during weekends, Do you love to go out of town trips or just stay at home?

November 10, 2010 11:37am CST
I love weekends or rest days. It is the time where I can relax from the busy work during weekdays. Now if weekend comes, what do you prefer? Do you love to go out of town trips often or you just stay at home and relax with yourself and/or with the family? I love to go out of town trips during weekends if the weather is good. I love going to the beach or go to provinces that I haven't been with yet and the travel is only just by land. If its going to be by plane and the expense is going to be much then I really plan out the trip long before that vacation and I usually extend my vacation filing a leave from my work. How about you guys, do you love to go out of town trips or just stay in the comfort of your own home?
15 responses
12 Nov 10
most of my weekdays were spent together with my family,this is the best time for us to bond and yo strengthen our relationship,this also our opportunity as parents to check for thier different needs,it maybe spiritual or emotional,
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
That is a great way of spending the weekend being with your family. It is a real good way to bond with them because the whole weekdays are not getting enough time to be with each other. It is really nice to do spiritual and emotional checks at this time because you will have a long amount of time doing it which is necessary if we indulge ourselves with this. Thank you for the nice response. Have a great weekend.
@dapy17 (74)
• Philippines
11 Nov 10
Yes of course. Unfortunately i almost spend the whole weekend cleaning our house and do other household chores. 1st and 3rd Saturday is for schooling. That's why I really find it hard to enjoy my weekend and relax. Hay. To relax I just imagined that I'm in the beach or in other places. Hay! Hope it will become reality.
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• Philippines
13 Nov 10
Thank you for the honest response. Yes most of the times it will be doing the household chores like general cleaning or washing the clothes you had and your family had for the whole week. I would agree with you too that sometimes we just imagine things and hope that we are in a nice get-away trip of our lives during the weekend and just dream of it while we are stuck and sitting there washing the clothes. hehehehe. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
@thanks1961 (7035)
• India
10 Nov 10
Hi dear, In fact I want to go out, but I will remain at home. If I am out, then I don't feel like come back home and same way, if I am at home, I don't feel like go out also. The first thing is that I am at home so, I will remain at home. Normally I do outing alongwith my good friends and some time from office staff. But I like to travel alone it is my hobby to travel alone, live alone and be most of the time aloe. But it never happens to me. As you said, recently the expenses have been increased and it become double within 6 months time here now. Regards, Thank-s
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
Hello. Nice to hear from you once again. Wow! I just noticed that to myself that I was also like you in spending the weekend. If I woke up in the morning during the weekend then I would most likely spend the whole day until the day after that at home if I didnt went out to be with my friends or some close family members. yes it is true that there would be some expense if we decided to go out. and we are not that rich for us to spend our times out there every weekends to have some cool get away to cool places. Thank you so much for the nice response. I hope you are enjoying your weekend now.
• India
15 Nov 10
Hi dear, Feel nice to talk to you too. Yes, as you said, this week was slightly busy and expensive also. I got a chance to accompany all the dance troop children for a completion audition. So I took all those children who are learning dance in my place to a remote place and the travelling was so early in the morning and managing these students alone find little tiresome. But for my satisfaction, all those performed well and next week end is the final for them. Again I need to take the short listed students for the finals. But it was a nice experience with these children. I think next week it will be more burdened as they need to perform with costume sand make ups. The full day would be busy and hope everything end up well. Thank you for your nice comments. Regards, Thank-s
• China
11 Nov 10
when the weekend comes, I will go shopping with my classmates who also in beijing.Of course we can hava a chat and most of time we just walking on the road and dreassing like a students, that's feeling really good.
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
Hmmmm.... I am just a little confused. Why do you still wear student clothes if you going to do some shopping on the weekends? You will be perceived as students with lots of money then who loves to shop around during off school hours or days. But if it is your kind of fun then enjoy it the most. Thank you for the nice response.
@saqi78 (1402)
• Malaysia
10 Nov 10
Yeah, I like to go out on weekends, I usually go to a near by beach on weekends, but last weekend I went for hiking in a near by area to my city and it was really a great fun, we didn't had plan till night to go out, one of my friend call me that would you like to go, I just agree with him and we left early for it, and we really enjoyed it to track in the jungle and then hike the mountainous jungle, very good experience. I like travelling different places and I love to go by land, it give much exposure to different cultures and beauty instead of air or other means...:) Be happy and be the reason of happiness in others life...
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
That is a good way to spend the weekend. I love hiking too. Even if it is dangerous when my friends and I are going to forests or mountains. We just have to be cautious at all times and not forget all the protective gears that we should always have to wear and bring. So far the last time I went out was a few months ago and not yet registered here in mylot. I love now just being at home, talking to my friends and chatting. watching a good movie and spending some time here in mylot. Thank you for the nice response.
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@saqi78 (1402)
• Malaysia
13 Nov 10
Hi Thanks for nice comment, always expected from you, it is always good to be with friend and spend some time with them in this busy life. Yeah, it is good to have your protection with you but we did not had any type of protection with us during our hiking, thanks God we came safe because the forest was so dense and there is danger of snakes etc. so I think for future it is wise to have some protection with us. Have a nice weekend chatting and lotting...:) Be happy and be the reason of happiness in others life...
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
Hello there saqi. Thank you for the compliments. Yes it is a prerequisite before you enter the forest here that you have your protective gears on you. not just bring it but they rangers should see you are wearing it as well as the mosquito repellant lotion has already been applied to your whole exposed body parts. The mountains were just near our university when I was still in college so during weekends there would be no problem for us to go there with the team of other hikers or just with my friends. It is good that you returned safe after the hiking. it is not only you should wear and have these protection during your weekend fun but to use it all the time that we should need it. You have told me that you are working in a laboratory. Just a reminder that we or you should always wear protective gears as well during at work. I have been exposed to burning lead when I was still in the semiconductors company working as an engineer there but the good thing is that our company promulgates the use of ESD (electro static discharge) suits, lab gowns, gas mask after the facemask we are wearing and the hand gloves as well. we should always be protective with our lives. Thank you for the comment.
@del2010 (76)
• Philippines
11 Nov 10
I do love to go out during weekends at times. This is one way of releasing your stress especially if your are tired working the whole week. Sometimes if the vacation is long enough to go out of town and travel and spent the whole vacation just to travel and see different places or go shopping. There are also times that I only spent my weekends at home wherein I used to sleep and take a rest.
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
Hello there! Weekends are really meant to relax and be with the family. It is good that you go out of town trips sometimes because it is really a good way of relaxing from the stressful week. Being at home isn't bad also because you will have to relax by just making the most out of the weekend by sleeping and just getting lazy all day. Thank you for the nice response and enjoy mylot.
@silentwill (1685)
• Philippines
11 Nov 10
It depends on the mood. While I do love going out, I could just as easily enjoy staying at home.
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
I agree that it is our mood and finances would drive us what we want to do during the weekend. If I became very lazy during fridays then most likely I will just spend the weekend at home being lazy all weekend just watching movies. Thank you for the nice response. I hope you enjoy your weekend.
• Philippines
11 Nov 10
If money is not an issue then travelling is my best friend now. I love to travel, most especially when it comes to exploring new places or beautiful beaches. I love the beach even though I can't swim. Ahaha! This weekend, my cousins and I will be having a beach trip. So some of our family will tag along since it's also her send away party. Happy mylotting my friend. =)
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
Thank you for this nice response. I totally agree that it will depend upon the mood and the finances you will have to spend the weekend if you want some get-away trip. It is really hard to travel out of town if you budget is not that big for some emergency expenses that you will have during your travel. Unless it is all expense-paid by somebody. Hehehe. Better just stay at home then and enjoy the weekend with yourself. Enjoy the weekend my friend.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
10 Nov 10
On Saturday and Sunday there isn't a restriction for cheap day return train fares. In addition I have a Family and Friend Rail Card which makes the day out even more reasonable. Sometimes I go to a place not served by the trains. Therefore I drive my cat there. I love to visit the beach in the summer time for a picnic and year round I like to go walking down there. I like to walk in the countryside and see lovely views. I enjoy going to one of my local piers for fine sea views. I like to visit Glastonbury because it has lots of interesting places to go to. It is a great destination to go to on a Saturday if the weather is dry. It has an abbey, a well in a garden, the tor, a lovely book shop and many crystal shops. If I am staying in at home I love to go on to wonderful My Lot.
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
Oh! you really have a wonderful way of spending the weekends there. It is good that you do have a cheap transportation in your area. I love going to the beach also and do picnics there. Let us all enjoy the weekend from all the pressure and stress from all the weekdays had given us.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
10 Nov 10
In fact, I certainly do prefer going out of town over the weekends. After a long week at work, I need to refresh and rejuvenate myself. My favorite way is to go on a drive out of town, enjoy the calm and pleasant country environment, and get rid of all the stresses of the work week.
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
Yes I would agree that the calm and pleasant country environment will make us feel relaxed when we go there for a weekend after a long stressful week we had. If we are at home then we tend to still think about work and do the household chores and clean the house. It will not be very relaxing then if we do that. Thank you for the nice response. And I hope you are enjoying the rest of the weekend. Make a follow up here on where you had been this weekend ok?
• Philippines
11 Nov 10
I sometimes prefer to stay at home. There are times that I go to other towns or just stay or stroll at the mall. I love to relax during weekends.
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
Weekends are really meant for relaxation and being with the family. For the most of us it is what we do but for some, they have active duties at this time. I wanna be thankful that up to now I am still enjoying my time during the weekends and still during the weekdays. I will be working again soon and it is not an assurance that the weekend would be my off. so I am making the most out of it. Thank you for the nice response.
@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
11 Nov 10
When it comes to the weekends I love not being at home and spending time with friends and boyfriend.. I'm normally at my boyfriends house all the time you will never see me at home. I'm home alot during the week because of work and then I do spend time with the boyfriend during the week but its mostly on weekends we see alot of each other. I just not a home body so I cant stay home on a weekend. Plus its nice to get away after a rough week of work.
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
Hello there Blondie. It is really really nice to spend the weekend with your love one. You will not mind wherever you go as long as you are with your boyfriend. It is good that your boyfriend is just near you so you can spend sometime being together. There is nothing wrong not being a homebody. You just have to do whatever it is that you enjoy the most so make the most out of it and enjoy to the fullest. Thank you for the nice response and Have a great weekend then.
@dodo19 (47305)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
10 Nov 10
During the weekends, I prefer just staying home. I don't mind going on out of town trips once in a while, but I am much happier just staying home. I feel a lot more comfortable being at home.
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
Being at home will always give us comfort. There is still no other place like home. We can do whatever we want there and enjoy whatever means of enjoyment. Thank you for the nice response and I hope you are enjoying your weekend now in the comfort of you won home.
• Philippines
11 Nov 10
It really depends on the mood I have, sometimes I prefer to pack my bag and drive a distance to travel and appreciate the urban scenery..At times it's cool to stay at home and do some food trip or listen to the music or do movie marathons
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
Hello there! Yes it will really be depending on the mood we have during fridays if ever we are up for an out of town trip or if laziness has taken over then I would prefer just here in the house. Thank you for the nice response.
• India
10 Nov 10
it all depends on the work i have in the week days. if the work load is high i would really stay at home and spend time with my family. if my work is less i would surely go for an outing and enjoy my weekend
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
Oh I really am sorry to hear that you are still doing some of your work loads during weekends when it should supposed to be spent for fun and for the family and yourself. Well it is good that sometimes you still have a less workload that you were able to enjoy the weekend. It is really good to have a great outdoor experience during your free time which is a weekend. Enjoy your weekend now.