my pet was die.

@asendud (318)
November 4, 2010 8:08pm CST
i have a dog, and he is sick. by the time he deteriorated. then and the midnight he howled for the last time and then die. after now i still didn't have a dog.
3 responses
@lynnymac (105)
• United States
17 Nov 10
may i offer you my deepest sympathy. we have also lost a beloved puppy this past week. i understand your pain and hope you will someday have another good sweet dog in your life.
• China
17 Nov 10
I'm sorry to hear that!But you know everything we love will leave us oneday,so just let it go!Your dog must be in heaven now!I do had the same experience with you ,but I just tell myself that"we have had some beautiful memories,so it's OK!"
@ika2010 (95)
• Indonesia
5 Nov 10
i'm so sory to hear that. i hope you will get the new one very soon.