Dreading the onslaught of Christmas Commercials?

United States
November 15, 2010 4:56pm CST
Is it just me, or does anyone else find the onslaught of Christmas commercials appalling? It's funny how the rest of the year, we have to be politically correct when it comes to mentioning "holiday season", but commercials can be blatantly "Christmasy". Of particular note, I really despise the jewelry commercials that tie emotions to gift giving..."every kiss begins with Kay", "show her you really care", "give the gift that says you would marry her all over again", etc. The implication is if you care for the person, you wills pend oodles of money for them on Christmas gifts. Anyone else see this as "just wrong"?
1 response
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
16 Nov 10
I do not watch a ton of tv, instead do my show watching on my computer. I agree that this season is horrible for commericals. Luckily my daughter is still too young to be really watching tv so I am not being asked for a million different toys, but I am sure that will change in the next year or so.