Are you Thinking or Reciting????

@bird123 (10643)
United States
November 5, 2010 11:09pm CST
There are people in religion that know their holy books by heart. They have memorized every word. They can quote every line. I see the pride in such people. They love being the authority on God. God's knowledge spans the universe and beyond. It can never be packaged in a box. Can anyone really completely know God?? God is very very smart. It's going to take advanced thinking for us to really understand. Will reciting get one closer to God?? How can it really???? Understanding God is an endless learning process.
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9 responses
@SusanLee (1920)
• United States
8 Nov 10
I don't think being able to recite anything 'holy' is going to amount to a hill of beans. My holy book is the Bible, can I recite it? no. Can I quote a lot of scripture? no. Do I need to? no. I was told in the bible not to fret over what I would say, the Holy Spirit would bring it to my remembrance when I need it. And so he has, over and over and over again. All I have to do is read it, meditate upon it and He would do the rest. It has been working pretty well for the last 32 years so I think I'll just stick with it.
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
8 Nov 10
Thinking over reciting will always bring better result. Those who recite are living with a closed mind. Very little new enters a closed mind. That makes learning and growing much harder to do. God gave the world so many views to guaranty mankind a greater view than any one person can have. Having a closed mind prevents seeing a view that could change the entire picture. Maybe your description is right. Hill of beans. Thanks for all your comments!!
@calpro (930)
• India
6 Nov 10
Reciting or Thinking beyond there is something else understanding and learning,Understand and learn the essence in holy books.What the good it has to tell and implement that in your life. That will be the whole meaning of reading.
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
6 Nov 10
One must be very careful walking through holy books to be sure mankind's parts are screened out. After all, the goal is to be more like God. Thanks for all your comments!!
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
6 Nov 10
When I am at church I can recite every line of the regular things that are said there, but I agree with you, reciting things from heart that I learned as a child is not getting to know Gog better. Understanding god is an endless learning process as you have said. I have spent significant time studying the bible as well.
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
6 Nov 10
Yes, you are right. Understanding God is an endless journey of learning. One must not confine oneself just to holy books. One can learn much watching the actions of God. They are all around us. Though it all seems madness at times, there is method behind the madness. When you understand this, you will become much closer to understanding how God thinks. Always lots to learn. Thanks for all your comments!!
@vandana7 (100053)
• India
6 Nov 10
We do think alike in many ways bird! I dont believe that our holymen are really aware of what is written in the books. While there may be some sounds and the way they are pronounced that can bring in some peace (silence is part of that sound) and comfort, what our Hindu priests utter is nothing but cacophony with something even they dont understand. I am not agreeable to that. I'd rather listen to some songs of god rather than the priests chanting the mantras from holy books. And frankly - the knowledge that might have existed in olden days might have got adulterated coming this far from different mouths, different interpretations, and different expressions. Each of the person passing it down might have given his or her color to the thought behind such content. I am no longer sure that what is being explained to me is truly the right way. Under these circumstances, I'd rather seek god on my own, without the crutches of any dilapidated religion.
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
6 Nov 10
There is no doubt that mankind has his hand deep into all religions. The good news is that all the secrets of the universe surround us to be discovered. The problem with religion is that they falsely teach that there is something wrong with all of us and that we must have them to discover God. To me, this is a GREAT EVIL. Time along with God sending lesson will correct such things. In the mean time, I do believe those who are brave enough to venture on their own toward undiscovered country will discover God much quicker. An open mind always allows more light into it. For those who allow others to lead them through all the rules and rituals, it will become a lesson on whether to stand on your own two feet or be led around at the whim of others. Just like all the parents in this world, God wants all His children to be able to stand on their own two feet sharing their wisdom and knowledge acquired and never demanding to rule others. Thanks for all your comments, Vandana7
@asendud (318)
• Indonesia
6 Nov 10
i think we will never can understand god. why god create us ? i think god is boring, so god create us to make his/her life is more exited. but i like my life, thanks to god give a life as human, i can seeing many beautiful girl.. i like it.
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
6 Nov 10
All the secrets of the universe stare us in the face. We are meant to figure it all out. I agree this world would not be the same without beautuful girls. One must be careful how one defines beautiful or one could miss out on the true love of their lives. Thanks for all your comments!!
• India
6 Nov 10
well i used to read different sorts of books and i never recited them just noted down some good quotes a couple of time. thinking is much more important in understanding this intricate belief and to help others understand this. so far i believe in only one principle that help the mankind and you may take yourself out of other activities (do not mind)
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
6 Nov 10
Yes, we live to serve. Thanks for all your comments!!
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
Only a sinless human being can truly know God. We don't need to smart or genius to know God just accept, know and why we are here. Always accepts that we are all weak to all of our sins and we should not glorify all our sins. Glorify God even we are weak and sick on our sins, and we are all sinners and imperfect. We can take or have all our doubts and fears in our life. But don't stop on seeking or searching the knowledge of wisdom truth of God specially on our beings of spiritual life.
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
6 Nov 10
We can take or have all our doubts and fears in our life. But don't stop on seeking or searching the knowledge of wisdom truth of God specially on our beings of spiritual life. Yes, I like that statement. Knowledge will remove doubt and fear. I can not agree with your accepting our weakness to sin. It implies there is something wrong with God's children. I can not go along with that. Once a person understands what evil actions are completely, they will never choose them again. It's knowledge that counts. As God's children, we are capable of doing anything. I will not place limits. Thanks for all your comments!!
@afarrell1 (258)
• United States
6 Nov 10
one strong step to understanding God is to study the scriptures. but study alone will not draw you closer, it takes prayer and a wisdom from God and even then the bible tells us there are some mysteries which will not be revealed until the end. You can know and trust God in your heart, but you will never really understand God any more than your earthly father. When growing up you have an understanding Of your father, but you don't fully understand him or his motives. You just have to trust he had your best interest at heart. The bible says he will raise up the simple things to confound the wise (paraphrasing, I don't remember the exact verse. I think it's in Proverbs though)
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
6 Nov 10
There is God in most everything. Mankind has his hand deep into holy books like the bible. Isn't it a mistake to depend all of one's knowlege based on a book written by mankind? Should one really depend on others for your answers???? Isn't any knowledge discovered???? Thanks for all your comments!!
• India
6 Nov 10
well i used to read different sorts of books and i never recited them just noted down some good quotes a couple of time. thinking is much more important in understanding this intricate belief and to help others understand this. so far i believe in only one principle that help the mankind and you may take yourself out of other activities (do not mind)