How will you deal with a pessimist person?

November 11, 2010 8:22pm CST
I've been sometimes like this. Instead of thinking of positive outcomes, I am thinking of the negative ones. But often time I am an optimist person. I've been encountering some people who are often times pessimist. And no matter what I say they still think the same. Anyone who have a nice idea?
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17 responses
• Mexico
12 Nov 10
Hi joy santos: My best friend from high school is a pessimist person. I don't like to deal with this because I don't want to end fighting with him so basically what I do it's to try to show him the positive aspects of a situation but if he keeps saying that everything is bad I use a little bit of psicology on him and I change my strategy basically making him think that I think he's right and everything is terrible and now that he doesn't have anyone saying the opposite that he's saying he actually finds something positive. Thanks for asking me this question. Have a ncie day, ALVARO
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
12 Nov 10
I don't think there is nothing you can really do but to inspire them. If you show them that you can be happy and achieve goals people will just follow. So just take care of yourself and people will get inspired.
• Philippines
12 Nov 10
i used to be a pessimist before. But now i struggle to think good all the time because i have realized that it would not bring any good into your life. Dealing with pessimistic person is really hard since their mind is covered with negative thoughts already. But if they really want to change and try their best not to think bad things they would change. It's a choice for them. You can never change a person if he/she never want to change himself.
12 Nov 10
i am an optimistic person most of the time, sometimes however i do feel pessimistic, i guess it is when i am around people that i feel i cannot trust, i guess this may be because something has happened in the past that has caused me to feel this way abou them, but that would be there problem and not mine.
• Philippines
12 Nov 10
well i do feel the same way but its normal. but encourage someone not to be pessimist is really hard. but i seggest just do the things that made you an optimistic person. for me i prayed and meditate myself and encourage my own self by telling things that are positive and pleasant. and just think positive=)
12 Nov 10
The first plan of action is to say something positive in a pleasant way. If they don't take the hint, the next course of action is to walk away. Just say something like, "Sorry, I'm just not in the mood for hearing all this negative stuff." It usually works.
@trixyteddy (1070)
• India
12 Nov 10
Its nice of you to think of changing such people. Unfortunately, we can talk to them. Councelling is good for one thing. But most important, the person has to realise his or her mistake and make the effort to change. If they trust in God, they will definitely become different people...I mean nicer people.
• China
12 Nov 10
I think we need to find out first what contributed to his or her pessimism. As long as we know where it stemmed from, we can think about how to work it out. Of course this may not be easy, especially for a person who is always pessimistic about almost everything. It's hard to get him/her to look on the bright side. What we can do is to make him/her realize there are many beautiful things in life that they can enjoy.
• Singapore
12 Nov 10
When I was in high school, my friend used to be a pessimist and I would always encourage him to be more optimistic about things. However, he just wouldn't listen. I feel that pessimists, maybe they have suffered numerous setbacks in the past and that's why it explains their pessimist character. For me, I'll continue talking about optimistic things and encourage him to think of happy things which is going to happen in the near future or even in the next hour or what. If he's my friend, I'll send him links to optimist videos.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
12 Nov 10
It's sad to see when someone is a pessimist. When I meet one, I try to show them the optimism in life instead.
@magtibaygom (4858)
• Philippines
12 Nov 10
The best way to deal with them is to leave them as they are. Don't argue with them because it will not help. Plato said, "You cannot teach a person anything. You can only help him find it within himself." So leave them and associate yourself with positive people because if you continue getting around with negative people, you will soon become like them. Remember, negative attitude is contagious.
@NoWayRo (1061)
• Romania
12 Nov 10
Two of my best friends are, well, not so much pessimists, but they have a very cynical approach to everything (and so do I, to be honest). Now I'm trying to get a few projects started, including two new blogs, and I could really use some encouragement. So I dismiss their comments with a joke. Every time they tell me that what I do is worthless and won't interest anybody, I answer that their support is the most precious for me, and I couldn't do anything without their approval and help. Most importantly, I don't let this bother me - but I try to pay attention when they actually have a constructive criticism, because their negative view allows them to spot mistakes easier, so they actually helped me improve some things.
• Philippines
12 Nov 10
If a person's really pessimistic, there's nothing you can but prove to them that there's always a silver lining somewhere. But if it's in a team, I think most pessimistic people drags down a team's creativity and productivity. So instead of letting them affect the general mood of a team, they should be approached and be reminded of what their actions are doing to the team. If it's one of my friends, I generally let them sulk for a day. But after that I would really tell them that negativity results to nothing.
@calpro (930)
• India
12 Nov 10
Hi joysantos, I myself an optimist like you,as i do encounter many people who are pessimist in our daily life.Just simply listen to them,never argue or debate with them because they don't change. People will never change with arguments,the change has to come on their own so it is not our job to change their attitude,It is better if we concentrate on our things. Pessimist people see even a small task as impossible,an optimist person will look at the solutions and possibilities to perform the task. Finally,never get influenced by pessimists, Good Luck.
@GardenGerty (160339)
• United States
12 Nov 10
I do not think that you can change them. The very best thing you can do is to not let them bring you down. Continue to be optimistic, and you are at least do the world some good, even if you do not get them to change.
@picjim (3002)
• India
12 Nov 10
I'll try to explain to them the advantage of looking at the brighter side of life.I'll take real life instances when we are around to drive home the same point.There could be an underlying depression which has to be treated to make some realise the wonders of this beautiful life.If we can make them see practically the advantage of positive thoughts and deeds many will change their ways for the better.
12 Nov 10
A striking characters of pessimist persons is lack of confidence, so the first and the most important thing you should do is to let him or her feel that he or she is better than anyone else and could overcome difficulties faced.