Don't worry God will save us
By gewcew23
@gewcew23 (8007)
United States
November 10, 2010 3:59pm CST
'The planet won't be destroyed by global warming because God promised Noah. I believe that is the infallible word of God, and that's the way it is going to be for his creation. The earth will end only when God declares its time to be over. Man will not destroy this earth. This earth will not be destroyed by a flood. Who said this a famous pastor, maybe it was Glenn Beck, no but I wouldn't rule it out. The author of such vocalized logic was none other than John Shimkus Republican form the state of Illinois who just so happens wants to be the next Chairmen of the House Energy committee. Just another fine example of Republican basing their decision making on a book written in the bronze age where the Earth is flat, the sun revolves around the Earth and even the Moon gives off light too instead of trusting modern science. What do you what to bet that he also thinks that the Earth has only been in existence for 6,000 years and man walked with the dinosaurs.
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6 responses
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
10 Nov 10
At first I thought you were going to tell us that a mylotter said these words. I can think of at least one that sounds like this.
As to the discussion in my opinion the Republican party is trying to take the nation backwards and what better way than to destroy what we have.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
11 Nov 10
You are quite content on your anti-God soap box and ever so confident that you know more than others. The truth is that you have no greater hold of the truth than a Repubilican with a Bible.
The earth will be destroyed and it is God who decides when and how. He can do it on His own or work through the actions of man. Do you think that if we pay enough carbon tax, God will delay His plan?
You mock the Bible, yet it is quite current in what it teaches about God, man and God's creation.
Global warming due to man-made CO2 emissions is not supported by science, and the Biblical account of creation is far more believable than evolution, unless you deny God.
John's views, even if they are based on the Bible, are every bit as valid as yours which are based on ???. So, don't be so shocked, and so quick to distort the meaning of things you do not understand.

@djbtol (5493)
• United States
11 Nov 10
Or, you could try to prove that the Bible is not true. There is plenty of evidence that it is true, so I have no doubt about that.
Al Gore would support your 99% stat, but the truth is that many scientists have spoken out against the myth. And that was before it was determined that the UN group changed to data to make it say what they wanted. Although you wanted to declare me so, I am not half as ingorant as you think.
There is no fact of science that conflicts with the truth of the Bible, but it has to be a fact of science.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
11 Nov 10
Prove that the Bible isn't just a collection of myths, fables, and legends. As to climate change caused by CO2 it is also caused by other greenhouse gases which 99% of all climatologist the people who actually study this stuff for a job side with me over you and the Congressmen. So maybe you should be the one to be so quick to distort the meaning of things you do not understand. I know that science isn't easy and religion is but at some point facts trump faith.

@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
11 Nov 10
Goodness, what a narrow view. Obviously, when it comes to matters like global warming, we should listen to someone more enlightened:
"Discussing climate change is not an intellectual luxury, but a reality. All of the industrialised countries, especially the big ones, bear responsibility for the global warming crisis." - Osama bin Laden
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
11 Nov 10
Oh yes the logic that if a terrorist agrees with something therefor it is discredited great logic. As to my narrow view yes I do not form my opinions based on myths and fables. So if that makes me narrow minded then so be it. Science trumps religion every time so I will stick with science.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
11 Nov 10
Religion doesn't prove nor disprove global warming/climate change/climate disruption/climate hookie-pookie. As to science on this theory, there are large numbers of scientists who completely disagree with the theory of man-made global warming. However, that those who promote this theory and Osama bin Laden both have the same goal - to destroy industrialized western civilization - ought to give one enough pause to examine the science and those that call the science into question. As for those who predict global warming, they do it based on computer models. They have been showing us their computer models for years and they have never been right once with predictions based on these models. That people keep taking their ever-changing predictions seriously is what is concerning. Science can be corrupted because scientists are human and they can be corrupted.
James Hansen, of NASA, received $174,000 from George Soros' Open Society to fund his spreading of the global warming gospel. The same James Hansen who famously proclaimed 1998 the hottest year on record, until it was proved that he fudged the charts and 1934 was actually the hottest year on record.
You may or may not believe in God, that's your right. Just as I and others have the right not to worship scientists who cannot prove their theories. It's really just putting your faith elsewhere, so you are not without faith. You choose to put faith in men who often have an interest in producing the theories that keep the money coming.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
11 Nov 10
I bet he does but yeah I hope he will listen to the Scientist who have long been able to rule out Humans and Dinos living together. I mean really even people in LA could figure it out that large Reptiles and Humans just wouldn't do all that well together. I always get this Image of Humans fighting of a Velosoraptor with nothing but rocks and sticks. I bet the Velosoraptor wins :)
@jb78000 (15139)
10 Nov 10
i am amazed that the daily mail reported that. it is a right wing tabloid and rarely publishes anything that makes any conservatives, at home and abroad, look ridiculous. maybe it has decided that right wing republicans don't come under 'conservatives' but under 'furriners'?
@ivanmarginal (675)
• Indonesia
11 Nov 10
Whatever your faith and religion, I personally believe in God. Too many proofs explaining the existence of God. While those unbeliever actually cannot explain the unexistence of God. We're in the opposite side, but no reason for us to fight. I believe that God create the world and someday He will destroy it. Say whatever on your mind, but that will change nothing in me. God existence for me is undeniable and very scientific.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
11 Nov 10
Well said. There is no conflict between God and true science. The problem is that our understanding of science is limited because man is limited. God's wisdom is infinite and there are no mistakes. How can any man, walking this earth, shaking their fist at God, believe that they know more than God?
When it comes to evolution, it is not about science, it is a set of beliefs that people want to hold on to, a religion.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
15 Nov 10
I am sure I would not be able to provide a proof for you, because your mind is not open to it.
But I know there are many aspects of life that just cannot reasonably be attributed to evolution. For instance the phenomenal intricacies of DNA cells in the world of biochemistry indicate at a minimum a intelligent design (great intelligence) was involved in their creation. I know that the human eye is so complex, that a sequential order of improvements by evolution does not begin to explain it. Another one would be the provision in a giraffe's neck that prevents too much blood rushing to its head when the head is down.
To leave room for God in your thoughts, you first must realize that just because scientists have done great work sometimes, does not mean that every theory that comes out of their mouth is fact. Neither a liberal or a scientist can wave their hand and make God go away.