The Storm by Jean Johnson

South Africa
November 3, 2010 9:08am CST
From time to time I will enjoy a good fantasy, but Can never remember who the authors are. A month ago I came across a novel by Jean Johnson, titled "The Storm". It's a fantasy/romance story dealing with people gifted with magical powers, the influences these powers have on their daily lives. This story tells about two sisters who flee the home land because power magicians want to steal the one sisters magic. They find refuge on an island among a family of magician, seven brothers, who luckily have no interest in the sisters' powers and have their own battles to fight. I quite enjoyed the story and noticed that it formed part of a series called "The Sons of Destiny". Since I enjoyed this book I hope to get hold of the others so I can enjoy them too. Have any of you read any of Jean Johnson's books? Did you enjoy them? Please tell me what you thought of her stories.
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