Extreme Anti-Abortion Issues
By ladybugmagic
@ladybugmagic (3978)
United States
November 5, 2010 12:35am CST
Pretending now, that you were of the belief that your child should carry her rapists fetus to term, and you were in a state requiring parental consent, what would you have your daughter say to her unwanted child when they are old enough for the talk?
For instance, let's say she is a victim of incest, and you just happened to be abusive enough to make her suffer more by carrying her abusers child to term, violating her body twice.
There are very few of you out there, thank goodness, but, seriously, in all your holy wisdom, 'god's plan' kind of explanation, how to you tell a child they are the product of rape, or incest?
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10 responses
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
5 Nov 10
I agree and really, no one knows the details of their conception.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
5 Nov 10
My child, you are loved. You are worthy of life. You are beautiful and perfect in every way to me. Your smile is the sunshine of my day. Your laughter is the music to my life. You were the light in my darkness, the shining beacon of hope that guided my heart from bitterness and hatred to love and forgiveness. You are yourself, not the "product" of any evil, even if evil was meant towards me. You are not a product, you are a worthy person and here because I loved you more than I hated him. You are the healing balm that allowed me to find a reason to live and worth any sacrifice I made.
What more should you tell any child, other than you love them?
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
5 Nov 10
This is what I think is appropriate, taskr...in keeping with the focus of this discussion. I have 3 daughters. If any one of them were raped and discovered that she was pregnant as a result I would do what SHE wanted because SHE is the primary victim here. I cannot imagine forcing any of my daughters to carry the product of such a horrible crime...one you cannot begin to comprehend because you are not a woman...to term. If she chose to, I would support that because it would be HER choice...and the decision should only be hers since this happened to her body against her will.
I also really wish that you, and others, would stop throwing around that 99% convenience statistic...as if 99% of the women who choose to have an abortion don't also have other circumstances in their lives which make this choice a necessary one. Yes, there are women who use abortion for convenience but, again, you don't know anything about the physical and emotional specifics. Abortions are actually painful. You also don't know about the economic, relationship, housing, employment, etc. situations that many women face.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
5 Nov 10
“My child, you are loved. You are worthy of life.”
Don’t stop there, be truthful –
“But, if the same rapist who raped your mother rapes you, we would love you just enough to violate you twice, the way we did with your mother.”
Doesn’t really sound like love to me. It sounds like you are devaluing them, as you had their mother, by showing your ideology meant more than her mother’s well being.
It sounds like you made her mother the sacrificial lamb, and would be willing to do it again, should the case have been an incest/pedophiliac issue which tends to continue.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
5 Nov 10
If you smart, and have a brain, you don't tell the child. NEVER.
Not that I am anti-abortion. On the contrary.
But these days, the people on the witchunt for rapists and other things, are doing more harm than good.
There were a case in the US not long ago, where they did find a woman which had been abducted by a couple as a child. That young woman was working, was happy and living what she believed to be a perfect normal life.
When the couple was arrested, the young woman was told that she had been abducted as a child, and molested and raped by her abductor.
Overnight, she went from being a normal person, to a total wreck. We were told that it would take her years to recover mentally before she could live a normal life again. What we see here, is a total lack of compassion for the victim. We use the victim in order to make sure the culprit will get the maximum sentance. People in their desire for vengeance are losing the plot. It should not be about satisfying your thirst for justice. It should be about helping the victim.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
5 Nov 10
Are you, by any chance, referring to Jaycee Dugard who has two children as a result of being repeatedly raped by the man who kidnapped her when she was 11 years old?
She was very well aware that she had been kidnapped, she was very well aware that she and her daughters were prisoners on this man's property, forced to live in tents, and she did what she had to do in order to survive and to protect her daughters.
Jaycee did not go from being a "normal person" to a total wreck overnight because she had not been a "normal person" since the day she was kidnapped. Do you believe that she was unaware that she had been taken from her family and that she had been raped numerous times? She was a victim and, yes, it will take years for her to recover from being held prisoner for 18 years. Are you suggesting that it would have been better...for Jaycee and her daughters...to leave them with this registered s3x offender?
Jaycee has a loving and supportive family. She and her daughters are getting the help they need in order to adjust after this horrible ordeal.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
6 Nov 10
This is just a really scary premise overall.
I came up with the question, because some of the more extreme candidates in the US were campaigning on outlawing abortion, even in times of rape and incest. And, they have gone on air saying they would have their own daughter carry the rapist's fetus to term because of their prolife views. And they then victimize themselves when people say (figuratively) that their child should be raped so they can see exactly what comes of it.
At some point, the question arises. "Mommy, who is my daddy?"
But, also, did you know that in the US, rapists can file for visitation/custodial rights?
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
6 Nov 10
I believe it because Family court is a completely different animal that Criminal court. Once a rapist has served his time there's nothing that I know of that would bar him from going to Family court, professing how rehabilitated he is and his desire to know his child.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
5 Nov 10
Why should the child be punished for the sins of the father? If you don't want the child, then fine, there are plenty of people out there who do and would be happy to raise him/her. But why deny a child their right to life because of the horrors inflicted by their father?
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
5 Nov 10
Because the horror inflicted by the father will be replayed in the victim's mind every single day for nine months unless she decides that she wants to have the child. Why should a rapist be allowed to continue to rape the mind of his victim again and again? BTW, the idea that there are plenty of childless families just waiting for every child born is wrong. There is actually a shortage of prospective adoptive parents for mixed race and otherwise "damaged" newborns which is why they end up in our already overcrowded foster care system where they are shuffled around like cards from one overcrowded home to the next. I know a couple who started out with one foster child. They now have 5...and they all came to them as newborns who no one wanted.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
6 Nov 10
And that is justification enough to kill a child? And what has mixed races got to do with this? The family you mentioned with 5 foster children, apparently THEY wanted those children. The problem isn't availability, the problem is the bureaucracy in the public adoption system.

@irishidid (8687)
• United States
5 Nov 10
The choice would be hers and I would support her regardless of her decision. I may fall of the side of life but that is my belief and I respect that others have their own. If she wanted to have the baby I would make sure she got the care she needed to have a healthy pregnancy. If she decided on an abortion I would make sure she was given the best of care in that respect.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
5 Nov 10
Now THAT'S a reasonable view! I'm "pro-choice" but I do NOT consider myself to be "pro-abortion" by any stretch of the imagination. I can't imagine myself ever choosing to have an abortion and I'm well beyond the point where I'll ever be faced with that decision but I sure don't think I have the right to judge what someone else does. I know it's become a cliche but I DO believe abortion should be legal, safe and RARE.
I totally respect those who are not pro-choice but when their views go to the extreme of not believing a woman (or too often young girl) who becomes pregnant through rape or incest shouldn't have the choice, I think they go too far. Hearing Sharron Angle characterize a 15 year old girl who as raped by her father as a "lemon to lemonade situation" appalled me!
I'd also like to add that I consider myself to be more "pro-life" than many who describe themselves that way in terms of the abortion issue. I believe that if and when a baby is born, everything should be done to help that baby and his or her parents or mother, since it's often single mothers, have a good life. Sometimes that requires some government aid and other social programs. Some so-called pro-life conservatives are really "pro-fetus".
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
5 Nov 10
There is no reason to tell the child at all. Do you know the details of your conception?

@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
6 Nov 10
If you were the child of rape how would you want to be told? and would you want to be alive?
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
6 Nov 10
Just to elaborate. If terminating me within the first two trimesters, where science has shown that no baby-to-be feels pain, and it would save my mother great turmoil, I would want to be terminated.
If having me is what she CHOSE, then I would want to be alive.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
5 Nov 10
It's hilarious (and telling) just how "anti choice" most "pro choice" people are.
Are you saying here that any woman who chose to not abort a baby concieved in violence is being "abusive"?

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
5 Nov 10
But from your own words, you consider women who would "choose" to keep the baby, "abusive". So how "pro choice" can you really be?
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
5 Nov 10
"Are you saying here that any woman who chose to not abort a baby concieved in violence is being "abusive"?"
The operative word being "chose".
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
5 Nov 10
No - you misunderstood.
It is abusive to the victim of rape or incest to force them to carry the fetus as a result of the attack.
If the victim then chooses to carry the fetus to term, she should do what she elects to do, as long as she can escape the dangerous scenario. If she is 11, and daddy did naughties to her, chances are he will go after his granddaughter, too.
If it is something where a rape victim wants to turn a horrid situation into a pleasant one by carrying the fetus to term, if that is what she wants, it is not abusive.
Forcing her to do so against her will would be akin to reliving the attack all over again, but for 9 months long.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
5 Nov 10
If my daughter got pregnant in an attack when she is 15 years old I would be very sad for her. She wouldn't have chosen to get pregnant and the father would be called a rapist. I would get some help for my daughter so she could speak to professionals. I would support her to have her baby and call is a baby without a father in his or her life. Well, the father would be in jail. I wouldn't suggest that the child ever found out he or she is a product of a rape. That would be horrible and most unfair to the child to have that awful information. The father could simply be 'unknown'. My daughter is currently 17 months old.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
5 Nov 10
I would support their decision no matter what as I am a pro choice person it is not an issue that should be any real business of the governments. Also forcing anyone against their will into something like this would be damaging to the persons mental health. There is such things as the morning after pill which terminates the pregnancy before it can reach a stage of being anything more than a cell or a small multi-celluar organism classified as a parasite. That is what humans are for their first few months even when outside of the womb a parasite. Anyway it is a personal choice. As for the reporting of it to parents I believe this should be required as the parent could be the Rapist or abusive person that the baby is theirs. That is more likely than many other cases.
It is a personal choice as it is a personal belief if the baby is a human while inside the mother or not. So it would depend on the persons beliefs so it should be allowed to stay as a persons personal liberty to make the judgment call. If they protected transplanting the baby into another womb or even in to a artificial womb then we could see abortions go away to another system of getting rid of the child. But that is a little scifi and not sure how the religious people would think of babies being supported by machines or being transplanted into another person. (Not sure how we would transplant the baby into another person and have the mothers body kick in to handle the fertilized egg.)
As for the Child being alive in the womb here is a question then why aren't they counted on the census?
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
6 Nov 10
Great ending question.
In some hospitals, they don't inform rape victims about the morning after pill. In some states, pharmacies can not fill the prescription without parental consent.
And some candidates with extreme prolife views want the pill outlawed.