Calling All Christians

October 27, 2010 4:55pm CST
I am wondering do you ever stop to compare how your life is lining up with the word of God? Do you think that it is even necessary to do that even if we are chrisitian?
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5 responses
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
28 Oct 10
I am a Christian. I don't live my life by God's word. I never really have. Never will. One reason I don't is the bible is out dated and has alot of exaggerated stories in it. We live in the 21st century! Some of God's word doesn't apply today or fit in this day and age! So I can't see alot of people living i life by God's word!
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• Canada
28 Oct 10
Wow that is so facinating to me. I don't think I have ever heard a christian say that before. Funny because I was just telling someone the other day that the Bible is the most reliable book of guidance and counsel for our everyday lives. Amazing how we all see things so differently!
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@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
2 Nov 10
Coffee, I'm with you on this one. Nothing more reliable than the Bible! Though because of the many bad translations out there one has to work a little harder to find the truth on any one subject. But God helps the sincere ones to find the truth. I have about 20 different translations and am constantly comparing to really find the truth.
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
27 Oct 10
Since a label can misrepresent if it not genuine so it is our thoughts, words and actions combined that prove whether we are a genuine Christian and not just someone claiming to be one. I always remember these famous words: Matthew 7:21-23 (New International Version) "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!' What we call ourselves and what Christ might call us might be two different things. So the Bible is like a mirror, if we read it regularly, it will help us see what we really are.
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• Canada
28 Oct 10
You have a really good point there. I know lots of christians who struggle with reading their Bible all the time. I know for me when I do a self reflection I see how far I can easily stray from Gods ways so the Bible teaches me or woos me back to God's truth's.
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@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
28 Oct 10
Bible reading might be struggle for some but then how much time do they waste on useless things that have no value whatsoever? I find that if I do my Bible reading the first thing in the morning then I'm good. If I put it off for later then it becomes a problem. We get side-tracked so easily and before we know it the day is over and the most important thing in our life is neglected. But I can tell you from personal experience that neglecting Bible reading and study will cost us big time. So, we eat every day then just as important if not more so we need to read the Bible every single day. Let's do this: When we skip Bible reading then the next day we will not eat and let's see what happens. Is not spiritual food more important than physical food? How healthy would we be if we didn't eat nourishing physical food? So what kind of Christian will we be if we don't read and apply the Bible daily?
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
28 Oct 10
To me the measure is character, especially galatians 5:22,23 "the fruit of the spirit" (the result of drawing next to and living closely to God through the open door of Jesus by spontaneous love his spirit inspires and endows, which results in prayer, reading the bible, especially the new testament as a way of life - "the fruit of the Spirit) is love, joy, peace, long suffering, patience, kindness, gentleness, temperance and self control.." there is only oNe source of all of that.. - I figure the more filled with God's Spirit, the better we do just like how Jesus said we now have a new law, love. I think of it as having one commandment, to love God. Because if I truly love God I will truly, and more and more, love my fellow person, because I will truly draw near and nearer to God thus becoming more filled with his essence/Spirit, which is "love", 1 jn 4:8, and as the bible says, "loves does no wrong" (won't cheat, rob,defraud, hurt in any way). Just yesterday I read how Peter wrote to "live free but don't use our freedom to do evil". - Also I try to always cut others some slack knowing that I myself am far from perfect. I also think all we christians have desert times.. I think it has something to do with a clearer flow of his spirit when desert time is over and in those times I try to remember that desert time is THE best time to be yield, yield, yielding to Him.. (sorry to chatter on so!)
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@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
31 Oct 10
Sorry, but what is "desert time" as I'm not familiar with that expression?
@GardenGerty (161942)
• United States
27 Oct 10
I think it is incredibly important to be in God's word, and make sure we are keeping in line with the timeless principles laid down in it. I think if we did, many of us would be seeing ourselves falling short.
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• Canada
28 Oct 10
Yes that is exactly the point I have for myself. I admit I have not read my bible for a long time now. I compare myself to when I am reading God's word to now when I haven't for a long time and I see for myself I am falling way way short. So I am feeling the need to get back to a daily reading or two.
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• Canada
30 Oct 10
Who can really say WHAT the word of God is anymore? The Bible has been interpreted so dang many ways, that it has been corrupted over the years. I believe that God speaks through the little divine things that happen on a daily basis, not through words in a book writing by humans, and not even all humans, only men, who used to, and often still try to rule over women, with iron fists.