hi,guys, some trick to attract boys

November 4, 2010 2:07am CST
I am a college student,freshmen girls. around me are quite handsome boys.but I am just too timid to have a talk with them. It would be unrealistic to date a boy,I think. and lately,i am in love with a boy at the first sight.From now on,I decide to go after him,can you give me some trick or idea?
5 responses
@Fireheart (683)
• India
4 Nov 10
Well its simple when it comes to attract a boy you love show him that you are interested in him by talk or smiling or helping him on something you can, automatically he could come after you, if your believe that you are a beauty then there is no problem, boys are lot attracted to beauty of course some are not. anyway try the simple techniques lets see whether he is in or out.
@annawen86 (545)
• Indonesia
4 Nov 10
hello acboyhome, the secret to get someone you love is by being your self. if you try to be someone else, he will feel that you are awkward. and you cant attract him if he think that you are weird. if you feel comfortable with your self, then he will interest to know you better. i dont do anything when i attracted boys. i only be my self. well, i like to talk, so i talk with boys about anything and then i found out that almost every boys that are close to me have a crush on me. you just have to know about his hobby, what kind of topic that can make him interest, and try to show your talent to him.and remember, dont get nervous. you have to be relax. and smile :)
@swissheart (6482)
• Romania
4 Nov 10
the main trick...thrust yourself. guys find attractive a girl who has the right attitude.why don't you try talk to him? find out what he likes and find the ocasion to talk to him. I know it';s hrad especially when you're shy but if you reallik like him you should go for it..I mean after all there's nothing that you're going to lose if you do that. at least you know you had tried. or else you'll feel sorry for the rest of your life and you'll keepo asking what would have hapened if I had the courage to do that
• Philippines
4 Nov 10
flirt a little, show some skin, smile and the rest is for you to improvise. I really love a chic who's oozing with confidence. Be confident of what you have, your body is the best way to communicate. Just don't give the guy what he want's on the first date. Most of all just have fun.
• India
4 Nov 10
hi lol....welcome to mylot There are definitely no tricks i can say.because if and does if any tricks exists they are only for attracting. But not for keeping the relationships. being honest will always make you good at any place and it will get you good friends(both boys and girls) and it will give you the best ones i can say anywhwere. So its best to be honest. YOU said that you are at your LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. congratulations then. and for making him to love you show him how much you love him and how much you miss him. Know his intrests and try to find the pleasure in themif you wish. talk to him first. forget about the others and fear in your mind. because you are loving him right... then make a friend him first and then try to shower your love on him... if you do these things honestly..he is not going to escape from you.. ithink. Wish you goodluck... Happy lotting.