my article has over 9000 views

@niitesh (1653)
November 9, 2010 12:44am CST
my bukisa article has over 9000 views but it still is ranked 1 as per google page raking, daily it gets 30-50 views and was just curious when will my article move on to the next page ranking of 2. Would love to own an article with a page ranking of 2 or more. i own a blog with page rank one and the article at bukisa also has the same page ranking. Anyone here who has a article at bukisa with page rank 2 or more.
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4 responses
• Philippines
9 Nov 10
How did you manage to come up with 9000 views? Since when does that article posted? I had a hard time promoting my article and generate a hundred views, lol. Can you share me your secret for a 9000 views, pleasee? I've read somewhere backlinks can do the work, pinging as well can do the trick and other SEO tasks, which I'm not also capable of knowing what is it all about could work. And last question, how much earnings did you get with 9000 views? I'm really interested.
@niitesh (1653)
• India
10 Nov 10
Honestly i did nothing much of promotion work myself either, I had written an article for reviewstream and got rejected there so I just published it in bukisa, I didn't log on to my accounts for a month after publishing my article and after a month got a good surprise. I had over 200 views to my articles and then i started promoting it with sites like digg, reditt and now a days i get daily 30-60 views from the article, it is just one article which has given me great traffic , have written 100 more articles but none has even reached the 1000 mark, so guess it was shear luck. I had written the article last year so it's a year and half old now.
• India
10 Nov 10
Well friend this is your good luck . But i feel if you did some proper SEO than you could make good money from bukisa.
@borris83 (18)
• India
16 Nov 10
The main thing to get good PR is to get more relevant do follow backlinks from high PR pages... I checked the page rank for one of the highest viewed article in Bukisa (I found it from Alexa's 'Top Queries from Search Traffic' and traced the Bukisa article by searching for that keyword).. The page rank for that article is just 2. I guess it would be easier to get good PR for the home page of the site. I also found the highest paying article of the highest paid Bukisa author in 2009 (found it in Bukisa's blog) and that article has a PR 3. To get good PR for Bukisa articles, the easiest way is to actually get a good PR for your own blogs and then link to your articles from the main page of the blogs. And even the exceptionally good articles in Bukisa don't have more than a PR of 2 or 3.. I don't have a page rank assigned to any of my articles yet... Not sure how long it is going to take..
@niitesh (1653)
• India
16 Nov 10
In that case it seems one of my article is doing pretty well, daily it gets a view of 30-40 visits and in just over and year it has given me more than 30 dollars. Since September I have been fairly active on bukisa and have written over hundred articles and slowly some of them are already given me a dollar or two.
@tonyllenium (6252)
• Italy
21 Nov 10
no i don't have articles ranked like that on bukisa anyway an article taking 9000 visitors.. is much..
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
9 Nov 10
Well, the only way to get it to have a Page Rank 2 or more is if more people link to it, since the Page Rank is based on your backlinks. So see if you can link to this article from more places (if you have a blog, for instance, you can link to the article from that and so on) or ask others to link to it for you, any friends who have websites or from their Facebook accounts, and so on.
@niitesh (1653)
• India
9 Nov 10
Thank you for replying and i m trying to find proper back links but haven't fared well so far, hope will be able to do it soon.