Ever Get Something Other Than Candy When You Went Trick or Treating?

@Cherryd41 (1119)
United States
October 25, 2010 9:34pm CST
Hi Mylotters Was just wondering if anyone ever got anything other than candy when trick or treating I remember when I was a little girl we had a guy who gave out toys for trick or treats,then there was one time we got money instead of candy . There was an older couple up the street from us who were known for giving out rolls of pennies or nickels and sometimes just single quarters to kids back then that meant a lot cuz it meant you could go to the store and buy more junk There was this one time when the toy man gave away view masters to the kids I'll never forget mine was red and I think it had Scooby Do slides in it I thought that was so cool ...even today there is a couple up the street from us who gives out toys every now and then to the kids or small stuffed animals instead of treats my kids went there one time I think thats a nice twist on the holiday to give away something other than candy
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6 responses
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
26 Oct 10
I have received something other than candy in my trick or treating days. Chips, coins, pencils, books and fast food certificates have been some of the things i have received instead of candy.
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
26 Oct 10
Hi Sender I got pencils before to I almost forgot about that my teacher would give them out to us before we went home at school she would put them in our goodie bags
• Philippines
26 Oct 10
My kids go on trick or treating every year and some neighbors are really creative in coming up with simple but enjoyable treats. Instead of the usual candies, one of our neighbors decided to hand out a glass of ice cold juice to the kids. The kids of course, were tired and thirsty from all the walking and running around, thus, the juice provided for a refreshing treat to quench their thirst. This was a simple treat, yet I felt it was a good gesture.
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
26 Oct 10
Hi Hippie Now thats something I've never heard of before a glass of juice? I would imagine that whoever was giving that out must have run out of juice that night cuz I know for us last year the kids came out in droves they were coming from all directions we had a pretty good turnout last year and some pretty neat lookin costumes
• Canada
26 Oct 10
We went out on a dare last Halloween to see what we could collect and were surprised at some of the things we got. Full sized chocolate bars instead of the miniature ones, cans of pop and change as well. When I was a kid, we simply got candy and chips, nothing else. It was pretty boring. My husband is daring us to go out again this year, but I've said no as it's not worth it, we don't live in an area where there are good places to go.
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
26 Oct 10
Hi Kris I think it keeps the holiday intersting when people can offer something other than just candy so you got full sized chocolate bars huh? Thats pretty good now thats something I don't ever recall getting
@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
26 Oct 10
that's cool... I can see an older couple doing that, getting Happy Meals at McDonald's, saving the toys and then handing them out at Halloween! I always got the happy meal because that was all I needed to eat - well, before I knew about the allergies anyway - since then I've almost never gone to McD's because they have so little I can eat...
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
26 Oct 10
Hi Elic Yes it was an older couple those are the types that would do something like that actually I would have rather gotten more toys than candy when I trick or treated becauase I knew there was no candy shortage we had plenty of it at home
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@pastigger (612)
• United States
26 Oct 10
My friends mom would always hand out dimes. I am not sure why. There is a story that if you go in one part of the city they hand out money, but I don't think that is actually true. They were saying like $5 and such. My daughter didn't get anything but candy last year and I ate most of it since she was only 2 and really doesn't have a sweet tooth. She loved going to all the house though and is very excited for this year. I just hope it doesn't snow. I remember on year someone was giving out tattoos and kids were saying that they were laced with LSD oh how the world has changed. There was one couple that would hand out home made treats with a note saying where they had come from and a number parents could call. That was when I was a kid and things were starting to change. I remember that every year half of my tootsie rolls and my peanut m&ms were always bad LOL later it became a fee for checking my candy, got to love moms. I do remember on lady would pass out little bible cards with the candy. My rule when I do pass out candy is if you wear a costume you get candy I don't care the age and plus kids are big these days. Enjoy you Halloween!
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
26 Oct 10
Hi Pastigger I hope theres no truth to that one that would be awful There are some sickos out here who have nothing else better to do with their time but come up with ways to hurt someone on an innocent holiday
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
26 Oct 10
Well when i was younger and used to trick or treat I would get other little things besides candy people would give me little toy dolls which I cant really say I liked. I did like the cool little stickers they would give out though. Those days are over because its not safe anymore but eh it was still an interesting holiday. I will look more forward to black friday.
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
26 Oct 10
Hi Kirinx I think I can remember getting stickers a couple of Halloweens when I was a kid I liked them stickers back then was always cool we used to put them on our windows and our notebooks in school and our lunchboxes