I just drank boric/baric acid..Am I in danger?

@soulburn (414)
November 12, 2010 10:11am CST
I accidentally rinsed my mouth with some water diluted boric acid because I was doing my recovery exercises while watching an documentary. I am really concerned that I might have swallowed [ I think not but I am not sure]a bit ? I grabbed the bottle while looking at tv [thought it was the water one] and filled my mouth, it tasted weird, saw the bottle ran to the sink, spit and rinsed my mouth like 10 times . I didn't felt anything special, and I ate and drank a lot of water. I am really concerned because I have kidney problems. I was using the boric acid or whatever that is [ a weird white dust that you put in 1 l of boiled water that I use for my leg infection]. So .. Am I in danger?
3 responses
@nscanada (180)
• Canada
12 Nov 10
From what I can tell you are not in immediate danger. Flushing was a good idea, but some acids you don't want to do that. Look at the bottle it might have some medical advice. Looking on the internet it mentions kidney problem with long term exposure. I would get go see a doctor especially since you have a kidney history.
@nscanada (180)
• Canada
12 Nov 10
Take the bottle with you when you go to the doctor.
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@soulburn (414)
• Romania
12 Nov 10
I will be going to the doctor tomorrow. I think I am fine for the moment. Thank you for your assistance. This scared me a little. Good night.
@SilverKing (1003)
• Canada
12 Nov 10
From what you have described here you are not in any real danger.Since you have kidney problems you may have done a very small amount of harm to them by drinking the diluted boric acid.I really think that you will be OK as long as you do not do something like this again.Just to make sure you should describe the innocent to a doctor or physician the next time you have an appointment to see if this could of done any damage to your kidneys or any other vital organs. cheers mate!
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@soulburn (414)
• Romania
12 Nov 10
It was a stupid accident. I was doing my exercises while looking at TV and grabbed the bottle and viola... Several hours passed and I am still breathing. I think I am OK. That was frightening. Thank you for your prompt reply!
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
If you had swallowed a lot of baric acid, it will be harmful... but if you intake a small amount of it, don't worry... you will be alright... it is good that you take immediate action... baric acid is more toxic than table salt, yet, it is also unharmful to health... observe your body for 24 hours, you feel uncomfortable, consult a doctor immediately... it is curable...
@soulburn (414)
• Romania
14 Nov 10
Nah..I were just fun. A bit of weird coughing but I was fine. Still thank you for your support. Have a good day. :)