Which bears significant factor in learning student's effort or teacher's effrot?

@mayrah (1144)
United States
November 8, 2010 3:19am CST
Learning can be affected by several factors. Of course one of the greatest factor is learner's ability to comprehend what he hears or read. Another factor t0 consider is the environment. Personally I can't concentrate on noisy or hot environment. I can think thoroughly and effectively when inside well ventilated room without disturbing noise such a television, crowd's noise or music sounds. But I do believe we have different preference on how we can learn effectively, some people find listening to music while doing paper works boost their learning ability as it heightens their spirits. But when it comes to student ability to learn effectively, would you think it depends solely on his effort to learn or it depends on teacher's effort also? Why?
2 responses
• Philippines
8 Nov 10
for me it's both the teachers' and students' effort. Teachers will become effective if students will learn from them. Students who were eager to learn will understand their teachers.
@mayrah (1144)
• United States
10 Nov 10
Yes I agree with you, It should be both
@calpro (930)
• India
8 Nov 10
hi, It all depends on the way the students are taught,It is not just anyone's(either teacher or student's) effort to significantly influence the learning abilities of the student.However it is a teamwork of a students and a teacher. A good student must have good listening skills(i.e both ears and mind open and understanding and registering it in the mind.) A good teacher must have the ability to make it understand to the student in a simple manner with simple examples. However as a study stated that, the green environment & well ventilated rooms positively impact the students learning skills. I personally feel a picture is worth of 1000 words. Interactive multimedia programs to students these days are showing a positive result and enhancing the students learning abilities. Finally Student + Teacher + curriculum + teaching ways + environment= Better learning and better citizens. Thank you.