OMG , 'Masked man' flight probed by government - Read this, so shocking!

@fathom01 (171)
November 6, 2010 4:02am CST
Good evening, so I was browsing the internet, I love reading new articles on the web, sometimes I find really interesting material. Sure enough, I ran into this. An asian in his 20's, disguised himself as an elderly person, he looks about 70 years old. He boarded a plane with FAKE id, claiming he was 70 years old...they noticed he had young hands but a wrinkly face but ignored it lol...after the guy boarded the plane, he went to the bathroom to take off his wig and mask and he got caught when he got out, everyone noticed he went in OLD and came out YOUNG, I bet many people were wanting to try that bathroom after that event LOL! If you want to read the article in detail, visit the CBC Canada website, they have a search function, type in 'Masked man' flight probed by government and the first link is the article.
1 response
• Malaysia
7 Nov 10
Wow! The boy must be greatly talented and he should be working in Hollywood I think! By the way, how come the security officers at the airport checkpoint missed him by thinking an old man have wrinkled face but nice looking hand?? Haha....this is foolish.