Whether Free and Fair election is possible in the world?.

October 28, 2010 9:21am CST
In the world only money power rules the state. Can we expect free and fair election?.All the elected members are very rich and they are not satisfied with what they have. They try all means to get money to make them some more rich.They do not try to make the people rich by planning to spend their money for them .They spend lot of money for unwanted function. is it not true?
1 response
• Trinidad And Tobago
28 Oct 10
Is is exactly true. I wanted to be a politician, but then I saw what politicians were really like. They do a lot of back-stabbing and mud slinging just to get into power. And what do they do when they get the position? Nothing. They keep saying they'll fix all the problems later, but later never comes. They do all sorts of things to increase their votes. I remember the last election that was held in my country. People were calling offering us $5,000 to vote for specific parties. And to your other point about spending the people's money, it is exactly what they do. Some governments (at least my previous government) spent about two years constructing a building that was supposed to be for the people's benefit. They spent over 1 billion on a building that doesn't even look like it cost that much. And where does the rest of the money go? In their pockets.
• India
28 Oct 10
We are only watching and we become helpless.In India, now we are witnessing where all they make money and spoils the image of the country.Who can correct them. God does not come to the rescue.Let time alone can give solution.