What do you think...

November 2, 2010 10:04am CST
The Britain's Got Talent, American idol, TV talent shows are popular all over the world. But why? Is it because we share the contestants' hopes and dreams? Or is it because we enjoy watching them get humiliated?
4 responses
• Philippines
25 Nov 10
The reason why these programs are very popular becuase the show showcases people who represent society itself - its triumphs and failures. Sure, as an audience, we get the opportunity to support or laugh people who are funny in these programs. But we also feel that as people we are being judged in the same way that a particular contestant (due to some connection) is being judged. The reason we like some contestant is that we feel a connection or affinity to that certain person (whether it be their experiences, their thoughts, attitudes or charm). The same goes for the contestants who are not in favoring of winning the competition (we feel that we had no connection to them so it's okay for them to lose). Talent , of course, is a factor but being liked by the audience gives the long way and the ticket to winning that particular contest. Contestants as the representation of a program's audience share many characteristics with each other - both parties have the longing and aspiration of being famous, having money and living a good life. Unfortunately, those settings only happen to the contestant and not those to the people s/he represents or share affinities with. This results in more people joining TV shows - they think it would be easy that moment the public starts to love or like them. Also, that is the reason why these shows have a guaranteed audience and fan base.
• Philippines
3 Nov 10
Yeah, i agree that it's kinda both. It's great to watch them unleash their talents, which are really really amazing and entertaining. But at times, you can't avoid but laugh with some auditions/contestants. I mean, i don't intentionally laugh because they are being humiliated, but simply because it's funny. It's different and uncommon, that is why. But not really mocking them. Because I really admire the very fact that they were in that show. Not all people would have the confidence to do that, to try in front of thousands of people. On the other hand, when people humiliate them, they'd have no choice but to accept that since they have chosen to make a show. It's show business, and no matter how good or bad you are, people has something to comment.
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
2 Nov 10
i think its because it gives average people a chance to become an instant hit overnight.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
2 Nov 10
I think.... that it's a little bit of both. I personally am so sick and tired of these kinds of shows that I don't even bother to turn on the television.