Would you work 12 hours a day?
By scheng1
@scheng1 (24649)
October 27, 2010 8:12am CST
If you have a job offer that pays well, but requires you to work 12 hours or more per day, would you take it?
What is your thought on working long hours?
Many workers in developing countries like to work long hours, since they have overtime payment of at least 1.5 times the hourly rate.
They rather take a job that allows them to work 12 hours per day, and 7 days a week than a job that work just 40 hours per week. They want to save the extra money for their children to attend college.
What about you? Would you do that? Do you have the commitment to work long hours for more money?
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82 responses
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 10
haha 2004, everyone knows parenting is more tiring than working in office environment.
Over here, it is common to hire a foreign maid to take care of kids, so that parents can resume working.
At least there is still a knock off time for working. There is no rest time for parenting.
The foreign maids are trained in all housework before coming here to work. They can do housework better than us.
Many parents return home just to hug their kids and talk to them. They do not need to worry about housework or getting kids ready for school.
@ronald14 (35)
29 Oct 10
I think yes. If it pays well why not? Right? In my country, because of low salary. People are force to work 12 hrs. Because they wanted to earn the right money. In order to make their family better. But the legal work time is only 8 hrs. But because of super low salary, people in my country are encourage to work 12 hrs. For me also, if the pay on the 8hrs in not good, then I would rather accept the 12 hrs that pays well.
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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 10
Hi Ronald, actually low salary is not a problem if the standard of living is low. The problem comes when the price of housing keep increasing, and yet the salary remains low.
Over here, it is the same situation. It seems that many foreigners are buying the houses.
In the end, the locals work very hard, and still have problem getting a place big enough for the whole family.
The housing price doubles every few years, until the government is very concerned about it.
Too bad the salary does not increase at the same rate. Salary does not even increase at a rate higher than the inflation rate.
@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
29 Oct 10
I've done that for a year or more to earn additional money. The only way that I would work more than a forty hour week is a a non-salaried worker so that I am compensated. I won't work for my employer for free.
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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 10
Hi Scorpiobabes, nobody would want to work for free.
Everyone wants something more to compensate for working longer than the official working hours.
In my case, I ask for higher basic salary since I know that I will not get overtime payment.
I think with the higher basic, and the higher bonus, I am willing to put in extra hours at work.
I prefer to work hard and earn more so that I can save up for retirement. I think early retirement is a possiblity.
With the unstable economic situation, it is a reality that many people are forced into early retirement.
@kai9999 (1700)
• India
29 Oct 10
12 hours per day?????its hard to do that. i can work hardly for 10 hours per day, i prefer to work only for 6 hours per day, that is my effective level of working. remaining hours i preference to rome in street or read a book to relax myself. it hard to concentrate 12 hours per day.......

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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 10
Hi Kai, I think if your job has a variety of tasks, you can work 12 hours a day too.
The problem occurs when the job is so mindless and does not have enough varieties to keep you from getting bored.
I cannot tolerate working in a call center for even 4 hours. Yet I can work in my job for 12 hours.
The difference is in the level of activities. Working in a call center is so boring, just answering calls, and there is a timer to keep track of the actual hours of work.
I cannot tolerate this kind of working environment. The only comfort is that nobody has the time to gossip and backstab another person.
@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
29 Oct 10
I retired after working for 41 years. I always believed in the saying give more than what you have received and do more than what you are expected to do. Though administration expected me to work for eight hours but I used to work for more than eight, at time even 12 or more. I did not work overtime for the sake of money. I must complete the task assigned to me used to be the foremost thought. All it gave me was satisfaction. What did I get in return? I as able to excel myself if not others.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 10
Hi Achilles, that is a very good attitude. I think your boss appreciates your good work and rewards you adequately.
Some people never think from their bosses point of view.
It is hard for a boss to ask for a promotion for you, if you have not showed any desire to excel.
A boss can justify promotion if the employee works hard, work smart and bring in tons of money for the company, or taken on a higher level job, and doing it exceedingly well.
There is no way a person who does the minimum can get the promotion.
I hope I do not have to work 41 years. I like to retire early, so that I can go for a world tour while still healthy.
@mercedlegurpa (955)
• Philippines
29 Oct 10
For my family yes is my answer. Sometimes we have to sacrifice so our children will have a better future.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 10
Hi Mercedlegurpa, that is what my parents always said when we were young. They worked very hard, and worked very long hours.
Their overtime payment is even more than their salary.
For us kids back then, we never became bad. In fact, we studied harder, so that we can score well to repay our parents.
I think the work attitude of our parents is great. Just too bad many people do not have the same attitude.
They do not want to work hard in their job, yet they can expect higher salary. Some people here complain about working extra hour, yet they can play overnight in the casino.
I just hope their kids do not have to suffer emotionally or financially when their parents have such attitude.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
28 Oct 10
Hi Sheng
I used to work 12 hours and more on Days when I used to work, but I was not getting more money for it
My Job was not done for the Day until all my Contracts where sorted for the Day
Then I would go home and have my Time with my Son and Daughter
I used to love my Job and would do it all over again
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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 10
Hi Gabs, fortunately you love the job, otherwise it is a torture to work such long hours.
I think your children are used to you working late. Some kids do not want parents to monitor their every movement, it is possible to have work long hours and enjoy the family after a long day at work.
I think if overtime work is accompanied by overtime payment, that is even better. You can accumulate enough to retire young and rich.
@chiumee (850)
• Philippines
27 Oct 10
i am working in an arab country and the common contract for overseas contract workers like me is to work 12 hours a day for 17 or 19 days a month. unfortunately, i am one who has those basic 19 days a month. from any other companies, they only require their staffs to work 17 days a month. the point is, i am one of those who are overused and abused. this way, i should deserve more salary than what i am receiving now.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
29 Oct 10
Hi Chiumee, I am not aware of the difference in contract for people working in Arab country.
Are you working on a fixed term contract? I think you can only re-negotiate the contractual term after the expiry of your current contract.
It is just too bad that you get the worse deal.
Anyway the term is still better than what many people are getting in Asian countries.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
29 Oct 10
I used to work in a job that required longer worker hours at certain times, not every day. At my age I found it very hard. It was even harder when we had to work every night and the weekend, sometimes 14 hours and then all day on the weekends and every night the next week as well. I found it totally exhausting. There was time for nothing except work, sleep. I would start at 8am and get home by 10:30 or 11pm. No time to cook, just reheat some food and then go to bed.
It sucks. It is not worth the money. I would never do it again. I did this for 10 years and now I suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and cannot work at all. Now I can barely function on a daily basis. I cannot prove my job had anything to do with it but I believe it wore me out. I was in my 40's and did not have the energy to cope with it now I have no energy at all.
Money is not worth sacrificing your life for.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 10
Hi Sharra, your former job sounds too horrible.
I do not mind working long hours, as long as I have adequate rest time after a period of hard work.
I think your work is very demanding, that is why your health suffers.
I have worked from 7 am to 11 pm before. That was not usual. The usual time was from 7 am to 9 pm.
I think I can sleep very well at night, that is why I can tolerate this kind of crazy hours, plus I love to go on a day hike on my rest day.
It is hard to recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I think you need to quit all fast food, and eat home cooked food.
@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
27 Oct 10
I lived in one of those developing countries you have said. Yes, I did and I will. I did work for more than 12 hours a day in my previous job though it didn't offer big amount of salary , no overtime fees or night differential. Although I worked in an hourly rate , and I stayed for 12 hours it doesn't mean that I received the equivalent amount. Whew! it was tiring but not satisfying.
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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
28 Oct 10
Hi BabyEj, I feel so sorry that you are not adequately rewarded for your effort.
At least the employer is very upfront in telling me that I will not get any compensation for overtime.
I can ask for higher basic salary to compensate for the lack of overtime payment.
At least that is fair.
I think those who work long hours must have some time-off or extra salary, otherwise it is very demoralizing.
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
27 Oct 10
if i worked 12 hours in a job where im sitting sure. but being up without even rest for 12 hours would be impossible. my body couldnt take it
is sweet that those people work all those hours to pay college to their children but they also have to care for themselves too. and for their health. if you work 12 hours you can have much money thats true but how will you have time for your family? you will just want to sleep and nothing else. how can someone like happy like this? we should live to be happy also and not just sacrifice.

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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
29 Oct 10
Hi Sweetlove, I think another factor we have to consider is the difficulty of the job, not just the sitting or standing part.
Certain jobs are mentally demanding. I certainly do not want the doctors in the hospital emergency department to work more than 12 hours every day. I think they will make judgement error.
The time for family part is over-emphasized. It does not mean divorce rate is low if everyone works 40 hours work week.
Those people in developing countries are working very long hours, and yet the divorce rate is low, and the children are obedient.
@pokumon (644)
• United States
28 Oct 10
I would maybe work it occasionally for overtime, but I do not think I would be able to consistently work long hours. I do not have that much energy and would have to take frequent breaks and drink coffee probably to stay awake that long. Overtime would make it worth it because you do get paid so much more, but so far I've never had the opportunity to work overtime. For that matter I've rarely worked 8 hours in a row, but when I did it was not that bad so maybe 12 hours at a job I don't mind would not be that bad.
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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 10
Hi Pokumon, for certain work, I do not think I can even last more than four hours in the job.
If the job requires facing the computer 12 hours a day, that is out of question for me.
It is very tiring for my eyes. I like some people contact in a job, so that I do not have to face the computer screen the whole day.
I like some physical activities as well. Otherwise i will find it hard to fall asleep at night.
@sajeevking (5073)
• Mumbai, India
27 Oct 10
Well i think if you work for 12 hours in weekdays and then at weekends you enjoy with your friends and family is good enough i am from a developing country and there are not many jobs like seven days a weeks here but ya 6 days is max.
i would work for 12 hours if they offer a good pay and as per commitment i would do any thing to make some one happy...
that what i think......bye
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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
28 Oct 10
Hi Saveevking, I think if all of our friends are working 12 hours a day, we might as well work long hours too.
I think it is important to have time for friends and family. Even if there is a need to work during weekend, there must be a compensatory time off.
Certain industries are very busy at certain time of the year, such as the tourism industry where the tour guides have to work practically every day during the festive seasons.
However, once the season is over, they have a lot of time.
@mattnjen (2)
• United States
27 Oct 10
I would work 12hr a day 7 days a week if the money is good. I worked 12hr days be for and it was long but I got paid good money and I loved doing it. If I do not love the job I wont even take it. I did that be for and it was not fun but some times you got to take what you can get and then look for something better. People got to pay the pills.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
29 Oct 10
Hi Mattnjen, same here, I wont take the job if I hate the work.
I think working an hour on a task you hate is killing enough. Money does not really matter in this case.
If the job is interesting, then extra money for extra hour is worthwhile. I think working 12 hours a day for 7 days a week is good only for the short term. If it lasts longer than a month, we will get sick of the job too.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
29 Oct 11
Most people I know work at least 12 hours a day. It's a pretty regular thing here in Canada. Yes, they do get paid for 7 1/2 hours of overtime at time and a half but not everyone does. Some people work by salary and don't get paid any overtime at all and some people get to bank their overtime and take time off for it.
When I was working in an office, for 17 years, I worked most days...between 10 and 14 hours. And I usually worked 6 days a week. I didn't get paid for my overtime but with the job I had it was expected and so it was accountted for when I got my raises and all. I made out pretty good with it, money wise, but I had to earn it...by working hard.
Now I am self employed and I clean houses for a living. I work what ever hours I want to work but of course the less hours I work...the less money I make. Right now I am working about 6 hours a day and making just as much money as I was working for 12 hours a day in an office.
What would you do if you could work for yourself and earn the same amount of money working 6 hours a day as you did when you worked 12 hours a day?
Good luck and happy mylotting my friend,

@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
1 Nov 11
I live in Alberta which is oil country so the oil field people work long hours. We do get 2 weeks holidays after one year of employment and then after 5 years we get 3 weeks, depending on which company you work for. I don't know what the law is on that other than the 2 weeks is mandatory after 1 year of work.
If you work for the federal government you get up to 5 weeks holidays after 20 years of employment and in some private companies as well.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
1 Nov 11
Hi Chrislotz, no wonder you mention that the money is good!
After all, it is a very stable industry, as long as the oil does not run out in the near future.
I think the employment laws in Asian countries offer much lesser benefits to the workers.
Those people in China get just five days of vacation leaves when they joined a company.
Most of them do not utilize it too.
The culture is that of long working hours and no rest day, except when the company shuts down for certain festivals.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 11
Hi Chrislotz, it is rather surprising to hear that.
While working very long hours is a cultural thing in Asia, most Western countries frown on such practice.
I think economy can go forward only when people are willing to work hard.
if everyone wants to work just 40 hours, or less than that, and they want more vacation leave entitlement, then the companies will shift the operations out.
Over here, the vacation leave entitlement is very little.
The employment law guarantees only 7 days per year.
While it will increase by a day each year, the maximum entitlement is just 14 days under the law.
However, most companies give better than that.
Even then, it is hard to find a job that gives more than 20 years vacation leave.
Even senior management does not get to enjoy so many leave entitlement.
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@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
27 Oct 10
Yes. In my present situation and financial needs i need to work hard for the money so i will work 12hrs as long as i can carry. Today it was hard to fine a job especially if you are aged or above the qualifications. I almost want to make the night like a day too for the needs of money because we need it badly this time. But if I know that my health is not good for the job i prefer to do it regularly. I'll try to find another job that not requires more time. But still i search part time job.

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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
28 Oct 10
Hi Mods, I can understand how you feel about work.
Actually working long hour does not necesarily means physically or mentally draining work.
Some security firms hire low level security guards to sit in the guard house of the clients. They have to work 12 hours a day. However, the work is not physically or mentally tiring.
In certain work, just a few hours of work is physically draining.
I think work hour is just one factor of the job scope that we have to consider seriously. The other factors include work stress, and the working environment, and the salary.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
27 Oct 10
Anyone who worked 12 hours a day with never a day off would burn out on the job very quickly. No matter how much money is involved it would not be a healthy thing to do. Most jobs in the states that have longer hours also have fewer days in the work week or employees work so many days on and so many days off, though there are exceptions.
It is not safe for someone to work too many hours without time off. Aside from the health implications someone who has worked too many hours without time off will suffer from fatigue and other issues and make mistakes which can cause problems for productivity or for the safety of others.
I used to work a 12 hour desk job on weekends only and the pay was ok, but the days were really long and the place was very quiet so it was hard not to get sleepy. I have worked other jobs that went longer than 12 hours but they were not on a 7 day schedule.
Today it would take a lot of money for me to work long hours (a huge amount) and I would only be willing to do it a few days at a time.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
29 Oct 10
Hi Canellita, many jobs that require long hours are not really mentally draining. Over here, the shop assistants generally do very long hours, and odd hours. They are not really busy until certain hours.
Likewise, the security guards sitting at the guard house do not work all the time. Most of the time is spend waiting.
I think I will die in this kind of boring job.
I do not mind working overtime, as long as the pay is good and the job is interesting enough.
Actually I prefer to work just five days week. If I need to work on weekends, I prefer time off rather than money.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 10
haha Canellita, you have not tried a lengthy meeting!
I hate meetings, especially those meetings that run over two hours. That really drives me crazy.
The first 15 minutes is wasted on waiting for everyone to arrive and get their coffee.
Then the next 15 minutes to recap on last meeting.
When the meeting really starts, and a few troublesome ones start to argue with each other, the rest of us really can sleep.
I do not mind a job with downtime if the bosses allow us to play computer games. I had job like that once. We needed to wait for the store to get the items ready before printing the delivery order.
We played the computer games to kill time or just mingling round with colleagues. We were paid overtime for waiting!
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
30 Oct 10
A job with too much down time where you could have a chance to be bored would drive me crazy! I get restless when I have that kind of job and I feel like my time is being wasted.

@narnia007 (1050)
• India
27 Oct 10
even i m from a developing country..i wouldn't take up the job even if they pay me extra twice...whats the use of having so much of money when you can not spend time with your family nor find time to spend the hard earned money at least...may be i would take the extra work for one or two days for a little extra money..
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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
27 Oct 10
Hi Narnia, actually those who can work late and work throughout the week do not have families with them.
Most of them work in cities, while their parents and children stay in the countryside.
Their purpose of going to cities is to get a job, work very hard, save a lot of money, so that they can buy a house, and save money to send their children to college.
I do not mind working hard or working late into the night, as long as I still have time to sleep, that is because I dont have a family to take care of.
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@Memnon (2170)
31 Oct 10
I already do. This confirms that Britain is indeed fast sliding down the tally of developed nations.
I'm working a 60 hour week to earn less gross than the government maximum take home for a household claiming benefits.

@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 10
Hi Memnon, I dont even know there is a maximum working hours rule!
I think it is very stupid. No wonder those big companies want to move out of Europe and bring jobs to developing countries.
Over in Singapore, the law states the maximum working hour as 44 hours per week. There is an overtime cap of 72 hours per month.
That brings the average work week to 62 hours per week. Since the working hours do not include lunch break. It is possible to work stay in office 12 hours per day, since the actual working hours is just 11 hours per day.
Working 5 days week at this rate means we are working just 55 hours in a week, still below the maximum allowed hours.
Most of us are not under the employment law, since our basic salary is higher than those protected under the act.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 10
Hi Memnon, it is sad to hear that. Most people have the idea that living in the developed countries mean less work and more money.
I think not only Britain is having the problem of creating enough well paying jobs, I think the whole Europe is facing the same problem.
Looking at the way the workers in developing countries are working, those in developed countries are lucky to keep their jobs.
If the jobs start to flow back to developed countries, a lot of people will grab the chance to work 60 hours week.
@Memnon (2170)
31 Oct 10
That raises another interesting point. With a few exceptions, EU member states subscribe to a maximum working week of 48 hours. That means that, if there is a lot of overtime available, it is illegal to work: which means that your earnings have an absolute maximum whilst in that job. 

@funkykid (441)
• India
27 Oct 10
Yes i would work for 12 hrs if they would pay me some handsome amount of money.but unless i like what iam doing i dont even join that job.but one iam into it they i will do what ever it takes to fullfill my employers needs.and why not earn some decent amunt of extra Cash for doing what you are goo at and love to do :) btw iam also from an devloping Country :)
Happy Mylotting :D
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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
27 Oct 10
Hi Funkykid, that is my thought as well.
I think people in developing countries do not mind to work hard and work late provided the salary is good, and the job is good.
In my case, it is a job that I have passion for. The only difference is that this particular company is a big company, so the volume is there.
That means I am essentially doing the same thing, except the transactions are more than the other companies in the country.
In my case, there is no overtime payment, so I ask for higher basic salary to compensate for the late hours.
The employer has indicated very clearly that late hour is needed, and even weekend is needed. For work on weekend, there is a compensatory day off.
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