Here Comes The Boogeyman!

October 28, 2010 12:41am CST
Hi, When you are still a child,have you ever thought that The Boogeyman is coming to get you right from your closet or maybe a monster is living under your bed? Let's share some experience here.
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1 response
28 Oct 10
I can't really remember if there was any monsters that were made up when i was a child but probably the boogeyman because my dad keeps talking to my son about it. My son now likes to scare away the boogeyman from my parents house and he also says theres nice monsters that live in their trees in the garden. Oh and i can't forget the pink with red spotted donkey that surposedly lives at the bottom of their garden too.
• Malaysia
31 Oct 10
Hi Joey, Thank you for this nice sharing.It happens in my family too.