Do people really hate atheists?
By natnickeep
@natnickeep (2336)
United States
November 3, 2010 9:41pm CST
I have recently been doing a lot of studying on science and philosophy and some other subjects. I have for a long time questioned the existence of a supreme being and I have come to the conclusion that I am Atheist. I have discussed this with a few of my friends. They were astonished but didn't have a problem with this.
I saw on an atheist forum the other day that atheists are one of the most hated people.
I just wanted a mylot opinion on if this is true. And why if it is? We are people too. Atheist still have morals, manners and most of the time want to do the right thing. I am not an atheist because I want to avoid following rules or be what you call a sinner. I am because I haven't been proved a god exists. I want to do the right thing and not teach my children something that I don't know is true. Science seems to point in a different direction away from god. Does that mean it's evil? Am I wrong for not believing what I can't see. Or am I right for questioning? What is your thoughts on this? Am I hated?
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21 responses
@Angelwriter (1954)
• United States
4 Nov 10
Whoever you are, someone will hate you. Atheists are hated and so are religious people. And depending on who you're around, either one can have the experience of being the most hated person. I do believe in God (no, can't prove it) and I don't hate you.
Also, one thing. It's up to you what label you want to choose. But, just to be nitpicky, from what I'm reading, I would say technically, you're more of an agnostic rather than an atheist. At least my interpretation of your post, you haven't said you think there isn't God. You said you don't know. My understanding (and since I'm neither an atheist or an agnostic, someone who is probably knows more and I could be wrong) is not knowing is more an agnostic thing. An atheist would more likely say they know God doesn't exist. They wouldn't have doubts.
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@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
4 Nov 10
Thank you Angelwriter!! I will have to look that up too. I think anything is possible so I guess I am not fully an Atheist. I just don't think it's logical is all. When you weigh the evidence there is so much more on the other side. I learn something new everyday!
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@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
4 Nov 10
I don't hate you, there's no reason why i should. There could be a different reason why you chose to be an atheist and besides that's a choice you made. A choice that every one have to respect. There are a lot of people who belong to a certain religious denomination that are more hateful than any atheists around. I'm fascinated with science too but difference is, the more it discovers things and the detailed explanations it provides, the more and more I believe that we are here on earth for a reason and not just out of coincidence.
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@smacksman (6053)
4 Nov 10
Fanatics are able to hate people.
So it doesn't really matter what the subject is - religion; sport; politics; the fanatic will really be very anti people who are opposed to their ideals.
There is nothing you can do about it. Ignore them and move on.

@smacksman (6053)
4 Nov 10
You will rarely see hate in postings here because it is not tolerated by the admin. It is also, like you, one of the reasons I love it here.
Sadly I have seen terrible hatred in other forums and it saddens me. I have also been in war and that can breed poisonous specimens of humanity.
So I am forever on the defence, ready to walk away from conflict if I can but on the other hand ready to kill if I cannot. Man is a strange mixture.
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
4 Nov 10
Well that's the thing so far I haven't encountered any of these hateful people. That's why I asked the question. To see if any of them would pop in and comment. But everyone so far has been open-minded or at least respectful. Hence why I love it here at mylot. I was ready for anything when I posted this discussion. I almost even talked myself out of it. But I am I did it.
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@adrianaF (2)
6 Nov 10
I say the same , i would love people to coment on my stuff but they rather not , because the probably want to just work on their's not other's . I think you have all sence , plus i would comment on everyone's when im done or did enough of my job . People should comment on other's too so they can get more comments , and also the MyLot would be more of a friendly community if everyone would comment on everyone elses . So i think it's a better idea if everyone would comment on other people , that's nice . I love being nice to people because if god sees that im nice to them then he'll give me more , but if peole are mean with me then i won't be nice to them back , but the thing about fighting , and being mean is that i don't like it it's boring to fight with people , the only thing i ido to fix it is to not payattention to them or just tell them to not be my freind . If you would like me to comment on whatever u want me to just tell me and i'll go see , nand just check it in my messeges (email) .. yep so that's what i wanted to say mostly agreeing Thanks and goodluck all of you guys !!!...
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Nov 10
My daughter got "40% evil" on a quiz on Facebook, and came to the conclusion it was because she had responded that she didn't believe in God. That started her on a rant about how that doesn't make you evil. But some people do believe that you can't be good or moral if you don't believe in God.
I say they are mistaken, and merely fear what they do not know.
No, you're not hated, at least not by me.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Nov 10
We sent her to a Christian school for a few years, but we did not teach her about God. She drew her own conclusions.
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
6 Nov 10
Thanks dawnald. I think having a family member or close person makes people understand a little more. So did you teach your daughter about god when she was young? What made her not believe? If you don't mind sharing.
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@maezee (41988)
• United States
5 Nov 10
Lol I don't think so. I have no reason to hate you. But then again, I'm not very religious whatsoever. I don't think it should be judge of character, what religious "category" you fall under. I am probably agnostic although I don't really label myself. I don't think too much about religion (although spirituality is a different thing) and I try not to label myself. I mean, we all have values, priorities, and all that good stuff, without even bringing religion onto the table. So, no, I would say that athiests in general are not hated, unless by a super extremist group of Christians or whatever, but even at that point, I doubt that they hate you - although they might try to "convert" you (ugh, I know, it's super annoying). Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it. I mean, there are some people who can have blind faith, and there are other people who are more logical thinkers (neither one is better htan the other), but I'm the same way. I wasn't brought up in a strictly religious background, and I've never had that kind of blind faith that's really required to be a "true believer". I'm more hands on, I think, and I need to see something or feel something to reassure me that it actually exists. But who cares? I mean most of my friends are Christian, but that doesn't make them any better or worse than me because I don't really follow any specific religion. I just do what feels right, and try to live by my own code. I don't know if that makes sense. lol. But if someone is ignorant enough to judge someone (and even go as far as to say or think that they HATE someone) because of their religious beliefs, or lack thereof, well - it's THEIR loss not yours. I wouldn't worry about it.
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@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
6 Nov 10
Yes I think it's okay to disagree but when it comes to pointing a finger and hating something because you don't understand it then I think it's wrong. I am glad I don't feel like I am missing out on anything not going to church or believing everything I hear.
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@doubledawn (69)
• Canada
4 Nov 10
People will respond to you according to your actions. Just as some people are loathe to have a conversation with a overly religious person who wants to "save" everyone, many are equally offended by atheists who insist on telling them their beliefs are wrong.
Regardless of personal religious beliefs, the key is to show others courtesy and respect for what they believe. I mean no offence by quoting a biblical reference, but "turn the other cheek" if you ever get into a situation with a bible thumper who wants to convince you to change your mind. You can't convince a true believer to shed their faith, anymore than they can convince you adopt their belief. It ends up being an frustrating battle with no winner anyway.
People are people. We are an arrogant species that insist we are always right. People who hate atheists are simply to in love with their own sense of righteousness to see how hypocritical it is. You are not hated, nor will you be as long as you hold to your beliefs without hurting others. The path to self-enlightment is different for everybody.
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
5 Nov 10
Thanks for your response. I am good at turning the other cheek and keeping peace.
@herse45 (22)
• Indonesia
5 Nov 10
For me personally i never hate anyone because of what they believe in, but what i don't like is sometimes people argue with other people about their beliefs and then the argue get hot and they start talking bad about the other person's beliefs. Your beliefs is your, my beliefs is mine, it's not something to be argued about because it's like arguing i like my face better than yours. You can believe anything you want, as long it doesn't make you do bad things. If that happens it means you have believing a wrong thing.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Nov 10
What ever you stand for in life should be respected. If I want to live in this world peacefully and happily, I must allow others also to live peacefully and happily. What ever religious belief we hold, we human race can co-exist happily without having to make others believe what we believe in. So we can make this world something which is worthy of life.
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
4 Nov 10
I agree also. I don't think it takes belief in god to be good. In fact there are many very religious people who have done very bad things, like catholic priests for example. Another on the list of things that make me question god. How would any god let children be hurt and molested and all that.
Anyhow again I am getting off subject, I am a good person, stick to certain morals, and constantly try to help others. God hasn't played a part in that for me. I understand why it may for others though and I respect that.
Thanks for your comment Zandi :)
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@lloydbelleza (1227)
• Philippines
4 Nov 10
I don't know. I can't qualify that since I have not heard about atheism especially in my country. Personally, I don't hate atheists. They are people with so many reasons that are grounded on facts. But I just wonder why do they keep on relying on human reasons alone. But I respect their personal belief. We have freewill and we have to respect that. 

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@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
4 Nov 10
Thanks. I do believe something fuels us, a type of energy and karma, something unseen. But I just think of it in a more of a scientifically. Rather than it being some type of god. I don't think we all just die. I think parts of our mind may be able to stick around for a while. I do think we have some type of inner being, more than just our body, and our brain that runs it. I guess I am spiritual is a sense.
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@shaggin (73975)
• United States
4 Nov 10
The way our teacher in high school taught us was that atheists worship the devil and agnostics are people who do not believe in god or anything like that because they do not have proof. I was always raised Christian but after reading through the bible I feel so many contradictions are in there and think evolution makes so much more sense that I doubt much of the bible now. I think people who worship the devil are crazy but I dont see anything wrong with agnositcs who simply question what hasent been proven scientifically.

@shaggin (73975)
• United States
7 Nov 10
I'm not an atheist I do think there is some higher power out there I just dont know exactly what it is. But you are right I was wrong when I wrote that. People who worship the devil I think are called satanists. That to me is scary but I dont see anything wrong with atheists or agnostics. I do see a lot of people and just because someone isnt a believe in jesus christ people see them as crazy scary people.
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
6 Nov 10
Atheist don't worship the devil that would be a satanist or something. But I think I have decided I am Agnostic not Atheist. I believe anything is possible so that means I don't rule out all together that there is some supreme being.
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• India
4 Nov 10
I think we should not hate anyone just depending on their belief.The fact that atheists are hated because most of the major monotheistic religions do not accept athiesm.But there are some religions like hinduism which accepts atheism.Athiests doesnt believe in any supreme power.There are certain sects like "Carvaka" within hinduism which are based on this philosophy.Personally I am not athiest,rather I would like to call myself agnostic.Anyways people should not hate athiest just because they believe something different.
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@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
4 Nov 10
That is interesting. I have started to do some reading on Hinduism. I need to pick that back up. I will look up Carvaka. See that's the thing I am not completely uninformed, I didn't just decide to not believe. I have been reading and studying all kinds of religions, and science and philosophy. Thanks for not hating either. I don't think anyone should be hated for their beliefs.
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• India
4 Nov 10
I think we shouldnot hate anyone just depending on what they believe.The fact that atheists are hated because most of the major monotheistic religions do not accept atheism.But there are other religions like hinduism which accepts atheism.Atheist doesn't believe in any supreme power.There are certain sects like "Carvaka" within hinduism which are based on this philosophy.Personally I am not an atheist,rather I would like to call myself agnostic.Anyways people should not hate atheist just because they believe something different.
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@jheypee26 (83)
• Philippines
4 Nov 10
Its a misconception that science drives a different direction from God. Science is investigating what have been written in the bible and the existence of God. Yes you are human and we respect your belief being an atheist. For some people who do not understand the scriptures or the teachings of God may not be practicing the right way and that is why they hate atheist. It is not through religion that we are being driven by our lives, it is what we believe in and what we live with. No matter what you think is right as long as you've been a good being then theres no reason to be frightened of.
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
4 Nov 10
Thanks. That was a great response. Some people that believe in god are great people. In general it's a good thought and way of life. It's just not for me...not yet..not till I look into all the questions I have. I am so glad there are people like you jheypee :)
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@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
For me, I'm not condeming you or judging you and I think nobody can ever do that we or they don't have the right to do that. Only God knows everything.. From my side if you are one of them I will continue to pray that one day the one you are will reveal to you that God is exist... Sorry but that is my opinion...
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
6 Nov 10
Well thank you for your opinion. I always welcome anyones thoughts and opinions. So what made you decide that god was real?
@doc_air (53)
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
Why are you asking what made visavis decide that God was real? Do you want people to give you reasons, facts, or proofs that there is God for you to reconsider that He really exists?
Natnickeep, I think somehow you do believe that God is real but you refused to accept it. Hmm maybe it's not yet time. Maybe you have your own way to discover GOD. I just hope that someday you realize that "something' whom you said who fuels us is really Him. But I don't judge you ok. I respect your choice. =)
@doc_air (53)
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
Why are you asking what made visavis decide that God was real? Do you want people to give you reasons, facts, or proofs that there is God for you to reconsider that He really exists?
Natnickeep, I think somehow you do believe that God is real but you refused to accept it. Hmm maybe it's not yet time. Maybe you have your own way to discover GOD. I just hope that someday you realize that "something' whom you said who fuels us is really Him. But I don't judge you ok. I respect your choice. =)

@doc_air (53)
• Philippines
4 Nov 10
Hate is such a strong word I guess. I think people will only hate atheists when they do something that is evil. Hmm.. you said you still have morals and most of the time wanted to do what is right. Don't you ever think that your goodness is the living proof that God does exist?
Just my 2 cents..I believe God represents all things around us: the mountains, rain, sun, ocean etc. The fact that we breath, eat, sleep, and love..and how intricate our body systems work. These are things that can't be fully explained by science and philosophy at all because we can never fathom the Greatness of God Almighty. It is beyond our capacity as humans. =)
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
4 Nov 10
No I really believe that everything is balanced. To know what good is we have to have evil. Just think if everyone was good and always did good things, would you even know what good really was? Good and evil, light and dark, yin and yang, for everything there is an opposite.
Thanks for your 2 cents!! This world and everything in it is beyond our capacity, but not beyond the capacity of science and everything else that exists in the universe that was here way before us or this earth.
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@urbandekay (18278)
21 Aug 11
I have never heard a believer say they hate an atheist or take action that would lead me to believe they did. I have, however, heard atheists pour scorn and derision on believers to the extent that leads me to believe they hate them
all the best urban
@chiwasaki (4694)
• Philippines
22 Aug 11
I think people don't have the right to judge you whether you are an atheist or not. Probably some people will hate an atheist because they don't consider someone who is supreme to them. Some people think that atheist are all self centered and they mock God. I'm a Christian and I don't hate people like you. I respect your belief.
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
4 Nov 10
Yes! Hate comes from everywhere. You can question whether God is or not. It all comes down to -Is humanity better because you were in it? The rest is just tradition, flowers and smoke. You need to take care of you. God doesn't care if you didn't go to church last Sunday! Bob Hope said he will perform for any denomination because he didn't want to miss out on the other side because of a technicality! That says it all!
Have a great day!
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
4 Nov 10
Yes I agree. I don't hate people who believe in god was what I was trying to say I guess. I mean everyone needs something to guide them. I choose wisdom, learning, discovery, questioning....and others will just accept what they can't see and what they've been told. "tradition, smoke and flowers...I like that!
@adrianaF (2)
7 Nov 10
Well i don't care what your opinion is because it's yours not mine so i don't hate you for tht you know some people think different or you know some other ways , but i certainly don't have any problem with you saying that you don't believe in god and that your a atheists i respect it . Not that im it, because i believe in god and gods i just feel that it's true and i love god so much with all my heart and i pray mostly all the time . But im not like really into church like other people are i just love god in my own private way like i don't act in public when people are fighting i won't say don't fight please this is bad for god to see this in our world . So im not like that im just trying to tell you that everyone has a different opinion on a topic so idc , jaja anyways im christian but im not like really religous im just nice to god and believe in him and gods too , because i saw it in the discovery channel , mostly gods builded the pyramids and everything they mostly done from along time ago , that's where scientists say that they don't know how myms (miams) not sure but how they builded stuff from along time ago if there was'nt any technology at all but this is what i think of what you were telling on your box ..
@Gargi2010 (638)
• India
4 Nov 10
You right any field you engage but if u workhard and enjoy the work you will get success.
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
4 Nov 10
Thank you. I do work hard in everything I do. I try to always help others and be a good person. So I don't think that makes me any less of a person than someone who believes right.
@abatencila (970)
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
No,I don't hate atheist. I respect them. They have their own way of living and believing as long as they respect me there will be no problem with that. We are uniquely born in this world and should learn to accept other as they are.
@lila0812 (54)
• Indonesia
14 Jun 11
Hi. What really religion is for? People admit they are religious people and then they hate other people? And people who say they are atheist but they do not hate other people. Which one is better? Religion will not teach you to hate other human being as God's creation. Thanks, natnickeep.