fell in love with a bestfriend

@akari77 (123)
October 29, 2010 12:07am CST
Have anyone experienced to fall in love with a bestfriend and how was it? are there any regrets of doing it so? please share. Thanks.
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6 responses
• Mauritius
3 Nov 10
I've been married for 3 years and recently broke up, we are looking for divorce. A few months ago, we started flirting lightly.. and well, we fell in love and we are now very happy, except that he is married and has not yet left his wife.. But i've never felt as close to my ex-husband as i feel with my best friend. I think this is the best relationship I have ever had! and the fact that we are best friend, he knows my every secret and i know his.. I'm happier than i've ever been, except when i know he is with his wife..
@akari77 (123)
• Philippines
4 Nov 10
oh. It's complicated for now but i hope things will change soon. Wishing for your happiness. Hope all will be well with you and thanks for sharing. :)
• Mauritius
7 Nov 10
thanks for your wishes! :) me too i'm hoping for the best~!
• Philippines
29 Oct 10
i do not know what would be the feeling of falling inlove with a bestfriend since i havent experienced it yet. though, the feeling of love towards him/her was there only as a friend, but falling inlove deeper would be in a different level and crossing the line between them as bestfriends to lover. well, if i would be in that situation, it would not be that difficult, since you have already been close with each other, know and share each others secret. the only struggle that will be encounter is, if they will have a little fight, where would be the other one to stand, is it her/his bestfriend or as her/his lover. but as long both of you were inlove with other nothing is impossible. just give it your best shot for your relationship, respect, trust and love your bestfriend now your loveone. feel no regret, since you love each other. :)
@akari77 (123)
• Philippines
29 Oct 10
Thank you for a very nice advise. It's just things will change as how will it be when fight comes, where will i turn to. But you're right too, when in love, there should be no regrets. Thanks once again. :)
@gunjanpri (603)
• India
6 Nov 10
It is good because you share everything, but bad too as you know him from his bad breadth to habit of poking nose too.
@Seisho7 (171)
• Indonesia
22 Dec 10
I hate that problems , you know why ? because my best friend was falling in love with my girl friend because that my girl friend leave me
• United States
7 Nov 10
I have never fallen in love with a best friend however I have fallen in love with a boyfriend who turned into my best friend and once we broke up we were no longer best friends but more as enemies. We avoid each other, hate each other and from then on we never spoken to each other and it' been four years. He actually moved to another state because he couldn't bear to see that I was in another committed relationship a year later.
@imallexz (70)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 10
I don't know how to explain but , maybe you will think he/she be your best friend better than be your couple, because both of you are friends for a long time and knew each other for many things .. Think twice ..
@akari77 (123)
• Philippines
29 Oct 10
You're right, imallex. It's not easy to fall in love with a person so close. And it's like losing a lover is easier than losing a bestfriend. Very confusing ..hmm.. anyways thank you for commenting. Need to think 100x i guess:)