Best Responce....?

@Rite17 (773)
United Kingdom
November 5, 2010 7:54pm CST
How do you choose the Best REsponce on your posts? Do you choose the first Comment? Wait till there are 3-10 comments? Choose the best one posted that day? How could you choose? How long do you wait to choose the right one?? :-S
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6 responses
• United States
6 Nov 10
Do you choose the first Comment? The way I normally do it a wait for a few days and then select thereafter. Sometimes I have a feeling right away but personally I feel sometimes members select them to fast as although someone selects the best response all member are still free to continue to respond. But personally I think some members do not there after. So I await a few days, since I read and respond to all my discussions it becomes easy to select later.
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@Rite17 (773)
• United Kingdom
6 Nov 10
thanx hun xx I did shoose the 1st comment on my 1st post I think... But then realised it wasnt as good as the others that come afterwards... OOPS!! LOL Bet we have all been there before.. .But it can happen really... People might see the post after a week or more and then post something that you might feel was soo much better than the one you chose! But you chose and don't want to seem nasty saying to them... "I would have chose your comment over the one I chose as the Best! you was too late commenting!!"
• United States
6 Nov 10
It happens and well what I always do is that I press the plus sign so that way at least I feel satisfied that the comment earned its merit. But not a problem I comment directly from the heart and only choose topics I feel I can contribute. Thanks for your lovely comment to me. Have a great day.
@tuamora (79)
• United States
6 Nov 10
I choose the person who est relates to the topic. Who answers the question clearly, and has the best argument rather they agree with my opinion or not. Sometimes people are a lot more detailed and spend a great deal of time responding to a topic. If someone has more than a paragraph and it is relative to the discussion, they get my vote every time.
@Rite17 (773)
• United Kingdom
6 Nov 10
Thanx for that xx I do find that some people don't comment about the post but about something never relating to it!! What's that got to do with it!?? :-S But the ones that think and maybe like me, Have the thoughts flow through their heads like they are talking to the person, Makes it more of a convosation rather than a comment.. Works for me!! :-D
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
7 Nov 10
I always choose it after some time, to let more people give their opinion. I am going back to many of my posts to give comments. I did not do that when I started until I didcovered that it was the way to gain friends and have fun here. It also means more participation and more money Happy posting!
@Rite17 (773)
• United Kingdom
7 Nov 10
ta luv.... i do feel that saying thanx to all of my friends who comment on my posts does seem to help them want to come back and read more.. And i do enjoy hearing their thoughts on things! But i can find it hard to pick a best responce... but most of the time... well used to, be easier for me... nowadays it has got harder as meeting good people who are good at what they write and read... so kinda stuk... like this post... which to choose!!!? :-S
@rosekiss (30410)
• Eugene, Oregon
7 Nov 10
Well, first of all, I wait at least a week and much longer before I pick the best response. It is the guidelines, that we should wait, to give others an opportunigy to respond that want to. I have waited months and I still have some that I need to pick the best response for, but I am not in a hurry to do so. I have seen some that will give the best response right away, and that isn't giving others a chance at all. Once I realize that my discussion is no longer getting responses, then it would be okay to pick the best response. Actually though, it is not madatory to pick the best response as it is just an ego booster more than anything. I will eventually pick the best response, but for now, I will just wait. Good luck to you and happy mylotting.
@Rite17 (773)
• United Kingdom
7 Nov 10
thanx for the responce hun xx I do find it quite hard to poick one... If i don't pick.. its cos I really cannot pick one!! Most of them are too good to pick from! Or there are not many to pick from so don't want to feel petty and pick from a small bunch... Failing that some could be quite bad... if that is the case might try and pick the best... But it can be VERY hard to do so... :-S
@rosekiss (30410)
• Eugene, Oregon
8 Nov 10
I agree with you, as I find it hard as well. Most of the time there is more than one good response, but since we can only pick one, then I will go back and read them all again, and try to pick if I can. Sometimes, I just let it go for awhile, and then go back to it.
@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
6 Nov 10
Well for best responses i usually choose the first one that jumps out at me. So the persons who are most likely to get a best comment are people in the first 20 responses. But if i dont find any that jumps out at me i might wait untik the end of the day or better yet about 3 days.
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@Rite17 (773)
• United Kingdom
6 Nov 10
Thanks for that... I usually give it a day or so... If there are more than 4 posts I will choose but if there aren't as many... I may not choose one as there wasn't as many people interested in it so the Post is more easy and least interesting to comment on..
• United States
6 Nov 10
Well for me, I did not know that option till recently. So the past discussions, I haven't given best response because I didn't know but now I do. I give best responses to the person whose response attracts me and I agree/relate to it :) But, does the person get anything for having best response? Does that earn them anything more? I wait about a 2-3 days to a week, it depends.
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@Rite17 (773)
• United Kingdom
6 Nov 10
Ta hun... I presume that the Best Response helps with your reputaion aswell as giving you more cents in your pot being chosen. Aswell as maybe given your content was thought out and not just a sentence! I do hate that... no1 thinkis too much of what to put so just pop something down to show they are interacting and therefore want to get paid for their efforts... Tho they don't show any!! :-@