Years ago, My GF said, Some idiot fell into a freezer in this Supermarket.
By cynthiann
@cynthiann (18602)
November 1, 2010 8:03pm CST
I could have told her that it was me that fell into the freezer but I didn't. So I laughed and told her that I too had heard the rumour years ago but it was not true. Who on earth but a crazy person could fall into a freezer?
I moved on to picking up crackers and dry food but she just kept on and asked me, if it was true, then how could it have possibly happened?
Quite easily, I said, and then she asked me to explain my reply.
Now I was careful to explain that my answer was only hypothetical.
Let us pretend that she wanted a roll of tin foil, I said, and the tin foil was on a shelf above the open freezer.So the lady may have given a little jump but was not able to reach the tin foil. So she jumped again and hitched herself onto the side of the freezer- actually her left buttock was now resting on the freezer.
Still she could not reach it and then she gave a little jump using her left hand to stabilise herself and her right hand to grab the tin foil. This is where she went wrong, I theorized. She tried hard but lost stability and fell into the freezer.
Why not jump out immediately? asked my GF. I heard that she just lay there for ages ( She was so annoying)
Because, I said, perhaps because she fell in with great force and stunned herself on the frozen hams. She lay there - stunned and did not know what to do. And perhaps, I continued, she did not jump out quickly because some idiot emptied a whole box of frozen fish on her. And when she finally emerged, she left a shoe in the frozen fish, as she attempted to climb out the freezer clinging foolishly to her shredded dignity.
Imagine her shame, I continued, as she limped, wearing only one shoe and pushed her almost empty basket to the check out counter. And as she stood in line, all the ice meted and pooled at her feet. The cashier looked at her with some disdain and pointedly announced that there was a restroom that customers could use!
What happened next asked my friend?
Well, she drove home, dripping water all the way and when she reached home her husband asked why she stunk of fish and when she told him the story he did not believe her and said that she had done some odd things but no one could fall into a freezer and why had I not bought the cookies he liked?
It was at this point that she told him that she would never enter the supermarket again and what is more he could sleep in the boys room as she would be taking the parrots to bed.
Oh oh, mistake to mention the parrots!
It was you, shouted the GF. Everyone heard the story and we a suspected that it was you. Not true, I protested.
You are blushing, she said. Your husband aways said that you were the only person over 17 who blushed when she tried to lie. Besides you spoke of taking the parrots to bed. Who else takes parrots to bed?
Please don't tell this story to anyone? I implored.
Of course I won't, was her response as she snapped open her phone and used the speed dial to contact one of her 19 best friends.
Guess who was the person who fell into the freezer? she asked a friend.
Yep we were right, she continued. It definitely was Cynthie.
So, has anything from your past come back to haunt you lately?

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17 responses

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
3 Nov 10
I was going to say you taught the parrots to say all that, but OK....
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
3 Nov 10
It is a very sad indictment on me that when I came home from work I would receive a better welcome from the parrots than from my children. The kids would say
Hi Mummy' but the parrots would go crazy yelling, ' Look, Mummy's home,Mummy's home. Hi Mummy. Please for a kiss, Kiss me Mummy, I love you Mummy etc.
Get the idea? This is one of the many reasons that I love parrots. a parrot will actually fall in love with a person. Many have to love and trust before they talk and no - they are not just parroting. Conversations can be had with smart parrots.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
3 Nov 10
Forgot to add that the parrots not only came into the bathroom with me but comforted me. Saying things like they loved me and did I want a cup of tea? This helps - not a husband who at the time did not believe me.
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@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
3 Nov 10
Oh gosh! Bless your heart! I can actually picture something like that happening to me. I do crazy stuff like that, but I can honestly say I have never fallen into a freezer before. I did back into a garbage can when I was in grammar school. I was out in the playground for recess and I was talking and walking backwards (who knows why) and I backed right into a garbage can fell in butt first. I was so embarrassed. Thank goodness I have great friends and they quickly pulled me out, but every now and again, someone will bring it up. I don't even live in the neighborhood anymore (actually I live several states away) however, thanks to sites like facebook it does get thrown up in my face every now and then.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
3 Nov 10
You made me laugh and I have had a physically hard day clearing the grounds and patios of anything that could be swept away during the coming storm. This is a great story and it will always be with you. Isn't it wonderful that we can laugh at ourselves. I have given myself some tear breaking laughter

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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
4 Nov 10
When I was younger it would have really embarrassed me but not now. I am glad that I can laugh at mysef. It is not age related it is just how I am. I seem, at times, to march to the tune of a different drummer

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@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
4 Nov 10
I think it was because of all the craziness in my life when I was younger...i.e., doing stupid things like the garbage can...that I am the person I am now. I used to get so embarrassed when I was younger and now...almost never. I also somewhere developed a fairly good sense of humor so I can "roll things off my back now".

@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
3 Nov 10
Nice job Cynthie! You better shop with someone taller after that incident I would say. Nope nothing has come from the past to haunt me unless a bill you've been putting off paying counts because there was another bill in your face that was of more importance but not the other is sending you a nasty note and one thinks to herself... there goes this weeks grocery money. *sigh*
BTW... how do you sleep with parrots in your bed?
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
3 Nov 10
The cockatiel would nestle in my shoulder but the parrots would perch on the bed head. This happened many years ago when I was in better shape physically
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
3 Nov 10
oh you poor girl. id have asked someone in the store to help. dont they have people to help get things you cant reach there? i think id have sued the market. they are the ones disgraceful.
not your fault they dont have good customer service,
oh every once in a while my mom would tell how when i was little, i didnt have any clean underwear (which was her fault in the 1st place) and i borrowed a pair of hers that fell down while visiting a friend.
i dont know why she enjoyed talking bad about me instead of ever saying anything nice, but shes gone now and i dont have to worry about it any more.

@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
3 Nov 10
In all honesty it was my fault because I was impusive and did not ask for hep. Your Mom bamed the dropping of the knickers on you because she did not want to appear to be lacking as a Mom. I am sorry that she spoke badly of you. I did not have the best of mothers - she was very abusive to me and left me with so many issues to dea with. Blessings

@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
2 Nov 10
OMG! MY family is staring at me wondering why I am laughing at my laptop! That is so funny and yes, extremely embarrassing…Bless your GF and her 19 friends (LOL)! I was going to ask how on earth you managed to fall into the supermarket freezer but you described the entire incident very well (LOL)! Sorry I can’t stop laughing!
My husband often tells the story of the time I walked out of the supermarket with my carton of milk and got into my hubby’s car as he was waiting for me outside. I opened the car door, sat down and started to rant about how expensive milk is these days only to look out of the window at the car parked next to ours to see my husband in there mouthing, ‘What the hell are you doing?’…Yep I got into the wrong car, I looked over to my right and there was a man, not my husband but someone else’s husband who was laughing his head off! I have told this story here before and you may have already come across it; I may as well tell it again because thanks to my husband it comes back to haunt me on a regular basis!

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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
2 Nov 10
Oh Paula - this story is wonderful. I am happy to know that there are other people like me in the world. I would have laughed too. Blessings
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
3 Nov 10
You girs are just my kindred spirits. We are all on the same page. We can laugh at ourseves - thank God - and make the best of things, We may go down but then wipe away the terars get up and go on. God - we are wonderful

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@deriellevc73 (982)
• Philippines
2 Nov 10
hello cynthiann!
you have a wonderful way of narrating events, which really tickles one's imagination. I like your writing style indeed. And although your story elicited a laugh from me, know that i was not laughing at you. I know when one has fallen into a freezer, it is no laughing at matter at all, especially if you're the one who had fallen into a freezer. I laugh at the way you told you story, your reaction and that of your friend. You would do well to write a story or a novel perhaps. You have that knack. happy mylotting!
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
2 Nov 10
It sounds as though you may have a similar story to tell? 

@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
2 Nov 10
Thank you. This is what I am - a storyteller - when the mood hits me. If you laughed then I am pleased. I laugh at myself all of the time. I used to have a weekly column in a newspaper many years ago

@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
2 Nov 10
Unfortunately,I am currently suffering from a dose of Man Flu,and reading (and Laughing!) at this has left Me in a coughing fit with tears have won this internet Urban Legend competition!

@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
2 Nov 10
Now that is wonderful and thank you. But are you sure that I deserve the prize? Because it is fact not legend. I just have this knack that gets me into all sorts of trouble all of my life

@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
2 Nov 10
I remember you mentioning something about this incident before. You have some kind of crazy luck!
I have not had anything from the past come back to haunt me.. of course I have not gotten into such embarassing situations before either! LOL
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
2 Nov 10
Yes, I had mentioned it in passing as it were in another post. But last night, after meeting up with GF to buy supplies for hurricane encountered this GF and so decided to come clean and broadcast my story. Blessings
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
2 Nov 10

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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
2 Nov 10
You are right. I did mention it in passing recently - cannot remember what post. Thank you so much for the compliments. Happy that I made you laugh. Blessings
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
2 Nov 10

@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
3 Nov 10
Your Mom was right
But I am still impulsive and go where angels fear to tread. She is not a close friend - I just accidently met her in the supermarket while getting in suppies for expected hurricane

@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
5 Nov 10
Haha! What at an interesting story!
My favorite part is when your husband, after everything you told him, still was wondering why you didn't buy the cookies he wanted.
There are a lot of things in my past that I would rather like to stay in the past. I've been bitten by a lot of things that came back to haunt me. But I'm not as courageous as you cynthiann to descriptively write about it here.
I pass.

@funkykid (441)
• India
2 Nov 10
you are really funny.iam laughing from the past 5mins after reading your inident and even now i couldnt control my laughter.such an embarrasing situatin it is.and that t with your girl friend...oh man !and you were blushing while you were saying that story to your girl friend (that is the best part).you are crazily Funny man ! ! ! Way to Go... :D
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@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
4 Nov 10
Great story. It truly is embarassing to have to fess up to your friends that you did something awkward.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
4 Nov 10
Thank you. When I was young I woud have been embarrssed but not now

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
4 Nov 10
Wow, I think that I would have had to have left that one alone as soon as the subject came up. However, if you are going to embarass yourself, you did it in quite a delightful and storyful way. That said, I have had crazy things that have happened in my past, but I try not to think about them or talk about them because you aren't alone in being the only person over 17 that blushes when they try to tell a lie.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
5 Nov 10
whispers:I still blush and I am over 60 -but do not repeat this information to anyone
@just_frank (6)
• India
3 Nov 10
Thats the coolest story one could make-up, you have the writers mind. Nice to meet you.