By epicure35
@epicure35 (2814)
United States
October 30, 2010 3:49pm CST
Oh, California! It's a "brand new game", all right (from the country song "All the Gold in California....is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills..."), especially in today's errant politics.
Not only did "Hollywood" and the MSM help George Soros, Oprah Winfrey, various NWO and Arab interests install a usurper into the WH and moron Al Franken into Congress, but the insanity continues, e.g. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, ad nauseum....
And now my "used to be" favorite soap opera is taking on the "epidemic of homelessness" in America. At face value, that's a good thing. They have identified the fact that today's homeless people are of many "stripes", ethnicities, races, vocations, etc. Many are the rich/formerly rich, our military heroes, every social class, etc.
But, here's the problem with "bleeding heart" liberals: they TALK a good game, pluck at the emotional heartstrings, yet never arrive at the truth or wisdom of any issue. Here's why: They, themselves, in their liberal, radical, "anything goes" moral folly, (cause I'm "somebody" and rich, thus insulated), are part of the problem and never the solution.
Oh, yes, many of them "give back", usually publicly, rather than privately, as God suggests. BTW I am talking about the MAJORITY of Hollywood/media types (excluding the minority of conservatives like Jon Voight, Pat Boone, and others, somewhat few and far between and "closeted" for fear of losing work).
The majority support the very corrupt politicians who have caused much of the homelessness and other ills in our country and world today. Their "political correctiness" and moral insanity funds those intent on power and greed and to ---- with "we the people" whom those who "govern" view as peons and their servants, while stealing from us with license.
The usurper and Barney Frank are complicit in bringing the poverty and lack of a middle class of third world nations to America. (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, ACORN fiasco, based on the Indonesian "microfinance" scheme fostered and by O's mother, Geithner's father, and translated by other players, the Clintons, Soros and more -parenthetically see http://centralillinois912project.com/?p=3814, The Star Players in the ShoreBank Story).
Credit also in CA, Barbara Boxer, connected to Code Pink by her enabling them to send our money to Hamas and other enemies, de-funding and removing protections from our military, and Jerry Brown, hapless as a leader, but also financed in part by Code Pink , in bed with the teachers' union, and happily raising our taxes at every opportunity to the destruction of small business, and "we the people" in general.
And it is many of the aforementioned "we the people", of all "stripes", classes, vocations, who now occupy homeless shelters and cardboard boxes on skid row.
And the "oxymorons" are, at this moment, at a huge Beverly Hills Rally contributing massive amounts of money to Barbara Boxer, thus supporting the aforementioned ills.
And Boxer, the usurper, et.al. are ensuring Americans' poverty and subservience to the "state", via the Marxist/Socialist agenda they support. If we must finance the "state" we cannot help ourselves or each other (hence Obama's goal to no longer allow tax credit for charitable contributions, just dependence on the "state" for charity).
It may seem a somewhat circuitous "paper trail", but those with "an eye to see and an ear to hear" can easily see through the deception and lies, while those blinded by lack of wisdom, the continuing quest for wealth and power, and their own arrogance have not even a nodding acquaintance with the truth.
Why not have those "Hollywood"/media liberals so generously blessed give directly from their own hearts and pockets to those in need of a blessing, rather than make our poverty and homelessness into a "soap opera", while allowing Obama and minions to commandeer our hard-earned dollars, tell us how much we deserve to live on, and re-distribute the fruits of OUR labor to those THEY deem worthy?
Surely these "Hollywood/media types" are useful idiots. But, are they really that stupid and "oxymoronic"?
1 response
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
31 Oct 10
Oxymoronic would be a McDonald's employee voting for a candidate who swears to abolish the minimum wage.
Oxymoronic would be anyone receiving medicare or social security benefits voting in support of a candidate who wishes to privatize them, or require a $2000 deductible to receive any benefits.
Just plain moronic would be to continue to refer to our President as the "Usurper".
"Hollywood types" include useful activists and humanitarians, namely Angelina Jolie, Madonna, Sean Penn, George Clooney, etc.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
31 Oct 10
This is a loaded response, and I am getting ready for Halloween, so I can only respond in part right now.
I must correct you - Barack and Michelle Obama are voluntarily inactive as far as their law licenses go.
When you receive your mass mails from people, and trolls on here and other conservative sites, be sure to fact check before you form an opinion. You will save yourself a lot of grief, and more people may take you seriously.
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@StarBright (2798)
• United States
1 Nov 10
Thank you Ladybug. You saved me the trouble of responding to this dribble.
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