Will you do "white lies" if needed? Or do you think lie will always be a lie?

Telling white lies - Telling white lies are the cover-up we certainly do to avoid chaos and stress that the true situation may bring. We do white lies because in our point of view, it will generally offer a more delightful situation for everyone. I do not know the extent of how white lie can be used as an excuse to fix something. But if there is no white lie, we might be always in trouble I think. Generally, white lies are effective to make a temporal world on what we like others to believe. But white lies is always a lie. Isn't it?
November 2, 2010 8:34am CST
White lies.. what is it? Will there be a color of a lie? Nope... it is not. White lie is something that you do to cover up some more stressful situation and more destructive events. I do not know if this is a general term use to perform a cover up in telling the truth but it just simply means a lie which would pacify the situation. White lies are generally given as an excuse if there are happenings that we should take care for the moment. But eventually "white lies" are generally covered and there after, the real truth will come out. There is also a time that white lies stays... and will always stay... so the white lie will be perceived then as the general temporal truth . An example of a white lie happens to an adopted child when at growing years, the child was believed to be their true-blood biological child. This is just so happen because to take control of the child in growing years and in a certain way at the proper age, the white lie will be discovered as a full lie... And then the result may be desirable or not. And since white lie cover up the adoption throughout those years, the coming out of the truth might be painful or not... it depends. Another example of those "white lies" is when somebody is sick and is already in a terminal case and the life expectancy is hanging by the balance. We will be forced to tell a "white lie" so that the person involve will not loose confidence and hope for recovery. And in a matter of time, white lie would then be eventually lead to the true lie since the truth will then come out... And everything again for the interaction and reaction of people involved will be based upon how the white lie was handled. So, a white lie is a white lie until it is discovered that it is a lie... So, what do you think out of it? Do you believe that we can make a white lie just to cover up and fix the current situation? Is it justifiable to bring up a white lie to make somebody feel positively? Or do you think we should always do straight to the point remarks about everything... Have you performed a white lie just to make something alright? In what case? and in what occasion? You views and thoughts are welcome for open discussion....
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4 responses
• Portugal
2 Nov 10
is true that a white lie is a lie^^ but sometimes people hide some things to protect others^^ in those cases i dont blame them. in cases you told like someone with a terminal decease we wont want that person to be so hurt. so sometimes people say keep fighting and for me isnt a white lie. i always believe that if we fight hard maybe things can get better^^ we never know^^ also about adoption i guess that kids should know when they are little yes so they will understand better^^ they are innocent and will not accuse parents^^ if you tell when they are like 12 years or more they can get against you. so the best in adoption case is tell the truth yes but in terminal deceases we should always wish the best for the person and think that the person can get better^^ it can really happen^^ and that person will need support^^
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• Portugal
18 Nov 10
thanks for understand what i meant^^ yes i guess that sometimes we dont tell just to make them feel happy and with hope^^ to protect them. but sure in just decease cases or in adoption i agree that we hide things but for example if you cheat on your lover or something is always better to tell the truth. that person doesnt deserve to live in a lie. besides is always good when we are honest that means we regret what happened or at least we are dignifical people that had courage to tell their mistake^^ have a nice day too^^
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
Hi sweetloveforeve, It is definitely making someone happy why we need to tell something which is indifferent from the real truth. Sometimes, what we do is a "half-truth", it means we do not elaborate or tell any further more complicated things. We just want our love ones, close friends, relatives and especially our family to feel worry-free and that's why we sometimes try to be more caring by not telling the "mean" situation. Have a nice day my friend....
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
2 Nov 10
A lie is still a lie. it doesn't matter how we try to sugar coat it. We are being dishonest with others and ourselves every time we tell a lie.
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
Hi sender621, Yes, a lie is still a lie... And I do believe it is worth telling everybody the truth. But I think in those times we need to give an outright answer for a very bad situation, we conceal it. Everybody does this concealing to hide our imperfections, and this is human in nature...And in those times, we try to tell only the half-truth so that we will not be blame in concealing the truth. In my point of view, suppose that telling a lie will zap someone to the nearby planet Venus, I think no adult will be left on Earth. Only kids at their innocent angelic age don't tell lie... Isn't it? Have a nice day...
@JUNGLE (1157)
• South Africa
2 Nov 10
A lie is a lie whether in white or any other color.There is'nt anyone that I know of who has'nt told a lie in the whole world.People are speaking millions of lies every single day.To say that one does not, and has never ever spoken a lie is the biggest lie that one can ever utter.!!!Lol!!!
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• Philippines
7 Nov 10
Hi jungle, Yes it is firmly believed that telling a lie is in human nature. We tend to do some of those "telling a lie" so that we can please someone, to get something more, to attain a better situation, to be a pride of somebody, to be emotional boosted... But all in all, it is our human nature and doing worst lies and doing all lies everyday and doing it for the purpose of being a "habitual" liar is something already really bad... And everyone is against it. Have a nice day my friend.
@shaggin (74036)
• United States
2 Nov 10
I really hate liars so I try to never lie. I dont lie unless its something to protect my kids pretty much. Like when my ex was in the psych ward and rehab I didnt tell them that I just told them that he was visiting his brother in Maryland. My kids are 6 and 3 I think the white lie I told them was better then me trying to explain to them where my ex is and why hes there. They dont need to know that kind of stuff.
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
Hi shaggin, Yes, when it comes to kids... we, as mother, are their protectors. I have also two kids and I will also do anything for them to protect and make their life happy and worry-free. I do believe that what you have done is for the best interest of you and your family. I do really admire what you have done since your kids are still will not be able to understand complicated situations. When right time comes, they will surely understand then... Have a nice day my friend.