Entenmanns holiday golden cupcakes are gross!

entenmanns holiday golden cupcakes - These were the cupcakes I bought at the store.
@shaggin (72010)
United States
October 28, 2010 10:04am CST
Yesterday was a halloween party for the kids at the library for story hour. All the parents had to bring in a food to share. I signed up to bring cupcakes. About 10pm the night before the party I realized I hadent made any so I was praying they would have some at the store in town. 5 minutes before story hour started we went to the store and luckily found cupcakes. We got entenmann's holiday goden cupcakes. The boxes were $4.99 and were buy one get one free. So I got 12 cupcakes for $4.99. Not bad at all! They looked really cute and delicious but when I tried them yuck I hated them. I will not be buying those again. I dont recommend buying them either but who knows everyone has different tastes. Have you seen these at the stores near you? Did you try them? If so what did you think of them?
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3 responses
• United States
25 Sep 12
Hi shaggin, No, I haven't tried them yet and from what you're saying, I probably won't, haha! I don't usually buy Entenmann's because they're so expensive, but you got a good deal as far as price goes, but I don't know about the taste...maybe that's why, lol! Thanks for the heads up, but I think I'll bake my own.
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@shaggin (72010)
• United States
27 Sep 12
Someone commented on the discussion a few days ago and it made it come up in the feed. I love when old discussions come up again and get more responses. I love to comment on others discussions that are old as well. Sometimes people are still active after many years and will reply back. I wouldnt bother trying these cupcakes that entenmanns makes. I'm sure they probably still sell them around the holidays. I wouldnt buy them I really didnt like them at all.
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Sep 12
I didn't realize this discussion was so old. I guess I won't be trying these cupcakes for sure now, ha!
• United States
27 Sep 12
Ohh, I gotcha! I thought you'd think I was some nut, haha! I saw that comment above and almost fell off the chair ..are you kidding me? I hope you sort of reported that because it was very nasty. Ok, I won't try them, I'll just take your word for it. That's too bad though because usually they have pretty good stuff which I don't buy too often. Oh well, like I said before, I guess I'll just make my own..I should have time to do that.
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• United States
18 Jan 11
They are my absolute favorite and they are my only reason for looking forward to Valentines Day. I don't care about jewelry, cards, or romantic gestures. Give me my Entenmann's V-day cupcakes. Granted, they're probably not good for kids but I'm 36 and LOVE them.
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@shaggin (72010)
• United States
18 Jan 11
Wow first I want to say you look amazing for being 36! That seems so weird to me that you like them so much lol since I hated them. Ick just thinking about eating them makes me want to gag. They look so pretty though. Everyone likes and dislikes different things. They just dont appeal to me and I will not be buying them again. Valentines day is coming up soon though so you dont have long to wait :)
@shaggin (72010)
• United States
27 Sep 12
Well that is nice that you like them everyone has different opinions. I think what you wrote is terrible. I love to hear children laughing and happy. I simply dont like the cupcakes not a big deal. If this was your first post you are not going to do very well on mylot if this is how you treat people.
• United States
25 Sep 12
You little piglets are way off! These cupcakes are the very best! The fact that you don't like them means that you hate: * children's laughter * CPR * miracles I feel sorry for you and will pray for you.
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
28 Oct 10
Entermann's cupcakes are from hades . i remember their valentine cupcakes I dont even like cupcakes much because of it. Their cupcakes are too sweet and had me sick for 2 weeks puking on and off.. It got me out of school but man...it really wasnt worth it! I dont wanna try any of their cupcakes ever ever again. . their pies are ok the cheesecake and some of their cakes are alright to.
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@shaggin (72010)
• United States
29 Oct 10
Hmm I didnt look at the package to see where the cupcakes were made in. I'm sure their valentine cupcakes tasted pretty much the same as these halloween cupcakes. The frosting was so thick and to sweet. They just tasted really gross and artifical. I really like other things I've had from entennmans such as the cheese danishes and stuff like that but I will never buy their cupcakes again after this gross experience with them.