Do you believe in DESTINY?
By happinay
@happinay (76)
November 8, 2010 6:05am CST
I used to believe that things happen in random order and that there is no such thing as destiny, but not until I met my husband. We met via friendster back in 2005. That time he had a gf and I just got out of a tumultuous relationship with the father of my first born. I was a single mom who wanted to end my life then. I had no one to turn to and in my desperate attempt to get some help, I resorted to chatting and seeking friends online. I searched thru friendster profiles for friends who may be able to help me by typing the word HELP and 911 in the site's search field. That's when I chanced upon his profile and a girl's. I messaged him and the girl and for some reason, the girl did not reply while he did. We became online friends and met up eventually. Since he had a gf that time and I was still fixing my life, there was no chance for us to nurture anything more than friendship. There was no spark, to begin with. We lost communication and by some fate met again in 2006. Suddenly, we realized we missed each other and like magic, at that very moment we knew we were meant for each other. Until now I still cannot believe we would end up together. My hubby believes I am his destiny. Now I believe it, too. Do you?
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12 responses
@asendud (318)
• Indonesia
8 Nov 10
i believe about destiny, but i believe everyone can change his/her destiny if she/he try so hard. everything will be happen if u never give up.
but I'm so lazy to trying so hard although i know i can change mt destiny.
you can find your destiny because you was trying to get some friend in friendster. there is no accident. but u can change the destiny.
@nicholaYa (120)
8 Nov 10
Hello. Happinay. Im currious about what's happinay. happy and ? ,Well Im not very sure about the defination of Destiny is. For my personal idea about Destiny. i think those what happend beyond our expect. The things you met your husband. and you became couples. I this this things is not Destiny. i think more like a Miracle.
You know what. The things what happend , is amazing. But you said this is a destiny. This is more like you define a consequence. consequence can be many kinds of . and you stay togeather is ont of those consequence. Just this consequence is nearly happend. and just happend to you two.
So i think is a miracle. Anyway. im not really sure about what i said. Just FYI.
WIsh you two a nice happy life.

@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
11 Nov 10
yes really cute^^ bcs when you typed help appeared his page^^ he cared to help you and then met near^^ been friends and then lost communication. without planning you guys met again ahah so sure it is destiny^^ is cute that he says you are his destiny. im sure that he loves you so much^^ im very happy for you really. you deserve that bcs you were brave by being a single mother^^ you deserve a great guy really. i also believe in destiny^^ and will wait that destiny gives a good boy to me too^^
i love your story really
he is a guy like there isnt many ones^^ a prince 

@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
13 Nov 10
thanks so muchy^^ i guess he found me and he is pinoy like you ahah
we were lovers but we live so far that we decided to wait for the right time. he needs to help his family right now. but he said he would wait me. so i really wish that he waits ahah^^ he waited before so i wish that he can do that again. i trust him. i dont want to lose him 

@ally12 (1202)
• Philippines
1 Dec 10
My husband of 7 years was my classmate in high school.We belonged in the same group of friends in high school yet we were never been close with each other.I can even count the times that we had a talk before.So who would know that he will fall in love with me.Not even the two of us expected the twist of fate or this was just what some says, a destiny.
@fourjems08 (550)
• Philippines
25 Nov 10
Wow! That's a great love story. Congratulations! I don't believe in destiny or fate. But I do believe that everything happens in our life for a purpose. Just like what happened to you. There's one thing that happen to me too that I until now I can still hardly say if it's destiny or not as I am in an unlikely situation right now. Only one thing is sure here, we make our own choices. So wether it's destiny or not, it's up to us to make our own happiness.
@anneish (117)
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
i don't believe in it as well as you before...
i don't think that there is such thing as destiny,because we all know that we people are the one making our path to what things happen,.but when i experience the pain caused by being in love somehow i believe in it...and thinking that there is such thing called destiny lessen the heartache i felt that moment,because i just think that maybe we are not really destined to each other that's why we separated,and in some ways believing in destiny really helped in making the pain we felt less, from a heart ache or maybe what ever failure we encounter in our thinking that maybe whenever we failed it is not really meant or destined for us ease the pain we felt,..
and at this moment i really do believe that destiny is true,but we must not forgot the we need to work for whatever we want in life also,,,just use this in ways that can gives you benefits not in ways that will make you miserable.
@happinay (76)
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
I like what you said about using it in ways that may be beneficial to one's life. There are times when we make decisions that only make our lives miserable, and then we give up and blame it on destiny by believing that perhaps we were destined to be like that.
@sweetmary86 (822)
• Philippines
9 Nov 10
whew! thats a nice love story. thats life we have to expect the unexpected life is indeed full of surprises and unpredictable.
@lloydbelleza (1227)
• Philippines
8 Nov 10
This is a wonderful story like one from the movies or a fairy tale.
I for one believe in destiny; that if it's meant to be it's meant to be. But our destiny is formed by the choices we make. Like in your story, you chose to go online to search for help, and he chose to respond to your SOS. If either you or he did not choose to do that, you have not been a couple.
But beyond our choices, there's just like this magical thing that pulls us to where we should be. A pull that we can't just explain but somehow we go with it wherever it brings us.
Looking back, we can say that it's just destiny's work for bringing two people together, just like you and your hubby. But it's both your decision to fall in love and let destiny do its magic. I really love this kind of story. It makes me hopeful that true love still exists and that we just have to be patient but still do something in order to meet that right one. 

@happinay (76)
• Philippines
8 Nov 10
Hello Lloyd (I'm guessing this is your first name)!
Your comment surely enlightened me. You are correct, for true love to happen, one not only has to rely on destiny alone. He has got to do something to make it happen, like what I did, even if I wasn't really looking for true love then but for just someone to help talk me out into giving up on life. I gained not only a friend, a confidante, but a loving husband as well. Yes, it really sounds like a fairytale even I still could not believe we ended up this way.
Anyways, how's Davao these days? :)
@louierrific24 (1114)
• Philippines
9 Nov 10
Sweet! a very nice story-book ending. Believe it or not, we guys believe in such things like destiny and serendipity -- or it's just me. LOL
@harry89 (2330)
• India
9 Nov 10
Well, i actually don't believe in the word destiny. You can't get anything just with the word destiny, you have to make efforts to get what you want. And in your case i think that was really a good coincidence that you got only his name on the friendster search... Happy mylottin.
harry, :-)
@annawen86 (545)
• Indonesia
9 Nov 10
i dont think that we can change what God want to give us. i have tried to defend a boy who was said tobe my destiny, but i lose him. i lose him because of his mother, eventhough he is my soulmate. so, i just live my life no matter what God said. i'm tired to try to defend my destiny. sometimes, i just wonder what will happen to me. i think i have a problem in love relationship