do you want to work all your life? O_O

hold tight^^ - boy is holding girl^^
November 4, 2010 5:24pm CST
hi guys^^ do you dream to work all your life? O_O i know that for some people is ok to work all their lives. they like to work and feel busy. and earn their own money to help their families but wouldnt you all like to work for 10 years and save money very very well only spending in necessary things like sure food, rent and other bills and sure once in awhile buy something for ourselves too but then after this 10 years if we saved much money have a life like travelling and enjoying? if we have a big amount of money in bank it can grow more. so if we doesnt use much money for 10 years maybe we can save a big amount and have a better life enjoying love and fun =) wouldnt it be great? i guess that we all would like to have a life without stress and worries^^ and if is two people working for the same even better =) guys please share your opinions^^
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22 responses
@creyos (275)
• Indonesia
5 Nov 10
Working for a company is No, not for all my life. Working on my own business is Yes, after I conducted the capital from working in a company. But I'm sure I will still working for all my life no matter what, it's kind of self satisfaction for the achievements recognition. And it will be boring if living a life without a challenge.
• Portugal
5 Nov 10
yes i understand^^ you want to work all your life but in a business that you have. thats a good plan^^ yes i understand that you need a goal in life. thats why you say you need a challenge so you can also feel better about yourself. that you are working hard to have a good life. is good that you are saving to make your dream come true^^ thats great really
• Portugal
5 Nov 10
yes^^ dont give up on your dreams. you have a job so all is possible^^ as long as you save the money well im sure that it can happen^^ you can try to open an account where if all monthes you put a certain money quantity they also add some extra money^^ that way you win more money to have your money in bank^^ im sure that way is easier for you :)
@creyos (275)
• Indonesia
5 Nov 10
:) Hopefully, sweetlove. :p
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
4 Nov 10
i dont want to work all my life but i want to work and save money and start a business of my own. me and my wife wants to get into retailing rice. in our country we are rice people and most of us eats rice three times a day. morning, lunch and dinner. but of course we need money to start a business like that. if i can have this business in five years from now or even three years from now then that would really make me happy. this is one of my dreams and i know it will come true just hard work and save.
• Portugal
5 Nov 10
thats good that you and your wife are planning to have a business together^^ yes im sure that your dream is possible if you keep saving. i guess that you live in phillipines right? i know that for a business there you need like 16 000 pesos right? did you think about working abroad? bcs my bf is also pinoy and he told me that 16 000 pesos is enough to open a small business. that is 1000 euros in my country i saw it so if you went to europe work for a few monthes you could earn that money^^ usually in my country people salary is like 500 euros or 475 euros if is a full time job so if you worked full time you could in two monthes earn the money that is necessary to your business ^^ think about that and maybe you can make your dream come true sooner than you think wish you the best^^
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
yes i am from the philippines but 16,000 pesos is not enough to open a retail of rice. maybe that would be enough to pay for your license to operate for legal matters but to start a big business like rice that is not enough. we still also need to buy a vehicle were we can put the sacks of rice that we will get in the province. and of course we need to have a stall were we can sell and store the sacks of rice. maybe a small sari sari store then 16,000 is enough. i dont have a chance to work in europe but one of my brothers live there at london. he works as a musician and a bus driver. if i would have a chance then why not. i am a musician too and my wife is a professional singer but she gave up her career and became a hands on mom. i know that dream will come true but we still need more time. thanks for the best wishes.
• Portugal
5 Nov 10
yes i see^^ you still need a lot of things till open your business^^ is good to see that you already have so many plans. is cute that your brother works in london as musician and as bus driver^^ maybe he could find you a job there? :) that way would be easier to get a visa^^ your wife is a professional singer? thats awesome. so sad that she gave up on her career. but im sure she is happy to be able to take care of your kids^^ you also are a musician? so you sing there in pinas? my bf also is from your country and he sang also in a bar^^ but got fired :( i wish he could find a job soon as a singer again^^ would be great. he really sings very well^^ sure your dream will come true bcs you are a caring man so deserve that^^ dont need to thank me :) i thank you for share with me your dreams
@libramie (562)
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
For me sweetlove as long as we live alive on this earth we're continue working. Even we manage our own business, we need to work on it to earn more profit for our daily needs. However it's more convenient to work for our own business than to have an employer. But even we're working continously, we can enjoy our life and have fun and it must be so we can't feel hardships on working and not stressful.
• Portugal
5 Nov 10
yes i guess that we all need to keep working^^ and sure is better if you work in your own business but is more responsability. and i guess that if we have a job sure we dont need to worry so much about bills and all that^^ so i wish that you like your job and that you can open your business if that is your dream^^ wish you the best really^^
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
If possible I would if still I'm capable.One must love his work to enjoy working.I do enjoy working so I can save some for my family's future.Someday when I reach retirement age with my savings I'll start a small business of my own and work.If possible I don't want to be idle and be a burden to my family.
• Portugal
5 Nov 10
yes i understand^^ you like to work to help family. you are a good person worrying with them. is good that you are saving money for your future. later on sure you can open a business. is good that you love your work^^ im sure that if you retire you wont be a burden to your family. you are helping them now. why would they not help you when you retire? that would be too selfish of them. and im sure they are great people^^
@llbo1981 (1237)
• China
5 Nov 10
I think it is so hard to work all our lives.When our ages become more and more older.We have no energy to work everyday.We should have a good rest and make some small exercises to strong our body.
• Portugal
5 Nov 10
yes sure must be too hard. and sure old people shouldnt work. i guess that after 50 years no one should work anymore. everyone should rest and have fun^^ sure is important to make exercise sometimes. that way we can be strong and have energy to have a good life^^ we should all like work for 10 years and then just enjoy life^^ we are alive to be happy and not to be worried with bills.
• China
5 Nov 10
Everyone enjoys doing what they are intrested in.So if I can do what I like,I am ok to work all my lives.But if the work is not the type of work that I am intrested in,I will earn enough money and save it for the life later.Of coure,I will retire early and spend time doing things that I like.
• Portugal
5 Nov 10
yes sure^^ if you dont do what you like you better just work for awhile and save money for you only. you deserve to live a happy life^^ is good that you will retire early^^ and that you will spend time doing what you like. you have great plans and im very happy for you really. wish that all your dreams come true^^ all the best for you :)
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
I wouldn't work all my life. I would work hard for the meantime and save hard too. I would put up my own business and manage it well. I want to travel and enjoy things in life. Working all life is not a good idea.
• Portugal
5 Nov 10
yes sure i understand^^ you want to save money for your own business. thats a good plan. im sure that you can save a lot. we all should enjoy life and work for only a few years. im sure that you can travel much if you keep fighting for your dream^^ if you work and think about your dream you will always be able to keep going. just trust yourself^^
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
5 Nov 10
Right now, I am sick of working for my entire life. I am 29 and I started work when I was 20. I am still doing a full time job while hoping that someone will let me rely on financial matters. I want a job that is not like a job more than a hobby like computer jobs but I still do not earn enough $$$ these days. So, people on mylotters if you have any suggestions, please feel free to let me know. THanks in advance.
• Portugal
5 Nov 10
i have a suggestion^^ i wanted to do that but i cant bcs my net connection is too slow. but you can create a movies blog. you can put movies of many different countries and im sure you will have a lot of visitors^^ everyone loves movies and who wouldnt like to go to a blog full of movies and download it? i really wanted to do that but on my own is impossible. there are a lot of movies and my net takes ages to upload :( but you can try to do that with someone^^ if is you and like two more people im sure it can work. and when you start to earn you split the money between all^^ that way everyone wins and you can go out for awhile do your own things without worry so much with money if you like movies try it^^
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
Nope, but i would like to have fun with work especially if I work in my own business. That for sure would give me enough plenty of time to rule my life and the same time have time to earn and be with my family so special time spend worthwhile with them. All work and no play makes John a dull so everything need a balance. So I do not like to see myself being slaves by other people if i could earn double in my own manage business without a boss for sure that my wish not to work for other especially if the superior have a devil attitude makes any environment not a fun place to have work with which I could opt to work in simple job with less pressure rather than working in high yielding income and yet the environment is not friendly just make me feel sick.
• Portugal
5 Nov 10
yes sure^^ you dont want to work for other people forever i understand that. your own business is a good idea. im happy that you dream with that. that can happen if you work and save for like two years or three^^ if you save good money you can do that and have an happier life. spend time with your family and work at the same time. that way have a better and cute life^^ your avatar fairy is cute by the way^^
• Indonesia
5 Nov 10
No, I don't want to work for the rest of my life. When I'm 50 something later, I want to retire and enjoy my old days. I'd like to travel or maybe just taking care of the house and visit my grandchildren. Now I'm looking for some opportunities so I can earn passive income to fund my retirement plans Will I be succeed? Only time will tell
• Portugal
5 Nov 10
yes sure you will^^ if you try to save the more you can for sure you can succeed. if we fight for a better life we can have it. work and save much and for sure soon you can retire ^^ we all should have a good life with only happiness and relaxing. we could help others but also be free to do what we like. without worry so much with work^^ i wish that you dont need to work all your life^^
• China
5 Nov 10
If I have the chance, I want to work until the day I lost. Learning is a perminent work until the life. And the best way to learn is learn from work. So, I want to work long time.
• Portugal
5 Nov 10
yes i see that you really like to work^^ im happy for you bcs that way you enjoy life better. is not good if we are working and dont like it. if we like we can feel happy and not bad and worried. so i wish that you continue working for many years if that is what makes you enjoy life. but dont overwork there are other things important in life besides working^^
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
stable job or business is important to us but i only want to work until 65 then i will retire. its the acceptable age that people would retire from their jobs and start to benefit from their pension and relax their life from stress.
• Portugal
5 Nov 10
yes mary sure^^ 65 is more than enough. you already will work many years. but maybe if you save good money dont need to be so many years working^^ we should have more fun in life and not always work. i guess that 10 years of work would be more than enough :) other years should be for people to have fun and enjoy life. anyway life isnt easy so is good that you have a stable job at least^^
@onlywan (182)
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
I don't want to work all my life. I don't want to be trap in the rat race. I don't want to live payday to payday. People like to practice being a one day millionaire. They just think about today and not tomorrow. I wish they will learn to save and invest. We should always be looking forward to someday retire and not to struggle with everyday finances and expense. In order for us to stop working, we need to start investing on knowledge to be free from poverty.
• Portugal
5 Nov 10
yes i agree that we have to control ourselves and save money^^ that you say that people like to be like a millionaire for a day i understand. thats bcs people work much and when have some money in their hands they like to buy something to spoil themselves^^ i guess that we all can buy a little thing all monthes but not a lot of things or else is impossible to save. i think that we all should work few years and save a big amount and then we could have a good life. if we let money in bank it will grow and grow more all monthes so we can then have a better life only enjoying and being happy^^
• Indonesia
5 Nov 10
^^ no, i dont want dream to work all of my life. I want to work and spend my old day with my family because we never find happiness like our family give.
• Portugal
5 Nov 10
yes i understand that you want to spend time with family^^ is true that family can give much happiness but that depends. im happy that you are very close to your family^^ i wish that you dont need to work for many years and can have much fun with them^^ you deserve to be very happy. i really wish that you have everything you dream^^ welcome to mylot and thanks for answer my discussion
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
5 Nov 10
Hi Sweetloveforeve, It really doesn't matter if I would like that or not. I will be working until I drop I'm sure. Sure it'd be nice to be able to save and travel and all but I don't see that happening and I'm ok with it as long as I'm able to pay my rent and bills.
@thanks1961 (7035)
• India
5 Nov 10
Hi dear, You can think of such a life even now because you didn’t started a planned life yet. If you have a good financial background and adequate wealth, you can plant as per your wish. As you know, everyone is destined to live differently as they all are different in their background. May be financial or others, we got different life patterns and styles. Many are blessed with higher levels even if they are not good in financial background. By luck and effort and their time, few become highly placed positions and become rich in a short period. But rarely it happens. Only thing what I would like to say is that, the life around us is a competitive one and we need to do a lot of hard work to attain our goals. We need a proper planning and vision to fulfil our ambitions. An understanding partner and hard work in the proper channel can lead to a higher level life and I think if the case, we can spend a peaceful life in the later part of our life. Do hard work at times when we can do and earn and keep it for the rest of the period. If we can achieve this aim, we can live peacefully without doing a job in the last times. I think, if you plan now, you can be like that. However, my best part is over and I don’t think I will get such a time anymore and I need to work for the entire lifetime. Regards, Thank-s
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
no i do not want to work all of my life im only 19 years old and i think it is only 5 to 10 years that i want to work. and with this time i want to save some of my money to build a business, so in that ways i have rotating money although i have no work. this is my dream in my life.
@swissheart (6482)
• Romania
5 Nov 10
I don't dream to wrok for the rest of my life...I don't believe there is one of us who would like to do thjat but it's a thing that we simply have to do for a living. it's simple we don't work we don't earn money...we don't earn money we don't have anything to eat.
5 Nov 10
i would like to retire early but will never have enough money to so i will work for as long as i possibly can so i have enough money to get by and money to leave my kids.
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
Not at all. I always believed that if a person works hard enough and save enough he will have enough money to put up his own business and then earn from it and never work another day at all. This is also one of my goals. Also it might be a good idea to invest in mutual funds as well for long term earnings.