All is quiet around here tonight.

October 31, 2010 6:53pm CST
I'm surprised how quiet it is tonight, it being Halloween and all. There are no kids around on our street. The neighbors dressed their house up, but not many kids have come by, and I'm not sure if the rest of the street celebrates at all. We live on a dead end road facing a golf course, only one side of the street has houses. But no one's coming by. We're sitting in the living room, the lights off, watching scary movies and waiting for the fire to die down. I'm planning for next year though, hoping to stir things up around here. Get some kids to come by and have a good time.
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4 responses
3 Nov 10
Sounds like how it was around here. We only had a couple knock on our door, I don't know if any did while we was out ourselves but it was all that celebrated. We knocked on a few doors, with our children as they're young. They enjoyed it though and it was nice to see some families walking around being very respectful and having fun. Did any end up knocking on your door? OOoo Left over candy!! *Trick or Treat* hehe
• Malaysia
1 Nov 10
Could it be kids are not really into collecting candies anymore? I think they prefer to stay at home and play with PS games.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
1 Nov 10
I only get 3 trick or treaters every grandchildren who live nextdoor stop by before they head into town where the real action is. That's what the other parents in our neighborhood do, too, instead of wasting time on our little couple of blocks.
• United States
1 Nov 10
Wow its not only my house I guess I am from jersey and it did not feel like Halloween outside. No one came around and this is the only year we had candy left over. Times are real hard.