is this normal?

@hushi22 (4927)
November 8, 2010 11:58pm CST
to all the readers: please spare me and be subtle in your responses look i am Catholic, but my friends most likely say i don't really practice all the rules bind by this religion. for the past days, weeks, and months i was interrogated by people of different religions and some who were atheist and agnostic. i could say somehow at some point their knowledge and judgments are right. it's like i am in the stage where i really wanna seek the truth of how life existed and if there is really a God or a right religion or just a mere CONCEPT by people? (i got this idea from another mylot user) is this normal? could you say i am losing my faith? have you experienced this? i remember three of my old friends told me they have experienced this when they were younger.
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13 responses
• Philippines
9 Nov 10
I think you've lost your faith. Start attending mass again and regain it.
@hushi22 (4927)
9 Nov 10
maybe i am still losing it?
• Philippines
9 Nov 10
You're probably losing it
@hushi22 (4927)
9 Nov 10
nah... i appreciate that. thanks pal. =)
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
9 Nov 10
Yes it is normal. We all begin to question our faith at one time or another, the best thing to do is go off to your secret place and kneel in prayer for the truth, and then recognize the answer when it comes, by keeping an open mind, and asking tactful questions of people with the proper authority and knowledge...IE if you want to know more about Catholicism, ask a Catholic Bishop or Cardinal, if you have the opportunity you will get a far better answer then from a priest. And if you want to know more about Protestants, ask the higher ranks of the Protestant clergy, same with Hinduism, Buddhism, Mormons, you get the idea, ask those that practice the religion. They have the reason why ours, and everyone else will just bash what they do not follow. Sincerely and With Appreciation.
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
9 Nov 10
I may have to look into a new form of religion then, it would be a first amongst many. Thank you for enlightening me.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
10 Nov 10
Hi Hushi, I was raised Catholic also and I reached a point when I was younger where I was really questioning everything. By the time I was a young adult I stopped going to church. I would say at this point I'm agnostic. I think this happens to a lot of people.
• Philippines
9 Nov 10
Faith is not all about region. I am a Catholic too by birth, and I look at my religion is a moral guide. I can be a Buddhist and not be bothered by it.
@hushi22 (4927)
9 Nov 10
that's what my bf thinks of me
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
11 Nov 10
I was not raised a Catholic nor of any religion in particular. Although I did believe in some being called god when I was younger. I eventually did attend church when I was in elementary school because I was told that I would go to hell if I don't believe in god. Then, I met my ex and he was an atheist and I was influenced by him to stop believing in everything. Now I'm starting to study about religion just because it fascinates me on how powerful it is to people. This journey in my life with 'spirituality' makes the most sense in my life.
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
9 Nov 10
Dear you are a catholic by birth and not by choice. You were born in a country were most people are catholic and parents never give their children a choice in religion. From the beginning you were never a devotee so you don't have that faith. If you have it in the first place nothing will ever shake it. Sorry but this is what i really perceive from the facts that you've written. However, try to find your own religion. When you are confused, the more the devil is trying to break whatever's left of your faith. Be strong and find the answer in the bible.
@hushi22 (4927)
9 Nov 10
somehow you are right. i am Catholic since i was born but not being a devotee is kinda wrong. i had a choice and even now i have a choice, but i never changed religion. i was once a devotee. i religiously attend masses, pray the rosary every day and some other stuff. but these days i seem to back off some of them except for being a volunteer in our chapel and continue helping the ones in need. however, i thank your for a nice answer.
• Canada
10 Nov 10
I think it is okay to lose your faith. It is not our faith that is important. What is important is the truth not our truth but Gods Truth. The truth is God, God is the Truth! The Bible confirms Gods Creation and Gods Creation confirms the Bible! Ask the scientists most of them know what they learn is already in the Bible. Being faithful to God should be our Faith and not to a church even though yes we should attend a full bible believeing chruch for fellowship and support but it is not to a church per say that we are faithful. We attend Church as the Bible says do not forsake the gathering together. It is hard to stand alone we need the support and God enjoys to see it. If anyone is faithful to their faith they should know exactly what their faith is and where it comes from. If i is not based on Gods Truth then what good is their faith if it is in the end not the Truth, The Way and The lIFE . Faith if not in God is being misinformed and mislead.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
funny but i guess i am like you. but i am not confused. for the first time i know where i should be. i am a roman catholic like you, but unlike most of the RC here in our country, i am not devoted. i do not go to Church every sunday, i do not pray the rosary daily, i do not say the angelus, nor i do not go and take and receive the Holy Eucharist. I even know all about the church since i studied in a catholic school all my life,lol since grade school to college! some would even say, the exact opposite happened to me, how come i do not do such things when in fact i know a lot about the church. That is just it, i have learned so much that i have lost my belief in our church. Not in Christ, but with the Church. See, there are practices in the catholic church that i do not want to follow, there is too much drama in it, too much acting like i have said. but i believe in Christ, i do not have to ask for proof from Him that He existed, because i have been in situations where He was there. But that doesn't mean i would go there in the church and kneel and do all those rituals. i know where my faith is, i know where i am believing, and i know there is God. No one has the right to tell me that i should be follow these and that. But i have FAITH.
• Philippines
9 Nov 10
I think you've lost your faith. Start attending mass again and regain it.
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
9 Nov 10
Religion and faith are two different things. Religion was dreamed up by people. Faith is between you and God, period! Of course God doesn't judge you because you question his existence. It's that moment in time when you discover God that you develop a deep personal relationship with him. That is yours and yours alone! You don't have to prove to others anything. At that point you'll know he WILL help guide you to and through your calling in life. He will be there for you during the toughest of times and you WILL know it. If you want to celebrate your new found knowledge with a bunch of other people once a week, that's up to you. If you want to proclaim it to a bunch of strangers, that's up to you. Only you and God knows how to follow your calling. Just make sure humanity is better off because you were in it. Go and enjoy life and everything God gave you! There are millions of people who live a very reverent life without mere mortals dictating to them what that should be!
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
9 Nov 10
My first question to you is - what practices they are requesting as catholic, every Sunday attending mass? If you doing of active that before thay are reason to ask you. Absence of doing that for long time then you are facing in verious information related to your relagion and faith - it is normal your faith will slowly changing not losing.. So my suggestion is try to talk youself and ask your heart which is better... I will help you of praying to find the real of you about that... see you around
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
9 Nov 10
I think it is normal that you want to find out more about yourself, your religion, and other faiths. Not only is it normal it is only RIGHT that you explore the world around you. In my opinion, blind following is a greater sin than exploration. It is not like you are studying to prove that there is NO God, you just have to be convinced otherwise. Knowing why you are following a certain faith is better than following for following's sake. You were born as a Catholic, but it doesn't mean that you should die as a Catholic. If you subscribe to the doctrine that we are born with free will and that God gave us our "talents" for us to use, then it only follows that we should use our free will to expand our knowledge. Further more, being without a religion doesn't mean that you are immoral. I know for a fact that there are people who go to church every Sunday that curse, discriminate, and commit sins left and right. There are however others who do not go to Church nor pray but are active humanitarians. They volunteer in outreach programs and help the needy. Questioning is only normal, it doesn't mean that you are committing a sin.
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
It is normal and human to wonder. That's why I am wondering, what makes them say that you do not keep your faith? Who are these people who interrogate you? Perhaps they are anti-catholics? I was once a Catholic who almost became a born-again, but I am Catholic now because of further study and reflection. If you have questions then you can try asking me, I hope I can help!