The earth isn't Billions of years old?
By dark_joev
@dark_joev (3034)
United States
November 11, 2010 9:03pm CST
Okay so I have been told the earth isn't a Billions of years old but actually only a few thousand years old. So I have some questions.
If the earth isn't Billions of years old. But instead about 12,000 years old. Then one how did this number come in to existance as well it isn't coming from the scientific community but the Christan Community the Earth isn't Billions of years old.
So how did this number come to be?
So I asked some people and they have told me two different things when I asked the question that really is only one word.
Situation 1: Humans and Dinosaurs co-existed in the Garden of Eden and Humans once kicked out of the Garden built their civilization and where hunting the Dinosaurs the the Flood happens and non of the dinosaurs where taken on the the Ark. So they where kicked off and that is why they are all fossilized and such they just weren't invited on to the boat. Okay makes since but doesn't the Bible state that two of every animal was brought on board?
Situation 2: Same as the first execpt they where brought on board and this brings up tons of other questions. One How did Noah using Wood keep the Dinosaurs from Killing each other and also how did he keep the boat floating using just wood. The wooden boat would of had to of been the size of some of our super transport ships that hold millions of tons and it would have to be all wood. Also this situation ends with us hunting them to extinction after Noah gets on to land and this took thousands of years for us to do this. So here is the big Question why is their no historical Record of them. Unless some myths are true about dragons and such which would change the whole view of things their is no account of any of these creatures in the Bible and I would assume something like a Long Neck walking around would get some attention as that isn't a really small creature being several stories tall and bigger than most buildings during the Bronze age.
They aren't in the Bible yet they existed as proven by the Fossil Record so how exactly does a young Earth Theory make sense because I haven't heard one yet that seems to take into account the existence of Dinosaurs also Humans and Dinosaurs co existing would be very hard to believe as well crocs don't seem to like us so I think some of the meat eaters of that time period would of loved to get some nice Human as well we wouldn't have the weapons that we have today to defend ourselves.
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13 responses
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
15 Nov 10
as many things there are in catholicism there are not proofs to support and 300 years later they are apologizing for the mistake, like killing people for telling the truth for example, in a very far away past
yes, it's very, very old, billions of years old, if it wasn't there wouldn't be fossils
of course we have never how to know the truth but when fossils were found, now there is no doubt
and men's fossils were never as old as the dinassours so that's another proof that they didn't exist together
now the eden...i heard it's a place the anunnakis brought with them, but to that there is no proof
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@rebelann (113410)
• El Paso, Texas
25 Jan 21
Yes, this planet is billions of years old and I still think humans came from Mars because they destroyed Mars and needed a new planet to destroy.
@cookieduster16 (134)
• United States
12 Nov 10
When God created Adam, He did not create a baby, but a full grown man.It took God only part of one day to create one fully grown man. When God created the Earth, He created a fully grown Earth, not a baby Earth. It took God part of five days to create a fully grown Earth.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
12 Nov 10
I am not so familiar with supporting Young Earth based on dinosaurs, so I won't have much to offer there. The Bible is amply loaded with geneaologies (with ages). If you trace those from Adam forward, you would see that we are about 6000 - 10000 years since creation.
I know people have studied the design of the ark and found it sea worthy. In addition, please bear in mind that God did not need to load fully grown dino's.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
25 Nov 10
How is that a religion we have some proof like carbon dating.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
13 Dec 10
Noah's flood was not the only flood happening in Earth billions years of history
that's why we don't have much records of Earth early days
disasters, catastrophies and so on, had buried many ancient civilizations records under the surface
continents as they are today, are results of these too
if the story of Atlantis was not passed on to the ancient Egyptians and then to Plato, nobody would know Atlantis existed and they were not the only advanced civilization in the ancient world either
I don't know the Young Earth theory but the first known human rituals are dated back to over 70,000 years ago and that's not even Dinosaurs time
unless our scientists are terribly wrong with the dates, Earth can not be that young
@rebelann (113410)
• El Paso, Texas
25 Jan 21
Earth is ancient and scientists are constantly having to rewrite their former theories because something new is unearthed.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
15 Nov 10
1. The Bible does say that God told Noah to take two of every creature, a male and a female, on the ark with him.
2. I don't think Noah kept the animals from killing one another. I think God did it. The ark was coated with pitch inside and out. Maybe that's how the ark was waterproofed. As long as the object can displace its weight in the water, isn't it able to float? I don't see what difference it makes what type of material was used to build the ark. As far as the size of the dinosaurs or any of the other animals in relationship to the ark, perhaps they had not reached maturity yet. It's my understanding that lizards never stop growing. The lizards may have come on board when they were a manageable size.
3. Aren't giant creatures mentioned in the book of Job? Besides, there are many creatures that are not mentioned in the Bible. The Bible is not a nature book. It's about God's relationship with man and man's relationship with God, and the sacrifice God made so we can have the hope of eternal life with God. If animals are necessary for understanding that relationship, they are mentioned. If they have nothing to do with what God is trying to reveal, why mention them?
@waynegomez (120)
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
I strongly believe dinosaours and man did not co existed, God would not want to harm humans. In genesis 1 he created the animals first then humans the next day and that day could be way way long period of time 2 Peter 3:8; And the Bible even described when the earth was all water no land at all in Genesis 1:1. Imagine how many billions of years that was when there was no land on earth and only was in its younger days in liquid form it is very scientific.
@rebelann (113410)
• El Paso, Texas
25 Jan 21
Funny, but humans are harmed every single day. What about that?
@rebelann (113410)
• El Paso, Texas
25 Jan 21
There is a lot of support to the fact that Earth is billions or more years old.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
12 Nov 10
Hi dark_joev, Many Christians claim that the earth is only six thousand years old. Of course they have no prove of this whatsoever, they base it entirely on the Bible and the assumption is ridiculous. Scientists have shown that not only has the earth been here for billions of years but man himself has been here for many millions of years, probably as much as fifty million. While there is some truth and much that is good in the Bible, most of it, especially the old testament is simply myths and legends. The Bible is not meant to be taken literally, as anyone who has studied it should know. Blessings.
@rebelann (113410)
• El Paso, Texas
25 Jan 21
I agree with most of what you've said but how can anyone study a book that has been translated from it's original language to many other languages by people who interpret it's text to their way of thinking?
@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
13 Nov 10
I have read somewhere about it. The author said that God created every thing, including the fossils, and made them to appear millions of years old. The author said any other theory can be refuted by the fact that God created the things as the author postulated. He is Dr. N(something). Unfortunately I have lost the link to the website.
I was taught differently. When Adam was sent down the Earth was already old, like a bent old woman. Before Adam and Eve there were already living beings on earth, and all were obedient to God. Each group had a different purpose in life. Some of their remains were left to survive, so that mankind will think about it, and understand what God had done in the evolutionary process of the universe, particularly that on Earth.
@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 10
It is in the teachings of Islam. A person wanting to know more should use the Quran and the hadith. The hadith gives more explanation. The Big Bang theory is mentioned in the Quran, where it was said that God created the universe by gathering/creating a cloud. Naturally the people at that time there was no term for 'gas'.
Actually I am not that knowledgeable, and I have lost all of my books in a fire (started by an immigrant). Since I do not have the funds to replace them, I am relying on my memory.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
13 Nov 10
How about this, a smaller, herbivore dinosaur, lets says many of the kinds of ceratops, could be as small as the size of a big dog, to smaller then an elephant. They're herbivores, so they wouldn't be killing the other animals, they'd actually be far more tame then animals like the carnivore cats, like lions and tigers. Another part of the whole thing is animals that weren't dinosaurs, but lived in that era, like the flying pterodactyls or the swimming ones like the plesiosaurs, shouldn't have had much of a problem during a great flood. Both of which would live with just the water, but they didn't get past the era, either.
Having the direction of it being a much bigger natural event, changing the earth altogether, from a world that humans can not live on because of the extreme heat and giant predators (according to the fossil records, the only mammals that lived were tiny in comparison, like large rats, it wasn't a place for larger mammals), to a much colder world, forcing evolution, where now the giant birds and reptiles could no longer live, but smaller mammals with fur would do much better, makes far more sense. Maybe if the bible had said anything along those lines, it would be believable... however....
and, lets not even get into the direction of how the first part of genesis says that there was light and even plants on the earth, before there was even a sun... this was written before photosynthesis was even known, so it made sense to them, but not to us, now.
@waynegomez (120)
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
And by the way I forgot to give you a link : .....enjoy!
@nicolejett83 (19)
• United States
12 Nov 10
Alrighty, dark_joev. You mistakenly stated that dragons and dinosaurs are not mentioned in the Bible. Try reading Job 41 and Revelation 12, 13, and 20. Thanks for taking the time to educate yourself on a subject before wasting everyone else's time with your ignorant opinions and conjecture.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
12 Nov 10
Revelations 12,13,20 haven't happened yet unless you are taking it literally as Babylon has already fallen. Also Revelations is taken from a persons visions and not reality as he was shown the future through a series of visions. So Revelations is not relevant to this in anyway shape or form maybe you should educate your self on scripture at least new testament.
Now for Job Seems relevant to the cause. I have to say could be a large dinosaur type creature but it doesn't seem to describe the others that would of existed with it that would of been a lot scarier than the Long Neck as several websites seem to point the description in Job 41 to being. The only issue being that it goes on to talk of it breathing fire out of its mouth which is something that a long neck wouldn't be doing. Seems more like description of another kind of creature the more I read Job 40 and 41 like something completely different and not related to Dinos in anyway besides the big lizard yet not a dragon either as most myths besides Japanese based dragon myths involve Dragons Flying with wings. (I studied dragons for a few). So unless Job is talking of a Dragon which would make since it isn't talking about Dinosaurs or long necks. As a Dragon would be a different creature that has other mythologies to fall back on. That support their existence at least tell we find some dragon fossils. So I guess I should of looked at the old testament before I posted this up here. Still don't think I wasted any ones time as I said Revelations wouldn't be relevant to the age of Earth and Dinosaurs existing as it is visions. Unless in the New testament like when Jesus walked the earth they talk about a big dinosaur walking in their path.
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
18 Nov 10
It's only some fundamentalist Christians primarily from the US that says things of that sort. Christians in most part of the world simply dismiss such view as rubbish. May be you heard such view from media that wants to popularise anything that's stupidly coming out from the mouth of religious fundamentalist.