School tells student the American Flag not allowed on school property
By AnjaP
@Rollo1 (16679)
Boston, Massachusetts
November 12, 2010 11:24am CST
A middle school in Denair, CA, told 13 year old Cody Alicea to remove the American flag he has flying from the back of his bike.
According to school officials, the American flag could cause "racial tensions or uprisings". Some other students had complained, so the flag will no longer be allowed on school property.
Cody flies the flag from his bike to honor his country and its veterans, such as his own grandfather, Robert.
How does a US flag cause racial tensions? Since when are US flags not allowed on school property?
"In this country we're supposed to be free," said Cody. "And I should be able to wave my flag wherever I want to. And they're telling me I can't.",0,3045879.htmlstory
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11 responses
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
12 Nov 10
Ummmm...isn't there a huge flag pole at the front of the school with the American flag on it? I thought all schools had one.
Also...who complains about the American flag offending them? We are all Americans therefore no matter what color you are it IS YOUR FLAG if you are an American citizens. And if you are NOT an American citizen you don't have a right to complain. You can NOT go to another country and then complain when that country and it's people display that country's flag. If you are offended by the flag...leave the country and go back to your own country.
It is really shocking how this kind of thing happens. Not just this but also other situations where schools have told kids to STOP being patriotic or being proud of their country and it's flag.
Why we do allow it? We have people dying for this country and that flag RIGHT NOW. Schools should be teaching kids to be proud of this country and the proud of that flag.
It makes me wonder...if they are doing this...what are they teaching the kids in history class?
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
12 Nov 10
I went to the school website to see if they had a flag. They don't as far as I can see from the views available. That seems so weird.
I don't understand how our flag can be racist, either. The flag stands for ALL Americans, not any particular group and it's pretty much been the American stance that we don't exclude anyone. Doesn't anyone ever read that Statue of Liberty plaque anymore? The US became a great nation because we are of diverse ethnicity and backgrounds.
I think these are terrible lessons our kids are getting in public schools.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
12 Nov 10
Ugg. I just got through fussin' about this kind of crap on a discussion earlier. It seems like people go out of their way to make sure that one person out there somewhere that may be offended isn't offended.
It's cleaner and easier to take rights away from people than to have to deal with one idiot crying out that the American flag offends them. So instead of standing up for something, people preemptively fall over and make everyone else fall with them.
And I have to believe that the person saying an American flag may cause racial tensions probably sees the flag and thinks "America is evil and racist" a little bit too. And obviously it's hypothetical, as I don't know what else is going on out there, but I can't see this happening to another country's flag.
This stuff is beyond backwards. Shame on the tool forcing a kid to remove an American flag from his bike.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
12 Nov 10
I wish someone would show me the amendment in the Bill of Rights that says you have the right to never be offended.
I do understand though, why schools give in so easily. It's because it takes just one ridiculous and whiny parent to complain about the songs in the Christmas pageant, or even the fact that the school refers to Christmas instead of the "Winter Holidays" and boom!, the ACLU is in town taking the school district to court. These school systems can't afford the legal fees of a long court battle so the whiners win every time, often without even filing suit.
I note that the kid's grandfather said he didn't want there to be any "repercussions", just wanted the kid to be able to keep his flag. He doesn't want money, anyone fired, or pain and suffering - he just wants them to do what's right.
The bigger problem is that if everyone always caves in the face of possible litigation, soon no one will have any rights.
@feliciamimmi22 (101)
• Ireland
12 Nov 10
Wow! I must say that I am really surprosed to hear about this! One thing I have noticed whenever I have visited the flag is everywhere:-) In Sweden, wgere I am from, we have had this problem for ages where its been condidered racist to wave the Swedish flag around. But how can it be racist?
I have never been offended as a visitor to a foreign country to see that nations flag displayed. To me, national pride and racism are two very different things. I currently live and work in another European country and I have NEVER even though of questioning if seeing the country's flag displayed means that I am not welcome.
Sigh - I feel sorry for Cody!
This might be a silly question but I thought all American students pledged allegiance to the flag every morning?
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
12 Nov 10
I am surprised to hear you have the same problem in Sweden. If I were to go to Sweden, I would expect to see a Swedish flag flying on public buildings. I do not see how it is considered racist to celebrate your own country. That isn't judgment on other countries or nationalities.
When I went to school, all the kids said the Pledge every day. I know my kids do, still. I don't know if this is still done in all schools, though.
The basic problem is the threat of lawsuit by those who are "offended".
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@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
12 Nov 10
The whole point is the country is I may do or say something that might offend someone and they have the right to be offended and express it but they don't have the right to stop me from being offensive unless I cross the line and threaten someone or violate their rights to be Offended. In this country we have Freedom and that includes the Freedom to be offended from time to time. So is the school taking down the flag off the flag Pole too? I mean really if someone is offended they could always fly their own flag of some other coutry that is allowed in the United States for you to fly a British, Iranian or any other countries flag as well as the United States or you could just fly the other coutries flag if you so choose. You should have the freedom to fly what ever flag and the United States flag is not a Symbol of Racism as it is a symbol of Freedom.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 Nov 10
You're right. Freedom of speech is one of the most basic rights that typifies what America is about. There is no right to not be offended. Offense happens. If people only used their speech to say things that everyone would like, there would be no reason to codify freedom of speech, to include it in the Constitution as a protected right. The only kind of speech that could ever need protection is offensive speech.
I checked the school's website and it doesn't look like this school has a flagpole. It's crazy, it's the only school I have ever seen without a flag flying anywhere. No wonder the kid brought his own every day.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
13 Nov 10
It kinda looks like a Juvenile Detention Center. Man that is a kinda creepy school.
Yeah I mean the whole point of our country is I can say something that goes agianst the majority and I can question what is going on around me. I can yell at the top of my lungs any number of curse words while burning the flag and that is my right as a U.S Citizen and even just by being in the Country I am granted those rights under the 14th Amendment.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
12 Nov 10
I've been hearing about this all morning and it's ridiculous. The citizens of a country should be able to display their flag proudly, wherever they want. Curtailing that right of free expression is against the Constitution.
It's time we started claiming this country for its citizens and standing up for our rights. Don't let petty bureaucrats force us to adapt our behavior to kowtow to other nationalities. Teach the visitors how to behave in someone else's home. If they don't like it, leave.
I'm getting very sick of all this crap.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
12 Nov 10
In the case of school districts, they kowtow because they can't afford to defend against the lawsuits. As soon as anyone objects to anything, they give in rather than face the expense of defending their policies.
This is thuggish justice. No child who is proud of his country should be told he can't express that, and if the sight of the flag is so offensive to some, if they feel threatened or sense hostility, they should leave and go somewhere they feel safer.
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@rovered777 (649)
• United States
13 Nov 10
There is a big problem within that Middle School, and the board members should take greater responsibility in telling their students that there is no problem with an American flag. Students learn from there teachers, and in this case it is the opposite. Teachers and staff within that district may even be learning from the students who are complaining. In my view these staff members should be penalized for lack of responsibility. There is nothing wrong with the American flag, and any tensions arising from students, is that pupils own problem. Rather than letting that become a less of a problem, it has turned into a big problem here. Kids like Cody need to get their voices heard, as this Capital of America preaches free expression of speech. In the end teachers need to teach students and stop letting students boss them around.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 Nov 10
The good news is that some school official decided that it was wrong to make Cody remove the flag and will meet with the students complaining to explain to them why he has this right and how they should view it. It's nice to see one voice for common sense come forward.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
12 Nov 10
This is the kind of garbage I keep pointing to whenever someone says it was wrong for Sarah Palin to call a group of people "Pro-America". There is no question, whatsoever, that some people in this country are flat out ANTI-America. I think those people should just get the fark out and move to some place like Cuba or Venezuela where they can be proud of their country and actually enjoy the presence of their respective flag.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
12 Nov 10
I agree. There is a big difference between people who are proud of what America is and stands for and those who want to fundamentally transform America into something they prefer.
I would defend the rights of anyone to express their displeasure with the country, but unfortunately, they don't often extend the same generosity when it comes to the rights of those who would celebrate what is good about the country.
There is no reason that their complaints, sensitivities or political philosophies should stop this young kid from expressing his love of his country.
@koAebryant (358)
• China
13 Nov 10
I know a little about American culture.Maybe it is reasonable but you have been aware of it.
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@ajett1 (65)
• United States
13 Nov 10
This is so typical I'm definately not supprised that this happened in California. Since when is the American flag a source of racial tension I mean even if there are Arabs in the school they more than likely came to this country to escape persicution in their homeland and shouldn't be offended by their new home's flag. Most American Arabs that I know are very strong patriots. We have become so worried about offending the minority that the rest of the people have to sit by and wonder what fricking country they are living in when did we wake up and realize that we aren't living in America anymore? What about this little boy's right to free speech? It's not like he came to school in a t-shirt with a half-naked woman on it he had an american flag on his bike to honor his grand-dad a veteran. I mean what is wrong with this country when these men go off and fight they should be able to come home, get off the plane, and still know where the hell they are.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 Nov 10
Turns out this is the same school where students wearing T-shirts with the flag on them were sent home when they wore those shirts on Cinco de Mayo. A school official says he will allow the flag now, and talk to students who complained. Someone has to start a tradition of common sense or the future of our schools is a very scary one.