what you think about this picture

martial arts - tiger jump is very difficilt to do. for this great amount of practice is required. in this picture a martial artist student is performing tiger jump over 7 fellow martial artists
November 18, 2006 7:16am CST
what you think about this picture. do want to do this do you like this picture if you have any questions you are welcome.
8 responses
@annihilus (2181)
• Italy
18 Nov 06
Nothing special! it is one of thousands demo. Not so dangerous! it is ridicolous tell this dangerous! If you need to see something very hard and dangerous see the Kyokushinkay Kaiken (by Masutatsu Oyama) competitions openened to every martial art style. In the 70ers they were in Hong Kong. If here there are japanese people they can tell more about this I think and hope!).
• India
20 Nov 06
why nothing special about it? have you tried it? do you know how to do it? As far as the degree of danger is concerned i agree with you that it not as dangerous and special as kyokushinkay kaiken demonstrations. There is always a danger of breaking of neck. More over if you can do more dangerous skills than that that then it is very good thing. Plz let me know.
@alecsing (445)
• India
18 Nov 06
good pitcure i think it is of an aurora, isn't it?
• India
18 Nov 06
that is no doubt a good picture. who is aurora?
@achilles7 (1276)
• India
18 Nov 06
marital arts. I don't like this.There are people crazy for this
• India
18 Nov 06
why dont you like this. what wrong in praticing martial arts.
@kutchi (12320)
• Pakistan
18 Nov 06
great Jump
• India
18 Nov 06
no doubt in that. this is called tiger jump
• India
18 Nov 06
karate skill
• India
18 Nov 06
you are right
• India
18 Nov 06
nice i always wanted to learn martial arts but cant do cos i am in boxing now.....
• India
18 Nov 06
boxing is also a form of martial art. every way of fighting is called martial arts. if want to learn to learn you can still learn.
@RumDusk (299)
• United States
18 Nov 06
he have guts. hell they do too for letting he jump over them
• India
18 Nov 06
please make yourself clear. i cant understand you
• India
18 Nov 06
is this martial arts....?
• India
18 Nov 06
ya it is martial arts. this is basically for demonstratio purposes. grest amount of skill is required for this. it is also dangerous to do, there is no scope of error.