"visit my profile" and "message me for details" are prohibited (?)

@inu1711 (5285)
November 11, 2010 3:01pm CST
This is what I read today into a discussion from another interest. And it wasn't written by any myLotter, it was written by GoAskAlice. Here's what Alex said, referring to the kind of help myLotters can give to each other: "One can even name names, so to speak, with out using a direct referral link. Also prohibited are things like " message me for details" or "view my profile" ". Until I read this I had thought that "message me for details" and "visit my profile" were only annoying, but now I found out they are also prohibited. But this means 30% of the responses from a certain interest (I won't name it, you all know what I'm talking about) violate the rules! Me, too, I think I wrote this once or twice, without knowing it's forbiden . I don't remember if there is anything about this in the FAQs or the guidelines. What about you, did you know about this rule? Did you ever write any of theese two formulation?
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7 responses
11 Nov 10
I am new here to Mylot but i have been a member of other sites and exactly the same thing happens there- i guess it all comes down to referrals these days. I think it has to be banned because otherwise people would take the mickey and over use the system.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
11 Nov 10
Hi Emmie and welcome to myLot! The interest under such discussions take place is full of invitations like theese two. Yet, as the previous user said, nobody forces anybody to visit his profile, nor to send a personal message to him. It's everything at the user's decision. They don't over use the system, myLot is correct when it comes to post referral links. Those kind of posts are deleted within minutes from being posted.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
12 Nov 10
But, my dear inedible, this is stated in the discussion guidelines: "don't post any links promoting other affiliate programs ". http://www.mylot.com/o/guidelines.aspx So referral links are explicitly mentioned in the guidelines. But they don't say anything explicitly about inviting others to see your profile nor about inviting them to write a personal message.
@RamRes (1723)
• Argentina
11 Nov 10
I don't still understand that, nor have I seen that in the rules, maybe they changed that or I skiped it. I hate those messages that only say "be my refferal" or something, in the form of inviting to their profile or something. But, if the response adds something actually valuable, what's the problem? I say, a post that says something thats adds value to the discussion and then an invitation to a profile, I can't see that problem.
@joimarquez (1836)
• United States
12 Nov 10
i have never asked anybody to visit my profile or ask anybody to write me an email regarding whatever, but alot of the times people would post this to my discussions. I did notice before that there was this guy suggested me a site and asked me to visit his profile and his comment on my discussion got deleted.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
12 Nov 10
I've never followed such a post to see if it was deleted or not. Yet, as I said, I written once or twice "message me for details", but my posts haven't been deleted until now. I'm sure I would have received a notification if it had been deleted, wouldn't I?
• United States
12 Nov 10
I've never asked anyone to visit my profile but I've gotten referrals but I've not asked anyone for referrals but you will get referrals just by putting it in your profile in your profile.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
13 Nov 10
You say that you've got referrals from your profile banners without inviting anybody to see them? Great! Not that I'd have any banners in my profile, but it's good to know. Maybe I'll add some banners in my profile sometime, I don't know.
• Greece
12 Nov 10
I started getting a lot of violation notices and my discussions or responses were being deleted one after the other, so I knew that maybe that's what was wrong. When I was very new here, I did post a referral link and immediately knew it was against the rules. But then my rating dropped and I kept on receiving violation email, so I thought that maybe the solution would be to keep away from the specific interest. However, I know members that rules seem to not apply to them that much, hence they have a decent rating plus a large number of referrals thanks to MyLot. And I am talking about actual spammers...Anyway, I'm just not posting links at all on discussions so I can be safer.
@arkhan099 (110)
• Pakistan
12 Nov 10
hmmmm, i never knew itb was forbidden...i mean it's not like spamming , you can't earn from it, but if it not allowed it's not allowed ,so from know on i'll remember not to do it,
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
11 Nov 10
I didn't know this either, and I have asked people to message me for more details. After all if we are discussing something and I want to know more or have more info for that person, then I will ask about sending a message. Messages and friend requests, I know sometimes I miss it. So being ehre for four years, if I miss it, a newby may miss it as well..