What are the common issues a woman faces in a relationship?
By vijayanths
@vijayanths (7877)
October 31, 2010 9:46am CST
She may lose her freedom, her man may abuse her verbally, or physically, she may have to sacrifice her career, she can't use her talents, he may a suspicious type etc etc...
Similarly what are the issues a man faces in a relationship? As a man I think we also lose freedom when are in a relationship. We can't spend much time with friends. We need to support them and children financially, so more responsibilities.
There could be many more issues for bot men and women. let me see, what you have on this topic..

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25 responses
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
31 Oct 10
When there is a mismatch between any expectation and fulfilment in a relationship, problems arise and the smallest of issues would become unsurmountable.It can be anything.Mutual respect and a desire to 'live and let live' are the keys of success in a relationship.Whatever you have mentioned arise when these are not there.
Other accompanying issues can be insecurity, desire to control[ it can be from any partner],domination,financial manipulations,running down a partner's siblings or parents,contempt, playing games to suit oneself, lack of straightforwardness and there may be any number.
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@vijayanths (7877)
• India
31 Oct 10
yes, Kala, there could be hundreds of issues for men and women depending on the individual and lifestyle and the environment they are living in.Each man and woman may have his/her own issues that may be different from issues of others. As you rightly pointed out, mutual respect and desire to live and let live can minimize all these issues largely.

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@johnpillai (2082)
• Germany
31 Oct 10
I had to loose so many thing to get a marriage life.
1. My dream teaching job.
2. My talents
3. My huge friend circle ( as I have to leave the country.)
4. My parents (" " " " " " )
5. My mother language skill ( " )
6. MY sleeps
7. My freedom
8. My total 'I'
But I am sure that my husband loose nothing for his marriage life. he always complains: after my arrival he lost all of his girl friends.
I am so happy for what he lost for his marriage.

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@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
1 Nov 10
Your husband's loss for his married life is worth loosing to get a loving wife like you. 

@johnpillai (2082)
• Germany
2 Nov 10
@Buchi_bulla: thank you for your compliment. You made me laugh.

@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
31 Oct 10
I think, women faces more issues than men.
The women may face the issues more complicated than the men. Men do not understand that women sacrifices more and adjusts more than the men does.Men seem to ignore and does not appreciate what women does for them and for the common good of the family. If a husband cannot provide for his family, the wife finds ways even if it is contrary to her will.
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@vijayanths (7877)
• India
31 Oct 10
Yes, maean, I fully agree with you. I do think that women may have more issues than men.They may be more complicated than issues of men. I also accept that men should respect women more and recognize their sacrifices.

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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
31 Oct 10
Another thing is having children. You could want them and your partner may not! Or you may not and your partner Wants them desperately. Or You both want them but not at the same time. Her Bio clock is ticking and you are not ready or the guy wants them now and she wants to wait.
The lose of freedom only happens if you marry in my view. I know married couple where Neither lost Any of these. Me? i won't marry my guy and I still have my freedom , he doesn't abuse me, and I still work. So it Is possible to have a relationship and time for friends and your work. The key thing is to be with someone who understands that you need your space , your own friends , a job you love,etc.Each couple need to tell each other what they really need. And Hear them. Not think They say this now but.... but Nothing. Trying to change someone Never works.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
31 Oct 10
Oh yes. There are many women , married or not , that are waiting for their partner to change. Or worse they think " Once we are married... he'll change" Maybe and maybe not. in fact the change may be for the worse.
I agree when you are in a relationship you shouldn't just go and plan things without discussing your idea with your partner. But discussing it and Having to Completely changing your plans because husband says no are two different things.In other words I will tell my guy I'm going shopping on Tuesday instead of asking to shop on Tuesday.
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@vijayanths (7877)
• India
31 Oct 10
hi, sarahruthbeth22 I now understand the issues women face regarding having children/bearing children. I did not think of these issues before, thanks for the information. I think when you are in a relationship, your freedom is affected at least to some extent even when you are not in a marriage.
Sara, I liked your last sentence.
Trying to change someone Never works.[/b]
Many women make this mistake.

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@vijayanths (7877)
• India
31 Oct 10
hi, tincabzh, pregnancy is a big issue for women, I agree with you. It is a common issue in any relationship, women may lose their charm and beauty after child birth.Yes, they
have to be good mom, good wife and tehy also have to support the family.

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@johnpillai (2082)
• Germany
31 Oct 10
I don't agree that women loose their beauty after the pregnancy and child birth. I hope their beauty increases. 

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@starlight_starbright (810)
• Philippines
31 Oct 10
I think, if the feeling is mutual and the couple share equal responsibilities, there is no so-called ISSUES. I do believe that something is so had to do when it is not done wholeheartedly. Working for the family to support them is not just a responsibility but a natural thing a man should do when he's in a relationship/married. Managing the house and taking care of children or working hard to back up a husband in the finances will never seem to feel like an obligation when one thinks that it is a natural thing a woman should do as a wife and as a mother, It always take 2 to tango. One can't dance alone when The Tango music starts to play. and mind you! It's always a man and a woman. ^_^
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@vijayanths (7877)
• India
31 Oct 10
hi, starlight_starbright , I think you are absolutely right. It is natural that a man should earn money for the family and the woman has to take care of home and children. But there may be some issues as well that women face. I think you must be knowing them.

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@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
31 Oct 10
Women face in-laws problem, both Mother-in-law and sister-in-law, whereas a man does not. If the girl is bold, she will keep them under control. If she is timid, then she has to suffer silently. Most of the men follow the proceedure of let the fox go right or left, let it not fall on me. Hence they will come home late in the night allowing the lady to suffer everything to herself. Evenif she complains to him, he will simply say bear with it, all women are facing this, what is big for you etc. etc. Any argument takes place too, he will simply go out. Can a lady go out like that?
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@vijayanths (7877)
• India
31 Oct 10
Yes, Buchi Indian women face this in-laws problems. Of course Indian men need not face such problems. The man asks the wife to adjust with the in-laws. This is what you women know-but do you know that we tell our mom and sisters to adjust with wife and we scold them too as we do our wives.

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@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
1 Nov 10
May be some are of that type. But most of the men are selfish. They want to be in comfortable position and allow the wife to undergo mental turmoil. If the wife is smart, then she escapes this problem.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
31 Oct 10
hello dear anna,
Once you entered in a relationship you should be aware of what you are going to miss.
So,whoever thinks that a relationship is a "bed of roses" think twice
"roses do have thorns" ,you might be pricked,get annoyed and irritated.
Same thing in a relationship,consider all the do's and don'ts
Happy Sunday dear anna

@vijayanths (7877)
• India
31 Oct 10
Jai dear life is with happiness and sorrows. Day and night, white and black, up and down, success and failure -this is what life.So relationship too has good and bad. Roses and thorns. Now tell em what are the issues women face in a relationship? back to square one??

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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
31 Oct 10
issues that woman faces in a relationship?
i can't think of any.
I am still free to do things,same like when i am not in a relationship maybe with limited time and of course no date with other guys (hahaha)
Aside from that,nothing else...i am always free as a bird
Kids?...they're not even a problem,a baby sitter can help when my kids are still toddlers and then i can have my time.

@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
31 Oct 10
Hi sweetie.
I personally don't think men or women really loose anything when getting married.
It is a choice they made together and both knew what they will loose or have to give up to make that marriage successful.
If it's a relationship of any abuse at all, the abused one should make sure to get out of that relationship or marriage immediately.

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@Jotomy (6322)
• India
3 Nov 10
Hi anna, if both the partners be like friends then i think we need to feel that we are loosing some thing or we have problems in the relationship. If there is no proper understanding and amicability or intimacy or compromise then everything will seems to be a problem or we may not adjust. In the relationship i feel they are assets to each other. Of course women will loose her charm because of the work, pregnancy, deliveries etc., And she will be busy in her work for the family so no time to spend for her as like me. I want to study so i am continuing my studies but also i want to do job but i can't (recently i selected for a job but i didn't go, because my family members doesn't want me to send for a job) there is some scarifies a women will do for the sake of family. But i feel it is also a happiest one because we do for the family anything.
Have a nice day/night anna. 

@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
1 Nov 10
Let me see:
1. He is not good in bed
2. He turns out a lazy guy
3. He does not have an ambition
4. He is not romantic
5. He does not respect his wife
6. He is stingy
7. He does not compromise
8. He does not love enough
9. He cares more of his family (parents and siblings)
10. He is not an honest guy
Enough for today.

@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
31 Oct 10
I feel the most issue a couple faces while in a relationship is the fact that neither fully agree from the beginning that neither will change who the other is. See when my boyfriend and I decided to live together I immediately said he could not change or attempt to change who I was and I would not him.
Most couples do this but rush into too many responsibilities that later lead to so many obligations that neither is allowed to remember the early on agreement abut neither changing the other. For instance I can come and go as I please and so can my boyfriend but we get along so very well that we do things together and never feel that we cannot do what we please. We are very open with our communication and that my friend is the issue with couples today. Not communicating what they feel but rather sweep it for later and well later it is too late as situations escalate. It did take me years, even after a failed marriage to have what I have now, but let's just say that it was a lesson sort of a stepping stone into the wonderful relationship I have now.
So to answer your discussion I have to say that many women lose their confidence which later leads to, too many emotional moments which ponder into destructive relationship.
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@vijayanths (7877)
• India
31 Oct 10
Hi, hardworkinggurl, you are right that in a relationship we should not try to change the lifestyle of our partners.Of course we should give freedom to our partners in many matters. You have said them so beautifully.

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@luna1980 (53)
• Thailand
11 Nov 10
In Thailand had a slang " Too much crazy in love will make people blind " Any relationship always never perfect for who. It will worth for some and some go crazy.... for me both men and women same issues but just different situation of status. That why some of people who broke up for they relationship and feel like don't want it any more said " Single is the best " Well, I agree for now ;p as I just divorced :D need to relax and want to have more time for myself and friends. Freedom is really important for who is never want to back in the badly relationship.... I said " for now, for while until I feel better and ready for a next love ;)"
@joey_matthews (8354)
1 Nov 10
I think in most cases it is verbal abuse, although physical is very apparent especially over here in the United Kingdom. I don't really see why people stick around, I know some hold onto love but some I see give as much as they get and their relationship appears to be based on violence + the ability to make up but I think these relationships are very wrong.
Men, I don't know probably someone who uses things to get what they want. I.E spending money, bribing fathers of not being able to see the children they have.
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
1 Nov 10
I know witht he relationship I just got out of I faced a man who constantly verbally abused me, cornered in rooms and shoved me while he yelled at the top of his lungs for no reason and he even accused me of being crazy, psycho and untrusting when I confronted him about cheating on me.....he denied the cheating but I recently found 100% prof that my intuition was right and he was cheating in me with the person I pinpointed and heard he was cheating on me with,....no he is trying to get my apartment of me and all the contents of the house and is putting me out on the streets with nothing when he is the one who did the wrong......
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
1 Nov 10
An issue for many women can be the need to be ‘everything’ to everyone, in other words to ‘do it all’. In a lot of cases the man still expects the woman to take care of the home and the children and does not do a great deal to help in what is already a full time job. On top of that a woman may be expected to bring home a salary as well or to give up a career she is passionate about. It is so easy for women to experience a loss of self when they get married and have children. I know that for me in order to follow my passion I have to be up at 4 am every morning in order to fit everything into my day and that is can get tough after a while whereas my husband works fulltime after a good night’s sleep and relaxes when he gets home…
@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
1 Nov 10
Hi Vijayanth!.
I think from my observation woman do more task in marriage than men. How many do you see out there man who wiling to share a house work together with their wife, I think the answer will be not many.
Most men don't have respect for wife especially if they stay at home mom. When they come home they expect to see clean house, good meal and great kids. When they had it they think its usual thing and not think thats require hard work.
@nikramos (698)
• Philippines
1 Nov 10
insecurity and trust have always been the big issues for me in a relationship especially during the early stages of it. it takes a lot of effort for my partner to convince me to fully give in for the sake of our growth. reaction of family also towards my partner counts as a big issue too even if its not directly between us.