Do you find that your interests "rotate"?

November 10, 2010 10:44am CST
So I am at home with my 5 month old daughter right now, which I think makes this more obvious to me. I find that for a few weeks at a time, I will be all about writing, and write many articles, and make maybe $400 in one month writing. I feel like I should always be doing that to help out our household budget, but then I will find, for a few weeks, I barely want to write at all and I am "addicted" to PTCs. Then for awhile I will me all about mylot, posting many posts a day, and then sometimes I go back to a silly game on the internet that actually isn't all that fun, but I get sucked in again for awhile. Does anyone else experience this? Your hobbies and interests flipping back and forth, so one week you just HAVE to do all of your PTC every day, but then a few weeks later you don't care if you skip some because you're in the mood to play a game or something? (Luckily, I am always interested in playing with my daughter and making her giggle! That doesn't change!)
11 responses
@Angelwriter (1954)
• United States
11 Nov 10
Yes, you're describing me exactly. I can get totally obsessed with something for a period and then when that's over I'm on to something else, and completely obsessed about that. And it does come in rotations. Sometimes it might seem that I drop an interest completely, but actually it's normally just been rotated to the back of the line and at any time, I can suddenly become re-interested in it. I've pretty much learned to ride the obsession until it fades out and the next one takes its place. I've also learned that for me, there's no predicting how long any session of interest will last. Sometimes my interest in something only lasts a day until I'm off to the next thing. Sometimes it can last years. And the thing I could only stay interested in for a day? The next time it cycles back around to the top of the list, I might find myself being interested in that for years.
• Canada
11 Nov 10
You described it far better than I did! Good to know I'm not alone.
@ellyza (28)
• Philippines
11 Nov 10
yes, I have that kind of interests. Sometimes I set for almost a week in front my sewing machine making a dress for my baby girl and her dolls. Next few days I am in downtown area mulling and having window shopping to the point that I almost spend the whole daytime walking and looking for something I wanted to buy but end up, bought nothing at all. I also love and have interest in gardening, spend time toiling the soil without minding of getting sunburn or skin damage for exposing long hour to the sun rays. I found my interest rotate at these areas, to the point that even I am busy in my other things that have significant to me and that is playing games in the computer, reading and connecting with friends using social network I still have time to search and read article related to that areas.
• Canada
11 Nov 10
I need to get a few healthier interests into my rotation, like pilates and healthy home cooking!
@silentwill (1685)
• Philippines
11 Nov 10
Yes! This was exactly what I was talking about in my blog. When I read books, I only read books, when I play videogames, I play games etc. I guess one way to rationalize it is because it's easier for us to focus on doing one particular thing in succession rather than doing different things at once. But it can't be just that, maybe when we're doing something that we really enjoy, we want to savor that moment and just stay focused on that one thing and relish it while it holds our interest.
• Canada
11 Nov 10
I try to multi-task, but it's true, I end up rotating instead :)
• Singapore
11 Nov 10
I'm EXACTLY LIKE YOU! Last month, when I received my pay from Mylot, I slowly drifted off into my computer games for many days until recently, I was back with enthusiasm, participating with much zest than ever.'s kind of interesting!
• Philippines
11 Nov 10
I think this is normal, and no cause of concern. We all have varied interests, but if we do it or experience it over and over again, it kinda loses its value and excitement. I think it is but healthy for us to divert to another kind of interest. We gain more knowledge about other things, and not just stuck on particular interest. It allows us to have a 'break', which helps in refreshing our point of view and give another dimension of excitement.
• Canada
11 Nov 10
That's very true! I just get bored of whatever has been fascinating me for a week or two, but after a little break, it's fun again!
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
11 Nov 10
Yeah it really does happen to me too and I think it's pretty normal. We get bored and we want changes all the time especially when we just stay in the house all day and have the same routine every day. Shifting our interests once in awhile gives us more energy and uplifts our interest.
• Canada
11 Nov 10
One of the things I love to do is swimming. But I'm having complications with my c section incision right now so I can't get it submerged in water. I am waiting for when I am healed and the doctor says I can go swimming again -- then I won't be so bored!
@snowy22315 (185905)
• United States
10 Nov 10
Sometimes that happens with me as well, like I will be on one website and then another. I am interested though where are you making 400.00 a month writing? I haven't had any months where I have made more than 250 dollars. I would be pretty happy to make $400.
• Canada
10 Nov 10
Well, I write for Demand Studios, which sells my stuff to eHow. They pay me $15 an article, so if I have the discipline to write just one article a day for them, that is $450 a month. I also write for Helium (I recently became the Channel Manager of the first aid channel) and if you write quality articles and earn stars (based on how your articles are being rated by other members) you can earn higher upfront payments. There are also contests and you can compete to have an article purchased by a third-party publisher, which pays pretty well. I sold an article last month for $24, and I've got my fingers crossed that my 1200 word article will be picked and I'll be paid $88.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
10 Nov 10
Yes, I think that happens to most people. I don't try to fight it or control it or anything either, I think it is a natural part of life and life would be much more boring if that did not happen, to be honest.
• Canada
10 Nov 10
It's nice to know I'm in good company!
@ruthsm (222)
• Thailand
10 Nov 10
I think it's normal. because I do, too. There are seasons when i love gardening, then I would switch to crocheting, then to blogging, then to baking. These days I'm into sewing, and I haven't seen my sewing machine for many months until this week only. I think it depends on season, opportunity, and mood. When your daughter starts walking, I think you'll have different past time with her. Yes, there are interests that should remain unchanging like your fondness to spend time with family and eagerness to spent time with God.
• Canada
10 Nov 10
Sometimes I get nuts about needlepoint for awhile, or work on my novel every day for a bit, then back to other hobbies...
@pschenck (98)
• Canada
10 Nov 10
I am soooo like that! I don't know why, but it just seems like I jump from one interest to another. I think maybe it's just a personality thing. Or maybe we get bored doing the thing we are doing at the moment and shift gears. Glad to know there are more people with that problem as well and it's not just me! LOL!
• Canada
10 Nov 10
I'm so happy I'm not the only one. It's like I just stop enjoying a certain hobby as much for awhile, but it always makes a comeback eventually.
10 Nov 10
who have a very goood duagtehr and will continue it.....