if you got invited to a suscribe list like this, would you join it?
By yetigirl
@yetigirl (76)
November 2, 2010 3:56am CST
I got to know that a friend is making a free service so people interested in internet businness can receive weekly a selection of interesting links. Also, people interested in providing links will be able to post them with a very little amount, easily payed through paybox, moneybookers or alertpay. As he told me, the most expensive will be the special broadcast, that would cost only 5 USD. For regular users, being published a week would cost only 1 USD, and a full month (5 weeks) only 4 USD. He's thinking of other longer plans.
As he told me, the suscription is 1 only weekly email, with a short text and a downloadable link with a pdf and from time to time a special broadcast. Also there will be provided and email where doubts can be asked and solved (for example, programs that are only for US or Spain, or language). Remember suscription is free, and your email address will remain private and noone would be able to see it.
Well, please we would like to know your opinion:
- Would you join it?
- How would you develope longer plans (3months-6months-1year-lifetime)?
- Do you like the idea of being a free service, weekly and with permision first?
Please, feel free and write the most you can, that way you'll get more money here :D
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