Going To School At Old Age: Good OR Bad?

Abuja, Nigeria
November 10, 2010 7:10am CST
To some people, the level of assimilation at old age is very low. These set of people say that going to school is not advisable because it is very hard for an aged student to perform averagely. However, some people believed that having education at old age is better by far than being an illiterate. Generally speaking,I believe that it is better late than never. Even at old age,little or small, education is education. Some say if you are late, forget it. So what do you say?
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30 responses
@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
11 Nov 10
It's never too late to study. If you have interest, time and money to spend into knowledge, you should keep on studying. I admire people who keep on studying during their live and still at an older age. They are a great example for our society and for those young people who don't want to finish even highschool.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Nov 10
I found that at age 54 when i went back to get that degree I was actually making better grades most of the time than the twenty some year olds were as I did not party til dawn then come and take a test. I wanted to get that diploma and I did it.I am not old I am a s enior citizen which sounds much more pleasant at age 84.
• Germany
12 Nov 10
You are right, I am not yet 54, but I also started to again and the concentration is not the same as you put more your mind on what you are doing. Now you know why your are studying (what many young people don't realize). In my opinion, it's not the age which decides if a person is old. It's the personality (identity) of the person which decides that. So it's more in your mind. There might be a 25 years old person with the mature of a 50 years old one and a 50 years old one with the mind of a 14 years old one (without being ill or having any mental desease). It depends on how you feel. I know a sixty-three old man with many knowledge and experience difficult to get for many people. But he is still very spry, healthy, active, laughing and joking a lot...he seems to have 38 years only. For me, it's a wonder of person.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Nov 10
I say that its time that Americans quit writing us older seniors off as senile and get a grip. if you keep using your mind to think, to learn, to solve problems every day of your life, you do not lose your mental abilities. Iam 84 Nov.15 and I can still think, and reason, and solve problems like I did at 50. In fact I went back at 54 to take the last two years of University to get My B A in English. I d id it with a 3 point grade average would have been 4 but I flunked a Lation grammar test. we seniors often can learn better even than some younger ones as we do not party but study and learn and pass all our classes.So yes going back tol school at 54 was good, and by the way old age is not 54.
@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
10 Nov 10
My uncle is taking some subjects on high school level at the moment. He is in his late 60's and retired. He is in a different situations than his classmates, most of his classmates study because they want to use their exam to find a job. My uncle studies because he is interested in the subjects and interested getting more knowledge about some subjects. I don't think that is too late to go to school, and I think that you are able to enjoy the lessons more if you are in the same situation as my uncle. If you don't have to worry about getting the highest grades so that you can get a good job it is less stressful and you can focus on learning simply because you enjoy getting new knowledge.
@tudorm (85)
• United States
10 Nov 10
I agree if you are going to school because you're interested in specific topic.
• Philippines
12 Nov 10
Would you believe that I took an entrance examination offered by a lending company of which I'm a member. The result of the exam will be posted next year. I'm already in my early 50's but I'm an undergraduate so it's my obsession to get a college degree. My family before experienced a financial crisis so I'm up to the third year level in college. I do not believe that age matters when it comes to education.
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
15 Nov 10
it's great, people who like to study and keep going on even when something is different, like when one is a little older or something are fighters but of course that to study with people our own age feels better
• Canada
12 Nov 10
I'm in my 30s and back at school. I'm doing way better in Broadcasting than I did when I was in going to College in my 20s.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
11 Nov 10
You are never to young or too old to learn something new. I encourage everyone to go back to school if that is something they really want to do. however you can learn so many wonderful things just paying attention in everyday life! so make sure you treat yourself to learning something every day
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
11 Nov 10
Im with you on this. There is no age limit on learning. You can learn no matter your age.
• United States
12 Nov 10
I figure if at any age I go back to school and, say, spend four years getting a degree, I will be four years older and smarter when I get my diploma. If I don't go to school for a degree, four years later I will still be four years older, but dumber. I vote for school.
@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
11 Nov 10
I think age should not limited you to get higher education and I hear by keep learning its will made your mind stay sharp. My parent don't have high education and its will be cool if they wanna to get high education just to keep them busy and keep they brain healthy.
@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
11 Nov 10
i am agree with you.there no age limits when it comes to this matter-learning and seeking knowledge.no matter if we are young or old there is always space and place for us to study.in fact we are learning everytime and everyday.it just an informal way.in my opinion they should continue or start learn as this will help them to stay healthy as it is one of the brain exercise and in order to be mentally fit.When we are young the world seems filled with curious wonders, delightful discoveries, and daunting challenges.same goes when we are getting older.we will not stopping wondering things and seek for new things.as a conclusion,it is not too late to go to school at old age.
• India
11 Nov 10
All depends on an individual ... All is well that ends well...If a person is comfortable enough with 2-3 trials there is nothing like it .. Alternately it is not good to put pressure on old brains ...
11 Nov 10
I agree with you better late than never. I think it's fun to. my mother is getting her Masters and she's 67 years old. She and I studied alot together when I was doing my degree as well. I think you'll enjoy it. You'll give insights that no one else might think of...at lease that has been my experience with having older people in class. All the best in your studies.
• Philippines
11 Nov 10
age is not significant for as long as you wanted it. education knows no boundaries, it comes when somebody thirst for it. It becomes a life-long process, it mat not be in a school-learned manner, may be in life's significant experiences..
• India
11 Nov 10
Generally school life should be completed at a right age since all the kids or people coming to the school in the same age . But if the person is going to school where is specially made for the people for aged it is fine to go as the environment or surrounding people will be of some what of the same age. In the intention of learning - To learn there is nothing called right age-its always good to learn from the people who know what we don't know -the age may be anything
@lynd0n (226)
• Philippines
11 Nov 10
Going to school at an old age is good way good. Like some people say, better late than never. I personally am 24 turning 25 and I am just about to start college. Some say that this is late, but that doesn't faze me at all. I know that what I am doing is for me and my family's future. Anyway, who is to say what is old and what is not? Some people at 60 are more alert than people much younger..
• Singapore
11 Nov 10
I would say it's good and admirable. This is one example of learning till old age no matter what. Do not listen to those people giving negative comments. Just follow your heart in whatever you do. Make sure that you think is right before you do.
@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
11 Nov 10
There is really nothing bad about getting an education no matter what age. We all want to improve ourselves and there is nothing wrong with wanting to gain more knowledge even when one is 80. Never mind if the level of assimilation is not good. What is important is that the person is doing something positive not only for himself but for the community as well.
@marifel86 (111)
• Philippines
11 Nov 10
Well for me, age does not really matter as long as the person is interested and willing to learn, i think there's no problem if he/she should go to school. We have a college classmate before and she is already almost 60 years old. She's actually good in class and is very much willing to learn.
@bheauty (45)
• Philippines
11 Nov 10
It doesn't matter how old a person is. Education is the only thing that can't be steal.