Where did it go?
@RawBill1 (8531)
Gold Coast, Australia
November 16, 2010 6:41pm CST
The year I mean!
I told my kids this morning in the car on the way to school that there were only 38 days left until Christmas. My daughter then told me that there were only 11 more school days left this year!
That shocked me more than the realisation that Christmas is only just over a month away. Where did the year go?
I know the years are supposed to seem to go faster the older we get, but this year has surely only been six months long...hasn't it?
Has this year gone extremely fast for anyone else or just me?

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16 responses
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
26 Nov 10
No, you're right, we have actually lost time. When we are busy, planning ahead all the time, we live in the future and forget to live in the present. We are too busy looking forward to things these days. While it is great to have good things to look forward to, it's actually even better to make the most of each day with joy. It's a bit of a challenge to do so.

@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
26 Nov 10
Yes, that is my problem. I am planning my day each day trying to get the most into it a lot of the time and not actually living mentally in the present. I do have to plan ahead though, that cannot be avoided, but I think taking some time out mentally to just sit and be (AKA meditating) is very important.
It is a challenge for me to stay in the present as my mind always keeps planning and I like to keep busy. I have a book called 'The Present' which is all about living in the 'now'. I must pick it up and read it again. I am looking forward to switching off when I go camping in a months time. It will be great to just sit and do very little. 

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@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
17 Nov 10
It has all been so "intense", hasn't it? And now it's nearly over! Everything from asylum seekers to Bedini, coconuts to cars, daylight saving for QLD, earthquakes to elections state & federal, floods to fires, St Mary Mackillop to Jessica Watson's solo voyage (did we cover that?). There's plenty more & I've only been on here a few months if that, but how far have we come, eh?
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
18 Nov 10
We have covered a bit of ground in that time. Don't forget the AFL Grand Final, water conservation, Veganism, Ten Pin Bowling and free food! I don't think the intensity will let up for me until I am settled in a new home, whenever that may be!
I am looking forward to a break at Xmas time!
When you you planning on moving?

@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
19 Nov 10
Yeah, you are set for crazy times! Exciting though.
Where do your in laws live? Brissie or Gold Coast?

@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
19 Nov 10
Oh yeah... there's those too.
I'd like to have a break at Christmas time, but with moving & having to face (& possibly live with!) the parents in-law again, there's no chance of that! Mentally, we're already there on the Gold Coast (y'know, y'know, y'know, **whatever**, etc). We're still renovating, speculating & applying for jobs in an attempt to beat the uni graduates to it. It's all kind of "up in the air" at the moment for me, but my wife has made arrangements to leave in December 

@moonchild1au (6237)
• Australia
17 Nov 10
I hear ya Bill! It only seems like 6 months ago we were bringing in the new year!!My daughter has grown up heaps in the past year too
Hopefully 2011 will be longer than 6 months because I REALLY don't want to be celebrating my birthday every 2-6 months.

@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
17 Nov 10
No, I don't want to have birthdays every six months either! My kids are growing up too fast as well. My daughter turned 11 last week. She will have moved out before I know it if the years keep going faster. I am afraid I will miss out on these years with them, just trying to catch up! 

@moonchild1au (6237)
• Australia
17 Nov 10
If your daughter will be moving out before you know it, mine will be starting high school!!! She already tells me she is 15 when I ask her how old she is 

• United States
17 Nov 10
HI BILL, yes this year has gone fast for me to. It doesn't seem possible a new year is close by.Alot of things have happened this pass year, good & BAD. i HAVE BEEN BLESSED TO have a pretty good year. I have one issue i would like to change but other than that i have been blessed. Hope u have to. Happy Thanksgiiving to u & your family.

• United States
18 Nov 10
sORRY U HAVE HAD A TOUGH YEAR. I hope the new year will be better for u. Thanks for the good wished. Count your blessings.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
18 Nov 10
Happy Thanksgiving to you too. 
We do not celebrate it over here, so I had no idea that it was that time of year again. Just like we are saying, it does not seem like that long ago that I saw lots of thanksgiving messages on here last year! I am glad you have had a pretty good year. It has been probably the toughest year of my life so far, but I have still had some amazing times! 

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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
17 Nov 10
You are not alone there Bill, I feel the same way. I can remember having a New Year’s party at our house and the thought that it is around the corner again so soon astounds me! One of my friends told me that time appears to move faster the older you get, I hope that’s not true or the year will only last a month for me soon! Oh, well, at least I’ve almost finished Christmas shopping…Should start on next year’s; it will be here before we know it (LOL)!

@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
20 Nov 10
Not a bad idea although a little extreme I would think! (LOL) 

@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
20 Nov 10
Hi Paula. Most people seem to be feeling the same way, except for kids. For them the Christmas holidays cannot come around quick enough. I can remember as a child the summer holidays seemingly lasting forever. Long lazy days spent relaxing, exploring the bush, playing backyard cricket or going to the beach. Now it seems like the kids are back at school before we know it! 
Yeah I hope the years don't start speeding up so that they only last a month! I just though of a way to slow down time. Commit a crime and end up in jail. Then the time will seem to pass really slow while you wait for your sentence to end! 

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@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
19 Nov 10
Well, we can always keep thinking positively that our memories are improving at least! 

@veejay19 (3589)
• India
17 Nov 10
hi there, time just flies is becoming more and more true as every year passes by. I remember during my schooldays when there was no TV and the radio was just a big valve one and there was no other entertainment except to go out and play, the days used to pass languidly and lazily.Summer vacations were the worst.
The 2 months of hot summer days would just drag along especially when i was stuck at home with no chance of going anywhere. But now things have changed and changed drastically.With the advent of TV and the computer the days are simpley flying by,whizzing i should say.With so much to do it looks as though the days are getting shorter and shorter.The day dawns and within no time it is afternoon and evening follows quickly with the night snapping on its heels and lo behold another day has gone by.Just a while ago it was Jan and then May came all of a sudden and now its Nov halfway through and then 2011 is just a stroke away. Yes, as the days,months and years whiz past we should not forget that with every day and year gone by,we are coming to the end of this life on Earth.Scary but true and we never know when that fateful day will come.Life has become so fast and furious besides stressful that the days of our life on this planet are becoming shorter and shorter and we find that sometimes people are going away even before they have tasted life in its entirety.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
17 Nov 10
Hi Veejay, yes I think you have made a valid point there. We all spend too much time on the computer these days. We mylotters are probably worse than most.
The internet is a great time sucker. It seems like you are only on the computer for 20 minutes yet an hour has gone by. I wake up early each morning, yesterday I was up over two hours before all the rest of my house, but I spent it all online and it seemed like it was less than an hour. Today is very similar. I feel like I have only just came online, but already an hour has past and it is now time to get my kids up for school.
I am not too sure about the whole 2012 end of the world stuff. But we are getting scarily close to finding out if it is real or not! 

@Wizzywig (7847)
17 Nov 10
The first part of the year seemed to drag very slowly... There are some things that make me think "Was it really only 11months ago??" and yet, I barely seem to have cleared away the wrapping from last Christmas before starting to wrap for this one (admitted I do start fairly early but...nonetheless...)
More amazing to me are the number of years I seem to have skimmed through... I need lots more to cram in all those things I meant to do but haven't quite got round to yet.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
17 Nov 10
Hi there Wizzy, glad to see you are organised when it comes to Christmas shopping!
I think that is why life seems to be going so fast. We are all trying to find the time to cram in those things that we have not got around to doing. This year, I have finished a lot of jobs around my house that I have been planning for years. Mainly due to the desire to want to sell our house, so we have been working on finishing off a few areas.
I also travelled to an island that I had always wanted to visit for a week during the year. Add to that the fact that I finally got around to working on my fitness with a daily workout program and I was busy! I also got around to getting a guitar and started learning that too, although I have not gotten too far with that yet. 

@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
20 Nov 10
The year has flown by for me too. They do seem to go by faster every year. I am frequently amazed when I look at my children as to how fast they have grown up. I went from wiping hineys to arguing over curfue in the blink of an eye. I don't think we are given enough time to adjust..lol.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
21 Nov 10
Yeah I know! I was thinking today how it only seems like a couple of years ago that the world was in a panic about the whole Y2K thing leading up to the year 2000. That was eleven years ago!
I had a baby daughter then when that was happening and now she just got home from her "boyfriend's" house and is on Facebook! 

@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
17 Nov 10
It does seem to go extremely fast anymore. I was thinking I had much more time to get the things I am planning for Christmas but now I have to do some rethinking. I don't know where the time goes, but as my gandmather use to say, it stands still for no one!
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
18 Nov 10
"Time stands still for no one" Yes I think I have heard this saying before and it is so true.
If we stop to to pause our life, it will still drag us along. It will just seem to take longer to get tour final destination. 

@frontvisions101 (16043)
• Philippines
17 Nov 10
Yep, when you're old, time seems to fly a bit faster especially if you look back at how it had been. You're gonna think about the decisions you've made and whether they've been right so far and in the process, evaluating how fast the years have come.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
20 Nov 10
How old do you have to be before you can class yourself as old?
It is all perception isn't it. Some people around 20 years old call me old, but others who are in their fifties and sixties call me young.
The last ten years have gone by so fast that I still feel young and hopefully I will continue to feel this good for many years to come! 

@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Nov 10
Every single year it really just takes me by surprise. Every year without fail, even though I swear I'm not going to be surprised by this one. Not this time, not this year all things considered. Really it just floors me. We are about a month and a half away from 2011. It just proves that how much life just really does pass us by.
I swear its often times where I blink a lot of the time and the year is over. I remember it just seems like yesterday where I was gearing up for 2010. Christmas had just passed. I believe it does seem like I was just talking about how quickly 2009 went. Then I'm here talking about how quickly 2010 went. Before I know it, I'll be talking about how quickly 2011 went. It is insane.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
19 Nov 10
Yep, it is insane. I was just thinking back to last Christmas in 2009 when I was visiting family and how I was thinking then how fast the previous year had gone since I saw them last Christmas in 2008. Now the next one is nearly here again and I have to start planning for another road trip. So many things need doing in this short period of time, that it will seem like next week and we will be packing the car on Boxing Day! 

@danverxxcore (347)
• Philippines
17 Nov 10
Its not just you who experienced this. I also have been experience the speed of time. It kinda frustrates me that someday I'll have to get old and die soon. If there's only a way to stop aging. I do not wish days to end sooner, there's a lot to happen in one day. I didn't really get the way you've expressed that a year was only six months. I actually thought that you're going to get mad because your daughter is excited not to go to school. Anyway, thats just how my father acts.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
18 Nov 10
Yes, age is creeping up on us all the time. I am closing in on 40 years of age and though I have done a lot in my life so far, I have not achieved as much as I thought I would have by now.
What I meant by six months is that the year seems like it has only taken six months to get to mid November instead of the 10 and a half months that it has taken in reality. 

@rovered777 (649)
• United States
17 Nov 10
I don't know if its all because of the Prophecies of 2012, but I really do feel there are lots of changes unraveling here on earth. Who knows if the real time has been obscured from view, by higher Gods who have these secret abilities. You've been in the same state of mind as many, because time is going away. I'm suspecting that all the analog, digital and rotary clocks have been manipulated of there real time. The prophecies do hold that God will control our time here, and this might be the biggest chance before 2012. Is there anyone else with the same opinion, and RawBill, do you have any beliefs about my response?
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
20 Nov 10
No I do not really believe in any of the 2012 theories. I also do not believe that god is controlling our clocks.
I think that we are so caught up in our lives these days that time appears to be moving faster. We are busier than ever due to social commitments online, family and friend commitments out in the real world as well as work commitments that we rarely seem to have time for our own quiet contemplation these days. This is the common theme that I am hearing anyway.
We have strayed from nature so much in our modern world that our body clocks are all out of time as we fly around busily trying to get on top of things. I long for a quiet country life where I can spend some meditation time contemplating life and exercising without any real need to rush to get things done. 

@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
17 Nov 10
Yes this year did go by sooooo fast. Every one I know also says the same thing. I wonder why?
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
17 Nov 10
I am not sure. Perhaps we are all too busy just trying to get ahead at the moment. Life is perhaps slipping by while we are trying to achieve goals. 

@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
17 Nov 10
Cliche as it may sound, but, time does fly. One minute you're planning what to do for the new year, the next minute, you're pondering whatever you did that year. Most times, we get so caught up in our affairs we fail to realize that time is passing and passing swiftly!
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
17 Nov 10
Yep, I know I have been guilty this last year of trying to achieve goals, trying to get as much done as possible, that I have missed out on the opportunity to live a bit this year.
I have had some great times and have been able to relax perhaps more than some would, but I have also been working very hard at different things in life this year. Life goes very quick when you are trying to get ahead all the time!