Paul Volunteer Wants Apology From Woman He Stomped!
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
October 27, 2010 7:03pm CST
I'm sure you've heard the story about the young member who was forced to the ground and then had her head, neck and shoulders stomped on outside the Kentucky Senate debate on Monday night. In case you haven't, or if you'd like to see it for yourself and read more, click here:
Some people, including yours truly, weren't exactly satisfied with Rand Paul's reaction to this incident. On at least two occasions he spoke of how "both sides" need to keep these kinds of altercations from happening. I'm sorry, but this particular incident was totally one-sided. The small 23 year old Lauren Valle posed no threat to Mr. Paul or anyone else. She was there to "present" Paul with an "employee of the week" award on behalf of the fictional "RepubliCorp". You may disagree with her views and you may not like at all but you have to agree she was within her CONSTITUTIONAL rights.
Tim Profitt, the man who stomped on Ms. Valle told the local CBS station WKYT, "I don't think it's that big of a deal. I would like for her to apologize to me to be honest with you. She's a professional at what she does and I think when all the facts come out, I think people will see that she was the one that initiated the whole thing."
Are you fricking kidding me? No matter what "facts come out", regardless of whether she's "a professional of what she does" or not there is no way this treatment can be justified or defended! Period.
Any thoughts?
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18 responses
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
28 Oct 10
First off, I have no problem with how Rand Paul handled it. He fired the guy and banned him from any future events. I also expect him to return the $2,500 the guy donated to the campaign, but I haven't heard his response to that yet. It's a piddly sum as far as campaign money goes so I don't see why he wouldn't do that.
The fact is, both sides DO need to keep these kinds of altercations from happening. It's not like this woman was there for benevolent reasons. She's a left winger working for and she wanted to make a scene. I'm not defending this guy for a second, but the two guys who initially restrained her were well in their rights to do so since they believed she intended to cause harm to Rand Paul (she was wearing a disguise and pretending to be part of an organization that didn't exist while trying to get close to Rand Paul) and the police did nothing to prevent the incident when they were warned about her.
The guy who kicked her while she was restrained is a thug and an a$$ and I hope to see him face criminal charges for his actions. I have no doubt this woman will also sue him and receive a fair sum for her medical bills, pain and suffering, and punitive damages.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
28 Oct 10
I agree with most of what you said, Taskr36. It was not a one-sided affair at all, no matter how hard it is spun. Move-on is all about provoking. This little womand probably had a huge mouth and was choosing to provoke the opposite team. What was she expecting - a hand shake and a pat on the back?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Oct 10
Last things first since I tend to do things a$$-backwards now and then - dj, I'm sure she wasn't expecting a hand shake and a pat on the back but I'm even more sure she wasn't expecting to be thrown to the ground and have someone stomp her on the head.
Taskr, the last I heard, which was on the radio earlier this evening and I honestly can't tell you who said it, Paul had refused to return the contribution. Maybe that's inaccurate or maybe it's changed since then, but it's the last I heard. Also, from what I've heard the Paul campaign was quite familiar with what was doing. Yes, it's a fictional or satirical "organization" they're pretending to represent. Valle wanted to get a picture of Paul in the same frame as her sign. She wasn't armed, she was wearing a wig and carrying a sign! Even so, restraining her is one thing but throwing her to the ground, even without her having her head stomped...come on! I'm sorry, but considering it was this young woman who ended up injured and spending a night in the hospital, Paul shouldn't have implied it could have been her own fault.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
28 Oct 10
She didn't deserve any violence, but we both know she went there looking for a confrontation. The guys restraining her didn't know if she had a weapon or not. All they knew is that she was wearing a disguise and trying to get close to Rand Paul. It's not a big leap to think that she could have intended him harm in the heat of the moment. The only person I hold at fault is the jerk that actually hurt her. As a former detention officer I was always trained to use the ground if possible when restraining someone. It is much harder to restrain them standing up.

@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
28 Oct 10
Wow, it completely amazes me that there are so many threads in your discussion defending a man hitting a woman. It would seem that the next time a woman is hit by her spouse or boyfriend a good defense would be "she shouldn't have made me mad". I bet that made him feel like a real man to put his hands on a woman and one day he will put his hands on the wrong woman and lose them.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Oct 10
Intervening and keeping her from getting too close is one thing, four or five large men pushing one small woman to the ground is quite another. Also, while I'm sure those involved will deny it, according to Valle she'd done this several times and the Paul campaign and the police were aware of her intentions. They knew she meant him no harm. Again, even if they didn't know, there was no need to throw her to the ground let alone stomp on her head! They could very easily have simply held her back.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
28 Oct 10
I don't see anyone defending the stomp, people are defending those who pulled her back and restrained her. This isn't some woman who was beaten by her husband, it's an activist who wore a disguise and attempted to get close to a senate candidate to embarrass him. The people who restrained her genuinely thought she was trying to harm him. The only thing that was inappropriate was the stomp on the head.
As X pointed out, try putting on a disguise and rush towards Obama. See how well the Secret Service treats you. Do it when female Secret Service are around and see if they're any more gentle when they think you may be a threat since you've decided to act like this is on par with wife-beating.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
28 Oct 10
It's not really all that surprising that you are here but, maybe you should reread some of the threads here and pay close attention to the "I didn't see any stomping" "they didn't stomp on her". Anyway, there's a huge difference between some candidate hopeful and the president of this country. You're trying to compare the size of a pea and a watermelon, big difference. She tried to "embarrass" him, give me a freakin break. Do you really believe that someone should be thrown to the ground because their intent was to embarrass someone else? Thank the powers that be that I'm a liberal because if that's the conservative view on things I'll always vote "D"
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 Oct 10
Hi Annie,
You are right. There is absolutely no excuse at all for this sort of behavior...NONE. I can't imagine at this point why she would have to apologize. No matter how much a person verbally provokes, they do not deserve to be beaten. Whether we like what she stands for or not there is no excuse that could possibly make this a two-sided conflict.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
30 Oct 10
I know it! Its sounding an awful lot like the excuses that you hear over and over in cases of domestic violence. Someone mentioned that they thought she may have had a weapon. Ok, I get that and why they would move quickly to subdue her just in case. Still, no excuse for physically hurting. She spent the night in the freakin hospital so to me it is obvious that they used excessive force.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
28 Oct 10
First, let me say it was a bad way to handle the situation. There was better ways to keep her away from without knocking her to the ground. But- while the incident looked horrific I saw absolutely no indication he stomped her or stepped on her head. I don't excuse him-what he did was wrong, but I believe it is better to take a look at it in the manner of an outsider instead of someone who wants to find fault with the party they are against. And frankly, she got off easier than the black man who was selling flags and got beat down for it. I think you know who I mean.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
28 Oct 10
Oh she was definitely stomped on. Funny how you brought up the black guy who got beaten by SEIU thugs. That got surprisingly little press. Even the NAACP didn't mind that a black man was beaten and called racial slurs because he was conservative.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Oct 10
THANK YOU, Taskr, for confirming she indeed was stomped on! I do remember the incident you're referring to but the details are a bit fuzzy right now. Let's just say it's never right to beat someone and racial slurs are never justified but this discussion isn't about something that happened to a conservative black man.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
28 Oct 10
She wasn't stomped on, but she wasn't gently nudged with a foot either. He put his foot on her back by the shoulder blade, it slipped off and he put it back. I do believe he pushed his foot into her back, but it wasn't a stomp. Like I said, I don't excuse his actions-but I saw what I saw.
May not be about a black man (I'm not sure he was a conservative) but it's still relevant because it shows that both sides need to watch their actions and groups such as SEIU do more harm than good.

@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
29 Oct 10
I saw this video, and I can't believe that he wasn't arrest. If you did this to a random person on the street you would be in jail by the end of the night. I can't belive that Rand hasn't stood up and said something about this. I surely wouldn't vote for someone who wouldn't have the balls to defend a women who was being restrained by two men twice her size. But, what do you expect?

@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
29 Oct 10
LIL, at the time of my post I did not see any comment about this women, except from a message from his campaign about firing the guy. I am not saying that Rand should arrest him, but still can't believe that he isn't in jail.
I think that this is what many have talked about during this political campaign with all of the hate and anger that is being pushed by parts of the media, and some candidates. Rand has made some comments that has angered people, and has left them out there for people to interpert the way they want. I like his dad, I think he has some crazy ideas, but I think most of his ideas are good. I don't agree with anything that Rand says, and I can't believe that he is even related to Ron. I am not calling people stupid, I am calling them dangerous because they have no calming voices to settle them down. My question is what is going to happen to these republicans when they get to Washington and these people don't see the change they are demanding? I sure wouldn't want to be Rand Paul then!!!
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
29 Oct 10
I agree the guy needs to be in jail right now. Ask the police why he isn't.
You are right that there is way too much anger and hate running in this election cycle from both sides which feeds into the public behavior you are seeing now. Way to much hyperpoling going on.
As for he is not exactly like his dad. He is his own person and has his own beliefs. They agree on somethings and have different views on others. Conway has done a great job of making him into the boogey man. Twisting his words and meaning into things they don't mean. I will admit that Rand has not done the best job of trying to fix that...but he can't spend his whole election responsing to all the BS Conway has been throwing around.
As for what is going to happen to Rand or some of the others if they get elected. That depends on what they do when they get there. If they turn into static quo politicans, then yeah..they are going to get turned on like a pack of wolves (and they will deserve it). But if they stand up for what they have said they believe during the campaign trail...then they will be ok...even if they don't get all the things done that they want. Let's face it...there won't be enough of them to really make a huge impact. It will take a few election cycles to get enough of them in there to make a real impact. The Tea party candidates are having to fight both sides which is no small feat. We will have to wait and see what happens.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
29 Oct 10
He did stand up and say something...he also did something. He not only put a statement out speaking out against that women getting assaulted. But he also fired the guy who did it and banned him for being able to come to any other events. What else do you want the guy to do? He is not a cop. He can't put him in jail. Rand has done all he can do. It is now up to the legal system to handle.
Also...what exactly do you mean by "what do you expect". From this post and others I have read you seem to think all Paul supporters are like this stupid idiot who assaulted that woman. You have known me here on Mylot for a long time now. We get along pretty well. Guess what...I am Paul supporter. Both him and his dad. I even worked on Ron Paul's last presidential run and if he runs again in 2012 I will work for him again.
A few stupid people does mean the whole group is. By your defination NONE of the politicaL groups are good on either side because ALL of them have had stupid people do bad things therefore making everyone in that group guilty as well. So I guess everyone in this country is horrible using your logic.
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@jb78000 (15139)
28 Oct 10
the man's a thug, and the fact he doesn't think stamping on somebody's head while they are being held on the ground is a big deal makes him look like an even bigger thug. there goes an apologetic 'heat of the moment' excuse. it is assault. full stop. whatever the woman did or said beforehead.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
28 Oct 10
Southern gentleman are suppose to be taught not to hit a woman. I am guessing that Tim was never taught that lesson plan. Of course that whole Southern gentleman thing mostly a myth anyway. Moving on from that the idea that the person being assaulted is the one that should apologize is just a bizarre idea. It would be like if I punched you and then demanded an apology from you, does that make any sense to you or any one else?
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@MntlWard (878)
• United States
28 Oct 10
Wow. Some of the responses you've gotten are hard to believe. How can anyone look at the video and still believe Limbaugh's description of the incident? His foot didn't slip off and get replaced: It was lifted up and replaced a bit harder. If not for the man telling Mr. Foot to stop, I think that action would have been repeated at least once more.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
28 Oct 10
I have actually been called an a$$hole for my view on this, but I'm going to repeat it here anyways. What do you supose would happen to me if the next time Obama was in my town (though he has never been up this far) I put on a disguise and rushed at him. I will guaranty you the secret service won't be as nice or easy in their take down...that is if they don't just taze or shoot me.
I will admit it was probably a bit far when the guy pinned her shoulder/head (it wasn't so much her head when you really look at it) with his foot and stomped, but over all I think the general reaction was pretty tame considering the usual consiquences of charging at a candidate or elected official.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Oct 10
No, left-wing media sources have not carefully edited anything, Taskr. I know you're referring to MSNBC and when they got the rest of the video they showed it last night. It doesn't change a thing. If anyone really believed Rand Paul was in danger from this 110 woman, they'd taken care of that problem well before they threw her to the ground. I don't believe for one minute they felt there was a real "threat" at all, in fact they knew exactly who this girl was and what she was going to do. has apparently been putting on this "play" all over recently and Valle said she'd done it all over Kentucky so the Paul campaign was familiar with her.
Also, she wasn't smiling and talking to the media minutes later, as I understand it. She spent the night in the hospital and it was confirmed she'd suffered a concussion.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
28 Oct 10
I don't think the Secret Service uses tazers. You'd either be shot or tackled and you wouldn't be smiling and talking to the media minutes later.
"Rushed at him"? I don't think so!"
Then maybe you should watch a more complete video. Not only did she try to rush him, but she was coming at him from behind. Left wing media sources have carefully edited the video to show the stomp and nothing else.

@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
28 Oct 10
I'm just curious, didn't one of the videos say this woman was from Washington, D.C.? She can't vote in the Kentucky elections, so why was she there? Does "Move-On" have a problem with our political process? Was this woman an instigator, sent to cause trouble? Why can't political candidates run their campaigns on the issues alone? Why do organizations like "Move-On" use such tactics? The Rand Paul supports involved in this incident did not handle it properly, but this woman is not without fault either. Maybe the Rand Paul people need to do some investigating to see if this woman was commissioned by "Move-On" to start an incident and if it can be proven that they did, sue them.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Oct 10
I'm not sure where she's from but she was doing her JOB so that's one less person collecting unemployment compensation, look at it that way. MoveOn is exercising their freedom of speech, nothing more, nothing less.
If Paul supporters end up getting stereotyped because of this, that isn't Valle's fault. I don't know that anyone has said "all" of his supporters are men who stomp on women but we know there was ONE who worked for the campaign and now thinks his victim should apologize.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
28 Oct 10
Oh they already know she was there to cause an incident and that's exactly what she did. I don't think she was planning on getting pulled to the ground and stomped on though, that was just an added bonus for her since she now gets to pain ALL Rand Paul supporters as men who stomp on women. Her boss will probably give her a nice raise for this.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
28 Oct 10
As Taskr said....she was not from Kentucky...can't vote in she was tehre to cause trouble. MoveOn PAID her to do it.
As for why....well look at all teh publicity they are getting for it. Everyone is talking about them.

@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
2 Nov 10
"I'm sorry, but this particular incident was totally one-sided."
Was this incident totally one sided?
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
2 Nov 10
Well, there was one person - a woman - on the ground with a foot on her head and she was surrounded by and being held down by four men, including the stomper.
That's pretty one-sided to me regardless of what kind of dirt anyone can dig up on the victim.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
2 Nov 10
You want me to think Lauren Valle is innocent? She was the instigator. She came in disguise and tried to thrust that, "so called award," in the face of Rand Paul as his car came driving up. The account she gave, to Harry Smith, of the incident doesn't agree with what I saw on the third video I posted which makes her less than honest. If she was as she said, "Simply there to hold a sign," why did she attack Paul's car and, if the window had been down, him? I don't consider someone who instigates a confrontation a victim.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
28 Oct 10
interestingly, it turns out that the woman made threatening remarks before trying to rush at Rand Paul. The people stopping her, did so because they believed she was trying to harm him. After the incident, she was grinning ear to ear.
This was a setup. A professional who instigated the entire thing, to dupe dumb democraps into believe she's the victim.
It seems to have worked. What do you think?
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
28 Oct 10
I completely agree. It was a set up and she got what she wanted.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
28 Oct 10
what bugs me is how the "tolerant" leftists out there, are so quick to pass judgment on something they are completely ignorant about... They have to be the most hypocritical people in America today.
The first thing I did was try and learn as much about story as much as possible. What did the idiot leftists do? Storm the forums and cry about how awful Rand Paul supporters are.

@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
31 Oct 10
To be sure, annie, this woman was a trouble maker, looking, indeed to make trouble.
She got what she was after. No one condones violence; however, the left only reports incidents that are skewed toward them. All the violence, choking, and also the knocking down of Ken Gadney as he was selling American flags seems to go unnoticed by the left and their partners in the media.
I was in attendance at a hotel recently in which a Republican Candidate rally was being held. Several nasty, mocking, heckling democrats showed up , one in costume, and the guards there did NOTHING to either silence or remove them. So there! The media darlings are pathetic.
You realize, of course, all this tension, frustration, violence is the direct and deliberate result of the democrats' treason in aiding George Soros to install a usurper who is committing jihad to destroy our country. Civil war may be only one of his objectives as he tries to weaken and ruin us in every way possible.
All this sorrow and tumult over an illegal alien and his minions who belong in jail. And the nightmare is just beginning.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
2 Nov 10
This isn't about any other incident that was or wasn't reported by the left or the right. This is an individual woman who was stomped in the head by a thug who thankfully has been charged with assault and battery.
This has nothing to do with our President, who IS our President whether you like it or not and he IS an American, every bit as much as George W. Bush or Bill Clinton are Americans. I'm not going to engage in any further paranoid nonsense here.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
4 Nov 10
No, Annie, you are wrong and I stand by what I have said. Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, aka Barry Obama, aka Steve Dunham, and now the State Dept releases mom's passport papers showing him to be also called Soebarkah, yet another undeclared alias.
Todd Levanthal of the State Department announced this past July the Obama was a "dual-national", thus never eligible to be president since only a natural born child of 2 US citizens can be legally president. It is a fact that his father was a Kenyan national. You choose to ignore the truth for your own reasons. So be it.
But, my dear, I speak truth and not "paranoid nonsense". Sad but true that Lt. Quarles Harris Jr. was murdered 4/08 in DC as he was about to testify that Obumma was an illegal alien and that this past spring, a TN elections official named Jim Miller was also murdered, in his car as was Harris, because he was going to investigate the truth about Obama.
BHO is a citizen of Britain/Kenya and Indonesia, but NOT the USA. He is NOT an American. You have every right to be wrong and to ignore the truth, but the cost is beyond belief to this country.
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
28 Oct 10
I have viewed a few videos on this episode so far I have not seen any one stooping on Ms. Valle's head. The man in question placed his white shoe on Ms.Valle's neck and top of her shoulders as Ms. Valle laid face down.A Rand Paul supporter you can hear in the video saying No-No-No to the man with his shoe on Ms.Valle neck and top of her shoulders clearly the man then moved away. Ms.Valle's glasses remained on her face the whole time.The report clearly states Ms.Valle was not injured. I do not condone any one doing this. I think the left has made more out of this then what the raw video shows.
Raw Video link.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
28 Oct 10
My pops used to tell me treating a nice dog badly enough is eventually going to get you bit.
It seems like some people got fed up with the nonsense. Too fed up, though, and certainly were not justified in what they did. (Unless she really was trying to rush Paul, as X states. I haven't been able to see the full video. I mean, seriously, you don't know what a loon is up to. But I'll wait on all that...)
This is the reaction rally crashers have been seeking from the right for a long time. It's a shame they reacted the way they did - more so for the woman stomped on than the fact that these guys no longer have the high ground.
When SEIU thugs and others at Democratic/left-based rallies do this kind of dirty sht, people at Republican rallies have a golden opportunity to show that they're not willing to stoop to that level.
The dog was slapped too hard here, apparently, and a few people reacted very poorly.
This gives the moronic attack arm of progressive worldview justification to send even more rally crashers out now. And it's also going to justify the type of pure BS they've been selling about violence from the starting point.
Outside of this woman trying to rush at Paul, which, if it happened, could have went a lot worse, there's no justification and no defense for this.
These morons should be charged with assault.
Idiots are always going to show up to throw monkey wrenches simply to throw monkey wrenches. It's what idiots do. But just let them be idiots until they cross the line.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
9 Nov 10
...Hi annie, Here's another situation where I am hoping very strongly that this man and there was another one who wrestled the woman to the ground who should have been arrested, will go to jail. No probation, no community service, none of that malarkey. Put his bad donkey in jail. That woman suffered a concussion. I also hope she sues him from here to the moon and back. What a beast! I will be listening for the judge's verdict. Please let there be justice in this case. Cheers.