triond website can someone please help me? T_T

October 29, 2010 4:21am CST
hi guys^^ i was trying to write articles in Triond. My articles were denied and i tried to submit it again all with correct spelling and still they refused my articles :( what can i do? i wrote that very well i really dont know how they refused my articles. if you guys know about triond can please help me? i really dont know what is wrong with my articles :( if you work there please would you mind i show you my article and you help me find in what i made the mistake? bcs i really dont get it :(
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9 responses
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
29 Oct 10
Hi Sweetlove, there are a few reasons for rejecting the articles. if your articles have " ", that means quotation mark, it is considered as an error. You have to get rid of the quotation mark. The second reason could be the direct quotation from Bible or some other sources. Instead of quoting direct from Bible or elsewhere, you can paraphase the sentence. The third reason could be the short article. Even though Triond does not put it in black and white, your content must have at least 250 words. It is better to have 300 words and above. If you have usage of unusual words, you have to add them to the dictionary as well. Otherwise they are counted as wrong words.
• Portugal
29 Oct 10
scheng i dont put quotations from other places^^ i just write things that i create mostly^^ about write 250 to 300 words i dont think i wrote that much^^ but about the words they are correct^^ i already corrected things and tried to submit again the articles but were denied again :( i really dont know why they are rejected bcs i think they are well written :(
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
10 Nov 10
Hi Sweetlove, please see my response on the next page. I suddenly recall the times when my articles were rejected.
• Portugal
11 Nov 10
yes sure i will see your response^^ they accept my poems always^^ so is ok for me^^ but i dont know. is a bit hard to earn money there. so i just wrote two poems and published. i need to earn money fast and triond is slow. i thought that we earned much with triond but isnt that simple. i really thought we earned more than in mylot but i guess i was wrong.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
29 Oct 10
Triond is very strict on grammar. I have two articles that approve there and have one denied. Tried to improve your grammar then submit it again. If they denied it again. I think you must stop to write for it. I will give you good one to earn to write simple articles also and sure they are all approve
• Portugal
29 Oct 10
aerous i guess you are right. i corrected two of my articles and submitted again and still they didnt accept it. i just gave up bcs this morning and yesterday i see that i wasted time that i could be working here that i earn some money and instead wasted time for nothing. anyway what is that site you say that can write articles and they are not refused?^^ catana yes i really think that is true that triond is strict. i know english well and i wrote without any mistakes unless they dont want words like online or internet it has to be written in a certain way like they wish. anyway i corrected that bcs i didnt write any word wrong and they just didnt publish it. i gave up already.
@Catana (734)
• United States
29 Oct 10
If Triond is strict on grammar, that's a very recent change. They certainly haven't been in the past. They've been publishing articles that would be rejected anywhere that quality is important. That's been going on for years, partly because they pay people from outside the US, so a lot of the articles have been from people who aren't proficient in English. Of course, some of the bad writing is by people who were educated in the US, but apparently never learned how to write.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
30 Oct 10
Me too, my friend. I give up to resubmit my articles there. Because of many attempt to correct it. They still not accept it. Much better spend your time here write many as you wish than spend your time correcting your articles in triond.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
30 Oct 10
Well, I haven't read your articles, but I read your posts in Mylot, and, I hope not to offend you, I hope you're not writting in your articles like in Mylot. It's important to use not only correct spelling, but also to use commas correctly, avoid smileys, and also be able to organize paragraphs instead of writting everything in a single block of text. If that's the case, just take another look at your articles and think how to divide well the information to make it more clear. I hope I could be of any help
• Portugal
31 Oct 10
no i dont write like i write in mylot sure^^ i write well there^^ i studied english in school for 7 years^^ i had written exams so i know how to write well^^ but here i write in a more simple way bcs this is like a forum^^ isnt needed a strict way to write^^ no i dont see any problem in my articles really. i use capital letters, punctuation is also correct. maybe i should look at that again^^
• France
7 Nov 10
The main reason I have had articles declined is if they have been published somewhere else before, even if re-written. If the content is more or less the same will be denied. Triond are pretty strict on what they accept but it is the only site that I have managed to get any earnings from for writing and publishing directly. Tried Busika but never earned anything from it. At least I get a little from Triond for my effort.
• France
7 Nov 10
Thanks. Feel free to add me as a friend on Triond (thetravelbug) and I can view your poems, and you can view my articles. Might help us both!
• Portugal
11 Nov 10
yes sure^^ i will add you now^^ i dont mind to see your articles and you see mines then^^ that will be good for us sure^^ that way we both earn money. i really am needing as much help as possible to help my mother paying bills. i appreciate your help really. i will see few articles of you tomorrow^^ bcs today really need to work here for awhile^^ thanks for your help^^ my name there is sweetloveforever^^ has an r ahah here i couldnt but there i could^^ i added you as friend already^^
• Portugal
7 Nov 10
i have from bukisa but from triond not ahah anyway triond accepts my poems so im happy with that^^ anyway now im working in other site so^^ is good that your articles were accepted and you got paid. wish that you continue getting paid well for your articles. that is a trusworthy site for what people say. the best for you^^
@kodukodu84 (1567)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 10
Hi Sweetie, I would love to join triond too and I have no idea how to be successful with this website. It sounds to me like it is a very difficult one to earn money from, but I bet if you are good then surely you can make a lot. I hope you will be able to find out what makes your article to keep getting rejected and I know how disappointing it is after taking sometimes to write the article just for it to get rejected. Good luck and have a nice day
@creyos (275)
• Indonesia
30 Oct 10
Hi,Sweetlove I joined Triond few months ago and have published some articles. I remember there's one time an article of mine was rejected, but it's not related to the grammar problem. If I didn't get the wrong recall, the errors were about the punctuation marks usage.
• Portugal
31 Oct 10
i see^^ thats good that they only refused one of your articles^^ i wrote one today i wish that they dont refuse that article^^ i think that all is correct in this one. if doesnt work this time again i will give it up. i would really like to work there but like this is impossible. i need really money and cant waste time in sites that are refusing my works
29 Oct 10
i have never heard of triond, what is it? what do you have to do? Why are you on it?
• Portugal
29 Oct 10
triond is a site where you can submit articles^^ but is not easy to have it published. mines were denied. at first i can say that had some mistakes but then i corrected two of them and was all right and they didnt publish it anyway. so i gave up on it today. i tried bcs people said that this site paid really. and is hard to find trustworthy sites online. sometimes i think that mylot is the easiest site to earn online really.
• India
29 Oct 10
Hello sweety I am Saurav from India.Well I haven't worked with Triond yet.They are legit since some of my friends are making a good money from it. I am not a professional writer.So I just did not pay attention to that.Anyways my friend is now making nice figures monthly but the journey so far hasn't been easy for him.He has been in the site for 7 months now.He has written above 100 articles but only 31 out of them were excepted by Triond.Rest all were rejected for no reason.Only 9 articles generates good money for him.So here patience is the key to success.Don't just get worried about the number .Keep on writing.You will definitely get success.Hope these words would be motivating for you.Have a nice day.
• Portugal
31 Oct 10
im happy for your friend^^ but if he wrote 100 articles and only 31 of them were accepted thats too little. poor him he wrote so much. and even worse is that only 9 give him money. thats not too good. he worked so much and almost dont earn nothing. thanks for share that with me^^ but i really rather work here and in my blog^^ that way i can get paid^^ will continue writing stories and wishing that people like it^^ and that visit my blog everyday^^ you can also visit my blog too and read my story^^ just check my profile if you want to^^
@rog0322 (2828)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
30 Oct 10
Hi there sweet: May I see the article you've written? I understand they're very strict on technicalities regarding grammar construction, spelling, syntax, etc. I've read a few articles there and they look great although I may say some have mistakes too. I would like to contribute but my schedule can't cope with the demand, for now. Keep trying, practice makes perfect.
• Portugal
31 Oct 10
sure you can see it rog^^ but i tried to send it three times and didnt work i really think they wont accept my article. maybe i should try to write a different one^^ but if doesnt work i show you then for you to see what is wrong^^ anyway will be my last try^^ if doesnt work i give up bcs at least here in mylot i get paid^^ and im also writing a story in my blog^^ so maybe if i have some people to go there and read it maybe i can succeed^^ people will be able to choose what will happen to the main character^^ i will give options like what will debora do? this or this? and people vote and i choose the most voted and continue the story ahah^^ seems cool right?^^ if want check also my blog^^ the link is in my profile^^ thanks for your worry^^