My Top 5 Drug-Free Ways To Stay Awake

By Leo
@d_e_v81 (360)
November 1, 2010 8:48pm CST
Ususally 3 espresso shots and 2 cocaine shots should do it but that is involving drugs and illegal. So here are my Top 5 Ways to stay awake when you must. See if you agree! :) 1) Cold water: Colder the better. Splash some on your face and wrists. Drink a cold glass of water. Besides keeping you up, it wil also keep you active by makin yu go to the washroom every 20 minutes. Lol! 2) Tickle the top of your mouth cavity: I know you are trying it now. Lol! Use your tongue and tickle the roof of your mouth. Sounds starnge but it does give you a jolt of irritated nerves enough to keep you awake. 3) Brighten up: Turn on all the lights in your room. We have carried forward that DNA from our caveman forefathers that signals our brain to go to lala land when the sun goes down and it becomes dark. The same can be simulated with a dark environment. So make the lights in the room brighter and you will stay awake. 4) Pull down your earlobes: Admit it. You are trying it now aren't you? Haha! Weird. But it works! 5) Skip lunch: Fasting helps your body detoxify. Also, digestion takes up too much energy which can cause much fatigue. So if you have anything important to do after lunch, fast, or have a light meal. There is my top 5 ways to stay awake! Some you may have heard, some you may find strange. Try he ones you have not tried before and tell me if it works! :) PS: Im tryin to quit smokin... ;)
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