Mind-blowing coincidene!

By Leo
@d_e_v81 (360)
October 28, 2010 5:49am CST
If I had seen this in a movie, I would have given it up for bad writing. But...and thats a big BUT...this is a real story. Google Erksine Lawrence Ebbin and you will come across his story. Erksine Lawrence Ebbin was 17 and he was on his moped and a taxi hit him and he died. nothing strange right? but wait... Exactly a year earlier, his brother, who was also 17, who was riding the same moped, was hit by the same taxi, driven by the same driver who was ferrying the exact same passenger... Coincidences like this are more common in life than people realise. Anyone care to share random coincidences that happened to have happened to you or someone you know? I just found this mind-blowing...call it coincidence, call it an act of God (for whatever reason) I just find it weird as he11!
1 response
• Philippines
28 Oct 10
This seems unbelievable. How can that happen.......... It is really weird. That is one in trillion incident.
@d_e_v81 (360)
• Singapore
28 Oct 10
Yes it is indeed. So has any such coincidences happened to you? think about it. Im sure you may have encountered a few like this.