Is Obama the Most Intelligent President Ever?
By mattic
@mattic (282)
United States
November 6, 2010 2:12pm CST
Despite no evidence to support the assertations, the MSM sycophants like Chris "thrill up my leg" Matthews have maintained that BO is the most intelligent president ever. The citizens of India have disappointed, expecting a great orator only of find Obama is a shill reading from teleprompters. What do you think of his "intelligence"?
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16 responses
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
6 Nov 10
I think Obama is a very intelligent man but I personally think most of our preidents have been way above average in the intelligence department. How do you judge intelligence? Ivy League degrees are nice and they count for a lot. But don't try to tell me guys like Abe Lincoln & Harry Truman were not as smart as they come.
There was a lot made of the fact that George Bush was a Yalie who got gentleman's C's but when it was looked in to at the time it turned out that John Kerry was also a Yalie who got gentleman's C's.
I would probably say that our most intellignt president ever was Thomas Jefferson but you have to factor in that he was also a natural born genius.
FDR was, in my opinion, our best ever president. His intellignece and resilence wasn't tapped until he contracted polio. Before that he was no more than a mama's little rich boyboy who went to all the right schools. It was a horrible affliction that brought forth his intellegience and ability.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
9 Nov 10
Well said, Mattic, & thanks for saying it before I started tearing up my keyboard to refute that.
"The only statistics you can trust are those you falsified yourself." ~ Benjamin Franklin
@mattic (282)
• United States
7 Nov 10
FDR followed the fiscally irresponsible policies of Woodrow Wilson and the "free money" team to inact some of the most damaging legislation ever in terms of abiding by the Constitution. The only way his socialist agenda got by the SCOTUS was that he had stacked the bench with fellow socialists. Many economists acknowledge that the FDR New Deal policies deepened the depression and extended it by about 10 years. Best president ever? Only if you desire to see an end to the US economy.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
7 Nov 10
I find it funny how our last president sent his political adviser into cardiac arrest every time he went off of his teleprompter, and now we have people upset because our current on uses one. Where were you people when GWB was in office and was told by Rove to NEVER talk without a speech. This is the same guy that Rove himself said could only handle three topics, and was told to answer every question with his written responses during his run for governor of Texas. He even had talking point written for when he worked on his farm in Texas.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
8 Nov 10
Since there is no way to test the intellectual level of our earlier Presidents, how can that be properly judged? I believe many people want Obama to be intelligent, so they give him credit without any evidence to back it up. It's hard for me to think he has much in the way of common sense when he refuses to heed the advice of those with more knowledge and experience.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
9 Nov 10
Even though many have said Obama is the smartest President we've had, I've not yet seen it.
"According to Obama's supporters like Michael Beschloss, David Brooks, and Colin Powell, Obama is "brilliant" and "transformational" -- yet oddly, he never published anything as first black president of the Harvard Law Review, and unlike Bush, Kerry and McCain, his grades have never been released." Elena Kagan and the Yale-Harvard Nexus By Michael Filozof, American Thinker
Bush has been referred to as, "the dumbest president ever," and yet he was not ashamed to publish his grades at Harvard and Yale. John Kerry, whose grades at Yale were worse than Bush's grades, was willing to publish his grades. Why would our more brilliant President ever refuse to publish his?
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
7 Nov 10
I think he has NONE. His monotonous droning is just one clue.
OMG, BHO is one of the least "intelligent" people ever! He makes George Bush look like an orator!
He cannot even hold a pencil correctly. He doesn't know there are not 57 states in this country.
In point of fact, he has neither wisdom nor knowledge.
He is an empty suit, yes, a teleprompter man-puppet, bereft of character and steeped in deception.
No trait nor word of his exudes intelligence or "smartness" of any kind.
He is a crafty, deceiving liar, well-practiced in the "art" of takiyya and the tactics of Saul Alinsky, radical socialism, manipulation.
It is a frightening reflection on the "intelligence" of the sycophantic MSM and foolish citizens that they are so easily duped by this lawless, arrogant dummy, as in "The Emperor Has NO Clothes" (meaning no smarts). And, thus, neither do they.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
6 Nov 10
I think he is definitely intelligent, but he works really hard, so it is no wonder he has people doing stuff like writing speeches for him. I think most presidents do even, it does not have anything to do with intelligence. But I am pretty sure he is still not the most intelligent president ever, especially if you count presidents in all countries.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
8 Nov 10
I think this question is hillarious! If you listen to him talk without a teleprompter, he can barely form sentences in a continuous manner. Does he get bonus points for each 'uh'? Obama comes off like one who barely made it through high school. Doesn't say much for Harvard, does it?
Look at his leadership - he is an idiot.
To be fair, let's mention a couple of his strengths. He can bow before other countries, he can play basketball and he can disco!
@dark_cloud (103)
• Indonesia
7 Nov 10
the people of india? what relationship the people of india with obama?
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
7 Nov 10
mattic is referring to Obama's trip to India.
Because the trip is turning out to be a success, mattic is trying to overshadow the 54,000 jobs that will result in a trade deal by bringing up the tired "teleprompter" thing again.
No one wants Obama's successes to come out. Otherwise they wouldn't feel right hating him.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
7 Nov 10
You tell me! lol
I don't uh, think that, uh, he's a uh complete, uh idi-ut, bu-uht he's not that uh bright uh either.

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
8 Nov 10
Well, he isn't the great orator that his campaign made him out to be. I mean,I did see him in Green Bay and he gave an awesome speech, but my links show that without his teleprompter, he's not very good. He pretty much abandoned most of his "Blueprint for Change", and the things he held on to aren't much to brag about. This was pretty much proven by how few Democrats were willing to cite the "accomplishments" in their bids for re-election.
By "not that bright either" I'm not saying that I think he's an idiot. I'm just saying that he's not the brightest of all the presidents (as his worshippers want us to believe). Heck, I don't even think HE expects us to believe that.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
8 Nov 10
btw, what did you think of the videos?
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@ajett1 (65)
• United States
7 Nov 10
I disagree I think he is incredibly inteligent that's the only way you can be elected president by campaigning with a laundry list of bad ideas, win, and then fail to follow through with any of your plans and maintain any kind of following the man is a frickin genius.

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Nov 10
Just goes to show what a great orator he is....his mouth runs, words come out, they say nothing, mean nothing and do nothing, but this country still put him in the white house. I'd have to say...give credit where credit is due...he literally talked his way, fast and easy into the job so he was intelligent about "how to be president the easy way". The majority of the country never even saw it coming but are now feeling the impact.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Nov 10
Don't hate anyone. I listened to his speech after the elections and just before he jetted off to the far east costing us tens of millions of dollars while people in this country are looking for their next meal. I listened and he said absolutely nothing...except his love of Slurpees. Sorry, he talks a great show... but that is where it ends as far as I can see. I am totally aware of the impact he has created. My mind knows what it is educated to know...just cause we disagree doesn't mean you are right and I am wrong...we just disagree. IF you don't want to discuss, don't start a discussion.
I often wondered why he didn't extend unemployment PRIOR to the elections to try to save the Dems in seats in I know. Cause he is going to do that now so that he and he alone can take credit for it if the Congress passes it, and if Congress doesn't pass it, he can say "I tried, but the Rep's didn't compromise with me so Americans will have to deal with it.. you voted them in". I won't be responding to the discussion anymore. Don't appreciate being called a hater.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
9 Nov 10
Coffee: ^5!
And don't mind Bug. This is her usual brilliant analysis (
) when confronted with a differing opinion. Reminds me of those snotty teen brats on TV shows (such as Maury Povich's), sneering at audiences who dare to tell them they're conceited, ungrateful twits, & that they should obey their parents. The teens roll their eyes, put out their palms ("talk to the hand"), & chant, "Haters. Whatever. Whatever. You're all just haters."
That isn't even permissible in a teen, let alone one who claims to be an adult. I learned long ago not to take anything she says seriously, because--as you saw above for yourself--that is the level of maturity in her discourse.
(I'll wait while she looks that word up...)
(Well, sorry to be so snarky, but she will just bring out the worst in me.)
Thanks for being here!
"The only statistics you can trust are those you falsified yourself." ~ Benjamin Franklin

@mattic (282)
• United States
9 Nov 10
Dear windshield bug, I am well aware of the impact the Marxist messiah has had on the US. He has cost 3 million jobs (statistics from the Labor office). He has also signed legislation violating the equal protection clause of the Constitution (Health Care Bill), given tax payer dollars directly to union thugs (GM Bailout), and openly called the American voters stupid. Quite an accomplishment for an Alynsky disciple.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
9 Nov 10

@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
6 Nov 10
He is incredibly intelligent. He is not a shill reading from teleprompters. He writes speeches, and delivers them, but not everyone can memorize them, especially when he delivers so many.
Have you heard him speak without a teleprompter and an unprepared speech? He is incredibly well spoken.
And his policies are progressive and put is in the right direction. He is the most intelligent president I have live through.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
6 Nov 10
This is how you know people are unable to think for themselves. They all post the same thing on a variety of boards.
Obama just landed a trade deal with India getting AMERICANS 54,000 jobs.
And people post here, and at huffingtonpost, the same tired "teleprompter" nonsense, instead of delighting in the fact that he got more jobs.
So, how does it work, mattic? Do you just sign up somewhere, and you get a grab bag of talking points?
Some troll at huffington post said exactly this:
Obama will make history for more than one reason during the Nov 6-9 visit. This will be the first time a teleprompter will be used in the nearly 100-feet high dome-shaped hall that has portraits of eminent national leaders adorning its walls.
Indian politicians are known for making impromptu long speeches and perhaps that is why some parliament officials, who did not wish to be named, sounded rather surprised with the idea of a teleprompter for Obama.
"We thought Obama is a trained orator and skilled in the art of mass address "..
@mattic (282)
• United States
7 Nov 10
Are those "54,000 new jobs" the same as the "3 million jobs saved or created" in they only exist in the head of the supreme osamabamalamadingdon? I doubt that his handlers would let him go far enough off the reservation to embrace real free market ideas like lowering trade barriers. I will have to see some source, other than leftist idol-worshippers.
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@liuyh0619 (108)
• China
8 Nov 10
He must be a president full of intelligence. I have heared his speech, It's very inspiring. Not a person who only read follow tellprompters can make that wonderful speech. Although I'm not agree his many policy , I have to admit that he is a samrt guy. We couldn't simply judge his intelligence only by that, the best way is to see how he lead the American people get out of the economic crisis and low the unemplopyment rate. maybe 2012 is the time to evaluate.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
6 Nov 10
He's not as smart as some think he is and only slightly smarter than Biden.