Demon Kitty

United States
November 11, 2010 6:19pm CST
Our latest invasion is from a beautiful female that keeps barging into our home. She has beautiful markings and long soft fur. I suspect she has a home but she keeps coming in through my open windows or door. She is not friendly, either. It is so frustrating because I am a softy and love kitties but this one is just not nice at all and I do not want her in my home. Any suggestions? How do you get a cat to leave you alone?
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14 responses
• United States
12 Nov 10
I had a beautiful stray that showed up one year. I could pet it, if it was eating. then in the winter she showed up and was all matted and frozen, long hair with the snow melting from her body heat and then refreezing. So I brought her in, she was all friendly and happy. I put her in my bed room and dried her off and let her stay in. Then she turned on me! She would lay wanting to be petted and I would pet her, and she would suddenly latch onto me scratching and bitting! She had deep thick claws and it would really hurt!!! She would lay right in the door way and I would step over her and she would attack me. One day I had enough of it and I put her outside! I don't understand what her problem was unless she was abused badly, maybe your stray cats problem too. As much as I tried I couldn't trust her, and I didn't want her clawing any of my grandkids if they tried to love her.
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• United States
12 Nov 10
I have had strays show up before and be scared but after a always wins..they become friendly. I had one I named "Cheese", the only way I could pet it was to give it a slice of cheese! I have never had one like her that would turn on you like that. I am sure she was badly abused and expecting to be hit or kicked and that was why she was so defensive. To bad she was gorgeous. We have a beautiful short haired black and yellow with just a hint of white that showed up last spring, she had 2 kittens here and they were wild but once they started eating and she weaned them they became friendly and follow and can be petted you would never know they were wild! Mommy went over next door to my daughters and had another litter of kittens. My daughter and her girls have 'adopted' the kittens. She has 2 dogs that are inside but the kittens don't get to come in. I am waiting to see how they do this winter! I think she will have them in her heated garage! Now she goes out side and says "5" and they come running!!!!
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• United States
12 Nov 10
Oh, wow! It is amazing the character traits these cats develop when left on their own for any length of time.Hugs!
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• United States
13 Nov 10
Yes, all of my current cats were part of feral litters. I adore them all and the fact that I saved them from that life just seems to make them all that much dearer to me.
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@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
12 Nov 10
I love cats too as I have grown up with one or more at home and I also experienced the very same thing, a stranger cat visiting our home almost every while, not even friendly at all. Well, as much as I love cats I also sometimes hit them, not for the purpose of hurting them but just to scare them away. I learned this when one of the outsider cat started causing trouble with my cat, at first I just shoo-d it off but then it started not to mind me so I got a little physical. if you do not wish to try this then I could suggest getting a dog.
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• United States
12 Nov 10
Well, I can't afford a dog. The park I live in raises the rent by $20 per month for each dog you have...and hitting her isn't an option as she doesn't usually get close enough to hit. Oh,'s hoping her owners soon teach her better manners.
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@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
Don't we just wish that cats are easily trained?
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• United States
13 Nov 10
LOL...actually, as far as pets go, I think it is much easier to deal with cats than, say, dogs. I like their independence and the fact that I don't have to walk them and pick up their poo like I would with a dog. Give me a cat over a dog, any day!
@magtibaygom (4856)
• Philippines
12 Nov 10
We have a similar case. Other cats like to barge into our house looking for food. But good thing is, my pet cat just gave birth to 3 beautiful kittens. That made my her fierce and ruthless and if any stranger cat barge into our house, she will greet it with angry growl and the when the stranger persist, sharp claws will fly! GRrrrrngeoww!
• Philippines
12 Nov 10
I got good security guard: my pet cat. She just turned mother two weeks ago to 3 beautiful kittens (all girls/female). They're so beautiful and sweet. Unlike they're mother, they're so kind. They don't hiss. They always follow me whenever I go inside the house. When I go to my room, they follow me. Even when i go to toilet, they follow me!
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• United States
12 Nov 10
All my cats are fixed, thank heaven.
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• United States
12 Nov 10
Ok as Others Said, that spraying a cat with water is the way to go... its not, Ive tried it and it ended up with a real Angry cat trying to Leap and Scratch my Face off. Best thing to do is show some love ^^ buy a Bag of Cat food and leave a little bit of Food outside your window and the cat will soon get affectionet and wont be as aggressive. But if you really Just want to Get rid of the cat, why don't you just close your window and open another =D
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• United States
12 Nov 10
As I have said before, I have cats of my own that I leave the window open and open the door for. They live here. This cat does not, nor do I want her here. I am not about to start feeding her; that just encourages her to come around. I want her gone! At the same time I want MY kitties to stay. Thanks for the suggestion but I don't think any of that will work for me.
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• United States
13 Nov 10
We have no animal control in our area...nowhere in the entire county! In my county, I am the animal control! Check out my blog:
• United States
12 Nov 10
Have you tried trapping the kitteh and then Tacking him to a Animal Control unit where they will try to Train and find it a New Home =D all you need to do is Actually go to a Animal Control Unit tell them your borrowing a Cat Trap(They will most likely let you borrow it, if theres a usual stray Cat problem in your Community) and bait it with one of those real cheap Wal-Mart Cat foods. Afterwards you take it to the Animal control Unit and they will take him off your hands ^^, hope this one was better then my First =D
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• United States
12 Nov 10
I do not know if this has been asked or answered yet but how do you know the kitten has owners? Maybe you should post on craigslist or post some fliers and if nobody comes forward take her to a no kill shelter or rescue so they can find her a home. When my family moved into our big farm house a few years back we basically had a black Tabby/Siamese cat that came with it. The previous owners had left her behind because they could not catch her, the neighbor told me she would come to her house to eat but would never get to close or let anyone touch her but she took right to me. I loved having her around, she looked like a panther. She would follow me around like a lost puppy and she loved to talk and would do anything to get your attention. She became pregnant and I kept two of the kittens , one was a total fluff ball and the other looked like a mini white tiger. I loved all three like they were my kids. Sadly the mom and the son that looked like a white tiger passed away and my fluff ball got out under a space in the house that we did not know about and he never came home.
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• United States
13 Nov 10
There are several clues that tell me she has a home. First of all, she showed up here fully grown, so I know she was not part of a local cat's litter. Second, she has no fear of people. Third, she has long fur and it never has any stick-me-tights or mats in it...someone is grooming her. Finally, she is obviously well-fed, fat N sassy and healthy. Believe me, I am the "cat lady" in my neighborhood. I have been rescuing cats here for two years and keep my finger on the pulse of the local stray/feral cat population. So I would know. I live in an isolated rural area where there are no shelters or animal control at all and the nearest civilization is nearly two hours' drive away. It being winter, I am not planning on doing any driving out of town until the spring thaw. At any rate, I'm sure she belongs to one of my neighbors. Eventually, I hope, she will go home and leave me in peace. Archie finally did. (I hope!)
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• United States
13 Nov 10
In the case you can't have a dog chase the little cat out, I would urge you to take responsibility. You would have to grab the cat and place it outdoors, taking precautions so it doesn't bite you. The cat is mean, and definitely will not connect with you. This being said, you have to act tough towards the cat, and prevent any entry ways to the house. The cat can be forced out if it enters again. Your most reasonable bet is to scare it out of the house. Let the cat know you are not willing to trust its company. Don't be so nice to this one, as its not your friend.
• United States
13 Nov 10
Trust me, I do not let her stay in my home any longer than it takes to catch and release her outside again! Eventually, I am hoping, she will take the hint and go home. I am not being nice to her! I would, however, like to make sure she is spayed...simply because that is my crusade. (heehee)
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@scooter1024 (1243)
• United States
12 Nov 10
Cats don't like vinegar. I spray white distilled vinegar in places I don't want my cats going. They stop real quick and go the other way. Try spraying your window sills and door way with it. I hope this works. If not just start spraying the cat with water. It will learn to stay away.
@trixyteddy (1070)
• India
12 Nov 10
I have so many cats coming into our compound all the time. They wouldn't dare enter our home as our doggies are there. I just feed them something or the other. Some are friendly, some are not. But in time, they try to get closer. And bingo, they wouldn't want to leave you.
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• United States
13 Nov 10
Too true! LOL
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
12 Nov 10
oh dear... I have to say that screens work great keeping cats in - or out - not that my problem is keeping them out, I do a perfectly fine job of dragging them in against their wills...
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• United States
12 Nov 10
Well, the problem with screens is then the cats climb on them and rip them to shreds.
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
12 Nov 10
Your discussion caught my hopes that I would find a solution to my problem, too. Many years ago, there was a garbage dump on the Island that supported many "unwanted feral cats," --- the garbage dump closed at the cats were dispersed amongst the neighborhood. Two have set up residence in my area, very wild at first...but over the years have adapted to my coming and goings, and have become very friendly with my cat...still wary of me. In past I had two dogs, (both crossed the rainbow bridge) and now one..nothing deters them. They come in the "doggie/cat" door every night...they are chased by my dog every night but still insist on coming in. I can leave nothing out..there are foot prints all over my counters every morning! I have just had to learn to live with them and accept them as part of the landscape! It has been suggested that I "live" trap them and re-locate them..I would either catch my cat...racoons or? The Island is far too small and they would find their way back! Good luck...I think you inherited a pest. Cheers!
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• Canada
13 Nov 10
What I forgot to mention...these are "nocturnal" felines...seldom do I see them during the day...and whenst I do, they disappear into the surrounding woods! I am really hoping that they are helping to reduce the rat and mouse invasion we are having after such a mild winter last year. My cat is 14...and prefers to catch his next his food dish. So I guess there is an upside! Cheers!
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• United States
13 Nov 10
Yes, I know what you mean. Check out my latest fiasco thanks to the feral cats in the neighborhood: Oh, the foibles of life!
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• United States
13 Nov 10
Good to know someone understands! Good luck to you, as well!
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@elmiko (6630)
• United States
12 Nov 10
you could spray water on the cat.
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• United States
12 Nov 10
Been doing luck so far but I will continue trying to discourage her entry into my home.
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@tjades (3590)
• Jamaica
17 Nov 10
Tiger  - He was such a poser. Love that cat.
Stray cats do seem to have a way of finding our home and making it theirs as well. The last one was a male cat which became my nephew's and he named him Tiger. Tiger was a great cat and we later learnt he was really from next door. I will not share what the neighbors did to get him to leave their home (it was cruel). He had done something which annoyed them and they decided they did not want him anymore. I know what it feels like to deal with an annoying cat but I do not have a method of getting rid of them to share. Here is a picture of Tiger. He was such a poser. Here he's all twisted up in one of his unusual sleeping positions.
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• United States
17 Nov 10
Looks like a beautiful cat. It's sad when pet owners don't take responsibility for their pets. I'm glad he found a home with you.
@zhpshql (693)
• China
12 Nov 10
Hi..that's too bad..I don't like cats..and I have never kept them ..Why the cat likes your house? maybe there are some big rats??....So terrible...Or they can always find some thing delicious in your house...So shut your window and door,remove the food...Oh,the best method is keep a dog^^...
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• United States
12 Nov 10
All suggested before. I have my own cats and love them. I cannot afford a dog, nor do I care to deal with any animal that needs so much care as a dog. This cat sneaks in when I am letting my own cats in, whether through the window or door. It is really a ridiculous situation.
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@Joe_Black (253)
12 Nov 10
Hey! I love kitties too!!! Actually, I cant believe kitties are real, they are sooooo cute they cant possibly be true, just a figment of my imagination. Hmmm, but too much of a good thing, is a ... bad thing. First try just ignoring her, dont even tell her to get out, or react to her presence in any way. But if that doesnt work, whip out some old bottle with a spray top and fill it with water. Meeeeooow