Did you ever thank God for a bad experience?

@uniqueorn (1011)
November 14, 2010 1:19am CST
Surely, we have had a lot of experiences like losing a loved one, losing job, losing academic honor and etc. But despite that, do you thank God for what happened? Or do you complain for the unfortunate event. Here's a thought. We often rant when our hands are emptied with something beautiful. But we do not realize it's purpose that God would want to store a more amazing thing in our hand.
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7 responses
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
14 Nov 10
I realize God gives and takes away. It's HIS determination of what I need that makes the difference as HE knows what is best for me.
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@quita88 (3715)
• United States
15 Nov 10
Yep it's our deep and abiding Faith that God wants us to rely on when we are wondering what happened !
@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
15 Nov 10
Indeed! All we need to have is FAITH. God Bless You.
• United States
14 Nov 10
Yes, once I did because I was on the brink of a major mental meltdown because I was doing too much at one time.
@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
15 Nov 10
We all have this moment when we are overloaded with tasks. Our time is insufficient to finish all of them that we are on a major breakdown. Praying to God that we are still alive and have to fear not with the results of my tasks. After all, whether they fail or succeed, there's still tomorrow to begin with again.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
hmmi thini did thank God for helping me get out of a bad experience... really not of the bad experience itself... maybe if after the bad experience i would feel that something good did came up of that bad experience, i will thank God for it...
@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
Always we do thank God for having went out for a bad experience. Who anyway does not? But the question actually tells us if do you somehow appreciate some bad experiences in your life and thanked God for it? I know it's hard to understand but in my case, I always find a time to relief in the middle of bad experiences to thank him for the life instead of complaining with what is given. But I do appreciate your thoughts. :)
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Nov 10
uniqueorn well if he has something better in stor e for us it must be a duzy as so far for more than a year and a half we have been in a truly bad situation. my on lost his job we got evuced nade ginekessm theb nt si helped me to get into this retirement center and he into a gov. sponsored apartment with two other guys, he got a part time jor but nows his employer cut him down to one day a week. for this we are to thank G od? I do not feel very thankful.but yet I should but my humanness gets in the way I guess. the thing is we probably do learn from our bad experineces too and I do believe. so if he has a more amazing thing for us I would that he bring it on soon. lol lol.
@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
15 Nov 10
I understand. But I know for sure that he has something to give yet. It's just a matter of faith and trust. And think positively. You'll see the magic it brings. Of course, we have to work for it to make it work. And we have to pray for it to let God let it work.
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
I've thanked God for a lot of things, bad and good experiences alike, cuz either way, you learn different kinds of things from those experiences. I can't believe that people actually forget that you can't just ask and ask from Him. You also have to thank Him for what He's giving to you cuz there's a big chance that you'll learn something from it.
@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
I agree. In any way, I always thank God. Even though I'm not worthy because of my sins, I still believe that he accepts me and loves me unconditionally.
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
honestly there were times i have the tendency to blame God for my misfortune but i repent and say sorry to Him right away cause i know its a sin against my God. i knew in myself that he allowed those thing because He has a purpose and though i might not know what it is for now, i know in due time He will let me know cause that what He promised to us. and now im glad that i learned to thank Him even in my bad experiences cause i know He just definitely want me to be a better person and servant for Him. and your definitely right that God would want to store a more amazing thing in our hand through those misfortunes He allowed us to experience=)
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@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
I can't remember a time that I blamed God. Whenever I'm in a misfortune, I laugh with him. Ask him in a friendly way why he has to do it. Later, I have to accept things moderately only to expect a surprise for tomorrow.
• India
15 Nov 10
I complain initially but later I realize that GOD may have some better plans for me and that has come true every time. When I complain that is a reaction to the failure but after sometime with efforts and god's grace it becomes better and better so now I thank GOD for everything happens with me, it comes with some learning, a failure tells that the earlier effor was not enough and need to do better. also, sometimes failures occur to make you learn a lesson in life so that you are saved from the big failure that might be on the way because of small mistakes/failures. Thank You for sharing.