out with an ugly outside person^^ unless one guy but other ones agreed with your answer^^ is sweet that everyone would give a chance to meet better someone that isnt handsome/pretty outside^^
• Philippines
26 Oct 10
I will say,Yes! For me I'm not looking toward the looks of a certain person. I value most the inner side of a person and not the outer side. Anyway in selecting GF I value most the love that I feel on her. Physical wont last but Love will stand in many many years!
• Portugal
27 Oct 10
yes link^^ you really seem a sweet guy^^ im happy that you dont care for looks but about her heart^^ and you are right looks dont last^^ but love lasts^^ so im happy that you value love more than her looks^^ also when we love i dont think that is related to looks at all^^ is only our feelings^^ is not bcs a guy is handsome that i will love him^^
26 Oct 10
Well i had a situation like this awhile ago when i was walking home with this girl, and just as we was near my house, she turned and said she liked me, so i sat down outside my house with her, explaining how she is a nice person and i would enjoy being her friend, but i dont want to go out with her, but then i said how soon she would meet someone who will love her like no one has ever loved anyone, because i think that out there is someone for everyone who will love them unconditionally, but it just wasen't me.
• Portugal
27 Oct 10
thats cute that you said no in a sweet way^^ you talked in a caring way so im sure that even she was sad she wasnt that sad^^ and i know now why she loved you^^ bcs you are sweet and caring^^ you said things in a sweet way so she wouldnt be so hurt^^ and sure is true that we all have someone for us^^ and you are not for her but is ok^^ is good that you told her that she would find a good guy soon^^
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
25 Oct 10
When I was young I was quite choosy. Though I am no beauty queen myself but I feel ashamed if I go out with a person that doesn't appeal to me physically. In actual fact, physical ugliness is no handicap to a charming personality. Only now that I realize the truth of this dating game. I learned that an ugly person cultivates the virtue of compassionate love that love will show in so many winning ways. More often the charming guy lack a lot of this virtue cos he is proud of his god given asset - handsome/pretty face. I would surely pick a not so handsome person should I be given a 2nd choice in life.
• Portugal
25 Oct 10
i see^^ but dont feel guilty for feeling that way^^ many people feel the same^^ we like to go out with someone that attracts us also physically^^ and even if you give a chance to an ugly guy to be friends the truth is if you dont feel attracted you cant be with him ever. attraction is also needed in a relationship^^ or it wont work. im happy that if you had a second chance you would value more the guy's heart^^ but isnt your fault really^^ we are human and thats the way we act and feel :)
@youless (112900)
• Guangzhou, China
28 Oct 10
If I mind his look, and I know it is not possible for me to have love relationship with him in the future. Then I will decline his invitation because I don't want to waste our time. If he just wants to be friends with me, that's OK. But I don't call it as a "date". I love China
• Philippines
25 Oct 10
Hello sweetlove, I think the first girl friend i had is not metiza but she was nice. unfornately, i couldn't defend her and i was so ashamed of myself. when i met her with friends, i told them she was my friend and not GF. but i guess it was better to let her go because i was a miserable boyfriend at that time, but i never say anything bad to her. i missed her as she worked in dubai
• Portugal
25 Oct 10
aw i see she wasnt pretty but was ok^^ but why were you ashamed of yourself? anyway why didnt you tell your friends that she was your gf and not only a friend? well if you let her go bcs you didnt love her is ok but if you still liked her you shouldnt have left. but im happy you didnt say nothing bad to her^^ if she works in dubai you can still try to contact with her maybe through facebook or something
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
25 Oct 10
We shouldn't judge someone on just their physical appearance. That does not make them the person they are inside. i would be willing to give anyone a chance. Once i get to know them, then i can decide if there is a future of a relationship with them.
• Portugal
25 Oct 10
thats cute that you wouldnt judge him^^ and you would give him a chance to see if he was sweet or not^^ is true that physical appearance isnt everything^^ it doesnt say how the person is inside^^ im happy that you would give a chance for that guy and see if you could be with him later on^^ thats cute^^ we should always know people deeply before judge them^^
• Indonesia
25 Oct 10
if this happened to me i will saying okey we go out but i can answering i like you or not and if you dont mind i like to know you first and if in all time i know you more then any one else maybe .. just maybe i will saying like you too , i saying like this cause i a man and i dont know about women else beside you sweetloveforeve maybe any women else will be run for it sad that guy
• Portugal
25 Oct 10
you mean that im the only girl you know that wouldnt run away from an ugly guy? ahah im not the only one^^ for sure other girls would give a chance to meet the guy better^^ anyway im happy that you also would talk with the girl and wouldnt run away^^ thats sweet of you^^ some guys care much for looks^^ so im happy that you would give her a chance to know her better^^ you are sweet^^
• India
25 Oct 10
well if that girl is close to me or I really care about her then I would or else I don't care and if she is really close then I would go out with her but not as her boyfriend only as a friend and if its a stranger then I would prefer becoming her friend but not directly step into a relationship and I would try not breaking that girls heart and by making her happy some or the other way.....
• Portugal
25 Oct 10
thats cute that you would try to know her better^^ and sure you should first go out with her as a friend only^^ bcs being with someone you need to know the person deeply first^^ or at least have feelings^^ but is sweet that you wouldnt want to break the girl's heart^^ and would try to make her happy even as friends or more^^ you are a good guy^^