What can kiss INFECTING Flu?

October 26, 2010 8:49am CST
whether kissing can transmit the flu because the flu virus, rhinovirus family allegedly exist only on the liquid snot is not in saliva. However, most of the flu is spread through coughing, sneezing or touching infected surfaces.When kissing, few viruses are removed from saliva, and people who have a good body immunity, will not be easy to catch, so even though the people around us had the flu but our immune nice, we could not catch too!, How do you think?
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2 responses
• Romania
26 Oct 10
What's the difference between coughing, sneezing or touching infected surfaces and kissing? I think it's the exact same thing. And there are moany other viruses and diseases transmited thru kissing. The common flu is just an easy one, gone in 7 days with treament and in a week without :)
• Indonesia
27 Oct 10
whether we should stay away from people who have the flu? what if that person our parents, are we going to escape?
@gengeni (3308)
• Indonesia
3 Nov 10
The average adult will have a cold as much as one to three times a year . If you often get the flu, this means your immune system does not work optimally. Inadequate sleep, exercise, and consumption of nutritious foods to boost immunity.